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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/23/24 in all areas
Thanks so much folks! I can't believe it's been a year already. It seems like yesterday when I came on this site talking about how I was struggling with the weaning method smoking two cigs a day. I think back to those early days and how horrible I felt, climbing the walls, being such a beyatch. Ohh it was a horrible time for sure and I was such a mess. Thank you for all your help and friendship, I appreciate it so much. I am definitely going to remain vigilant, and the easiest way to remain quit, is to just not take that one cigarette!! I think I am doing so well, considering my mom lives downstairs from me and she smokes, (we own a 2 family house), and I am down by her a lot. I think me smelling her smoke keeps me in check and makes me stronger. I certainly could have stolen a cig or two when she wasn't looking, but I won't. Although I still do get the urge, but it's not nearly as bad as it was in the beginning. Being a part of The Train has helped me tremendously, getting advice from all of you, but also giving advice to newbies who have climbed aboard after me. I consider myself a "regular" passenger on The Train now. I'm not a newbie anymore, but I will always need The Train. @Reciprocity, as you say, quitting smoking is a lifelong job, so that is why I am always gonna be around here! I am truly touched by your kindness and friendship towards me and I really consider you my friends even though it's online. It's too bad we all live in different parts of the country and world, it would be so great to have a meetup! Thanks so much again guys!! Love, Sandi10 points
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7 points
Well Sweetheart … you did it Welcome to the Lido Deck .. a wonderful place to be . Us Oldies love it when we get to celebrate with a member who arrives here . It means the Train is still full steam ahead . We are so proud of you . Thank you for all your support to those who follow .. Its been fun to ride your journey with you Hope to soon whip the sticks arse in the counting game . Celebrate in style , you have worked hard for the moment XXX7 points
Great job QG Glad you made it you deserve a pat on the back and a nice long break from all that counting you do in chicks and sticks game.7 points
7 points
It's always a joy and an honor to welcome a 1 Year quitter to the Lido Deck Club! Today is a MAJOR milestone for you but quitting is a lifelong job so I hope you soak it all in today as you relax by the pool sipping some chilled Chardonnay. Remaining smoke free for life is pretty easy from here on providing you remain vigilant Congrats @QuittingGirl!!7 points
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A year ago you made a great decision and today you get to celebrate it. Treat yourself, you earned it. Congratulations!6 points
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Congratulations on 1 year smoke free @QuittingGirl Great job!!6 points
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Welcome back Never quit quitting Good luck4 points
Having a good attitude will improve the process. Focus on the positives of quitting. Reward yourself as you pass each milestone.4 points
Hey @kenzie_peytonwelcome back, I am a fellow returnee im a big NRT patch advocate, they really give your body what its craving and make your quit much easier, well that has been my experience. I couldnt have quit without them. Ive had success with nrt gum in past quits also. Have you tried patches or gum before, might be worth considering. The first few days will be the hardest, so just stick out out, build up your days, and as you know it does get easier! And you did best thing coming back here, we're all in this together! I do the daily nope here now, a thing i never did before, but it sets me up for the day. Wishing you all the best x4 points
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@jillar I really liked the book, and felt like I resonated with a lot of it, but for some reason I thought it would be like magic quitting, and so far this is my hardest quit yet. I want it to be my last because I desperately want to be done smoking before I’m 30. I just can’t believe how emotional I am this time around. I’ve cried like 4 times today lol @Reciprocity I was just looking back at our old messages today, and it honestly made me feel like a huge dummy for ever going back. I really underestimated how strong the addiction is and how hard it would be to quit again. I know I did it to myself and need to stop feeling sorry for myself, but it’s soooo hard, ughhhh4 points
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Thank you Jill, I really appreciate you and all your help for the past year!!! You have been an amazing help!!!3 points
Amazing @QuittingGirl! Welcome to the Lido Deck! It always seems to me that a year just flies by on this forum. I’m so proud of you. You have accomplished such a good thing for yourself!3 points
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@kenzie_peyton, if it was like magic quitting there wouldn't be support forums or NRTs right? You can quit but you have to stand your ground and just let the tears or tantrums happen knowing it's normal and won't last forever.3 points
Welcome back Kenzie. I remember you well. What Jillar said is true. It's gonna be down right crappy for a period of time. There's no way around it you just gotta stop yourself when you think you're ready to thow in the towel. Sometimes it's a toss up as to what you'll do but that's when ya gotta dig deeper into that empty emotional tank and forge ahead with your quit. That's how you achieve success in quitting. That truly difficult time won't last forever, although sometimes it seems lik it might. Hold tight to your commitment to improve your life and just get it done at all costs! We all go through it so it IS doable! We don't have anything you don't; that's for sure.3 points
@kenzie_peyton, I didn't read the book so I can't comment on what it says but I had a really hard quit. It sucks but the only way past it is through so you're going to have to be uncomfortable, crabby, teary and all the other emotions that come up with quitting. But I promise you if you just hang in there and hold on to that precious quit it will get so much better. Everyone can quit and most of us were just like you when we first quit and now we're free. I want that same thing for you too ☺3 points
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I finished reading the Allen Carr Easy Way yesterday and smoked my last cigarette 15 hours ago. I felt so confident yesterday, but now I’m sitting here in tears because I don’t understand why it doesn’t feel as “easy” as the book says.2 points
Thank you so much Stew and Denali, my friends!!! I really appreciate your help. Ohhh and Stewie, you are not far behind me, in 2 months you will be there as well!!! And, we will be celebrating your 1 year quit!!2 points
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2 points
Welcome back!! I didn't read the book, but I'm glad you decided to quit again and we all know how difficult it is. If quitting wasn't so difficult, this site wouldn't exist. Just take it one day at a time, one hour or minute at a time and keep coming on here a lot. I recommend you coming on every day, as it certainly has helped me and others. Vent to us when you need to as we are always here to help you! One thing that helped me early in my quit was using cinnamon sticks as fake cigarettes. I would suck air through the hole and make believe I was blowing smoke out of my mouth, plus the taste of cinnamon is so nice. If you don't like cinnamon, you can use cut up straws. This is my 2nd time quitting and the last because who wants to constantly go through those withdrawal symptoms every time we decide to quit! Not me, as it was horrible and I'm sure for most of us on this site. Just keep focusing on quitting and you will do fine. As I said, just stay close to The Train. All the best to you!!!2 points
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2 points
Welcome back Kenzie. I read the book and it did help me … No matter what method we choose to help us through the difficult times ….the hard work has to come from you .. yes it’s tough …but gets easier as you go along …everyone on the train will tell you this .. Get yourself a tool box ..put all the things that help in there … I had a punching pillow …boy…that thing used to fly through the air… Reread all the green pinned posts on the Main Smoking Board …it’s full of tips to help you along .2 points
1 point
Well I took the plunge and decided to quick. It as been by far one of the best decisions. I am currently using the 21mg patch. I also have the gum and lozenges but have not needed to use them. I found that going in with a positive attitude was a big help. Here’s to healthy positive changes.1 point
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