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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/16/24 in all areas

  1. G’day NOPE .....Not One Puff Ever.... (replace Ever with Min,Hour, Day as required.
    6 points
  2. And I’m looking forward to the NOPE pledge tomorrow for Day 5. Also Note to self: remember the cravings were weaker today and remember to update your ticker I’m visiting my big sister. We went swimming today. I felt healthy and grateful. I didn’t have to fuss around worrying about having an opportunity to get my next puff, whether we were going to be there too long to keep the cravings at bay, etc all around a great day!
    6 points
  3. NOPE!! I keep plugging along one day at a time!!
    4 points
  4. Another 15 hr day and another NOPE!! before bed. Goodnight to that great quitters club....
    4 points
  5. Glad to see that you’re still here and still determined. You can do this! Cravings are not commands… they are just noisy commercials for s—t you don’t wanna buy. Change the channel and distract yourself with other activities and projects. Stay strong!
    3 points
  6. Good Gawd! I went for a walk today to check on the S.S. Quit Train. I know we like to party it up when someone reaches their 1 Year Quit mark but it's really gotten outta hand. Didn't realize the last blow-out Lido Deck event left our ship & Lido Deck in such a state. We have only 1 Week to go from this ... To This: We Need Volunteers Pronto! Let's meet in the train's bar car
    2 points
  7. Hi everyone! Since it's a nice Spring day in NY, I have my windows open to let the fresh air in, (well sort of fresh, can NYC air be fresh....LOL!!!). Anyway, my neighbor is outside coughing up a storm. I'm pretty sure he is a smoker, so since I have my windows open, I shouted, "Stop Smoking"! He didn't say anything back, but I'm not totally sure, he actually heard me. I hope he did, because he is constantly coughing and hacking away. He coughs way more than I did when I smoked!!
    2 points
  8. OMGawsh Dave I’m so glad you’re still here!!! I have an autoimmune disease that affects my lungs so I REALLY have no business smoking or vaping. Other than that no smoking induced health problems (yet) so I’ll consider myself lucky. Cancer in particular must have been horrifying
    2 points
  9. Yikes! Whatta mess! We’d better clean this place up! I’ll take out the trash.
    1 point
  10. Hi Michelle, I'm Sandi, a sort of Newbie, next week I will be quit a year! I certainly know what you are going through! You are doing so great! Just remember, it's one day at a time, or one hour, one minute, one second. Quitting smoking is so difficult but the longer you stay quit, the easier it gets. I love this forum and group of people. They are amazing and have helped me so much. You can do this!!! If I can, anyone can!!
    1 point
  11. Well done Michelle … Already you’re feeling the benefits of quitting … It just keeps getting better x
    1 point
  12. G’day NOPE .....Not One Puff Ever.... (replace Ever with Min,Hour, Day as required.
    1 point
  13. Ack!!! I have Absolutely NO WORDS!! I can't even laugh, sorry!!!
    1 point
  14. Stay strong .. tell those craves to get lost You are stronger than them . Chew regular gum It will keep your mouth busy , it helped me a lot , Keep going Michelle
    1 point
  15. Thank you all. Every single reply helped me, really. I’m in the throes of some serious cravings, but I refuse to give in. I don’t even want to chew the nicotine gum I have because that’ll just start the cycle over. I’m trying to just ride it all out. My last vape was Saturday about 10:30 in the morning so that puts me at about four full days if you don’t count Saturday since it wasn’t a full day quit. So Sunday one, Monday two, Tuesday three, today four, so I’m gonna say I’m on day four today not yesterday. I’m finally sleeping better. I had a hard time staying asleep the first few days. I can take a nice deep breath, which is so wonderful. But then the cravings hit like a brick hitting me in the face. At least they don’t last that long.
    1 point
  16. Congratulations on 7 years smoke free Jane!
    1 point
  17. Thank you guys so much! I tried to treat myself...I got one of those new Coconut Dr. Peppers and YUCK! It was like a mouthful of sun tan oil not for me! And we went to my oldest son's band concert, and saw a friend that moved 10yrs ago but we lost contact with. It was a good night. I'm still doing Girl Scouts, and started school last fall to get my BS in Elementary Education. I should have done it 20 yrs ago The kids are big, I have a teenager...Lord help me. He is the same age as when I started smoking, but at least he has a parent that will talk to him about the dangers rather than buy his first pack like my parents did. Quitting changed my life...I'm grateful for my second chance
    1 point
  18. Congratulations on such an awesome quit. As always, this deserves a sweet reward.
    1 point
  19. Congratulations what a wonderful accomplishment!!
    1 point
This leaderboard is set to New York/GMT-05:00

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QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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