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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/05/24 in all areas
5 points
Hey All! Wishing you all the best on quitting smoking. I quit December 27, 2017 and haven't craved a cigarette probably since 8 to 12 months after quitting. This past week, I have counted seven times that I've craved a smoke. I was going to ask if anyone else has ever experienced something like that after so many years without smoking, but as I started writing my question, I realized that I think I know where my cravings are coming from. Maybe I'm wrong, and maybe it sounds kind of stupid, but we just adopted a very young puppy and my schedule and stress feels a lot like it did when I had newborn babies. I quit for all of my pregnancies, but started smoking a year after my first child was born and a couple weeks after my second child was born. Maybe this puppy schedule is reminding my brain what I used to do to chill out when my kids were babies... Take a smoke break. Ugh... Hopefully it'll pass. I really don't like being teased by that craving demon.4 points
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Great Job! It's nice to measure your quit in years isn't it?4 points
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Glad you are OK, @QuittingGirl Geologists call east coast continental crust an “old and cold” type of rock… it doesn’t move often, but when it does it snaps sharply. I grew up with lots of large earthquakes in Alaska, where most of the state is an active fault zone, so things rock and roll fairly often. I have vivid memories of one 4.5 quake when my mom was shouting to me and my sister to hold up the living room bookshelves so they didn’t tip over. LOL WTF?! The things we survived as kids…3 points
3 points
Glad to see you came here and got it out there.. maybe just hang around a while till you feel more relaxed , It’s ok to have thoughts , as long as you don’t act on them. Enjoy your new puppy , how exciting for you3 points
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I agree that what you said about getting the new puppy possibly triggering those thoughts/cravings. Now that you realize what's likely happening, you're probably safe from it bothering you much further. Just goes to show why we must always remain on guard against something weird like that cropping up long after we quit. I have heard of people who've lost their quits after 10 years or more. Likely something similar happened and they were seduced into thinking they could have just one? NOPE!3 points
Hi @farmgirl, that puppy could absolutely be doing it and I'm sure the craves will pass as long as you don't cave to them. Triggers cause our cravings as you know and if this is a new trigger, which it sounds like it is, that's the cause. Well done posting about it. That may be all that's needed for it to pass ☺3 points
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Congratulations @Mac#23 on your awesome quit! I'm so glad you've stuck around supporting those that come after you. Have a great day!2 points
When mine ran out the whole damn pen turned invisible and I never saw it again...2 points
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So good to see you are still here, cheering others on! Thanks for your support and the support you gave me so long ago when I first came here!2 points
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Thank you everyone for all kind and words. I owe it all to the support I received here on the train. I have never met a better support group anywhere. A special thanks to Jillar and Doreen because you two helped keep my on the right path.1 point
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Thanks! We have had earthquakes in the East coast but this was the worst I have experienced. The one 10 years ago was nothing like today at all. I hope there aren't any aftershocks!!1 point
I'll take a pic but I've been having issues uploading pics from my phone to my laptop lately. Not sure why but it seems to only be uploading certain photos - weird. We'll see ....1 point
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About a half hour ago there was a 4.8 earthquake in the NYC area! Anyone in this area feel it too? The scariest few seconds that I have ever been through. It felt like a train was going through the house!0 points
@DoreensfreeThanks everything is ok here. Thankfully no damage but I was never so scared in my life. The shaking must have lasted about 10 seconds and it sounded like a train was going through the house, like a very loud rumbling sound. Absolutely frightening!! I was watching the news and the epicenter is about 70 miles west of here in New Jersey. The people were saying how things were falling off their walls and shelves but thankfully no damage to houses or buildings. The geologists on the news were saying how we can get aftershocks!! I experienced another earthquake in my area about 10 years ago but it was nothing like the one today. You might even see it on your news.0 points
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