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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/09/24 in all areas
6 points
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Congratulations @Boo, for your awesome 8 year quit! I hope you're doing well and hopefully will stop in to let us know how you and your family are doing.5 points
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Congratulations on 8 years smoke free @Boo I hope you celebrate such a great accomplishment and check in on the board to let us know how you are doing. Great job!4 points
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0 Stealthy stix sneek out at night when DECENT PEOPLE R ASLEEP. (Yes, I realize that I, too, am awake while writing this… well sort of awake.)4 points
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Oh yes, the patches REALLY effed with my dreams! (Because you are getting a constant nicotine supply while asleep… to prevent you from waking up in withdrawal.) Wild, extravagant, improbable, intense, epic, ridiculous stuff. It gets better at the lower doses. But it’s ever so lovely to have a waking reality that is smoke free. Meanwhile, major congrats on Day 4. You are DOING this!!!2 points
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I have that app too JQ! I like it too esp the health benefits thing according to your own timeline. Yayyyyy to day 5!!1 point
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Anyone have dreams about smoking when they first quit? I know vivid dreams are a thing with wearing patches. Had a dream last night that I was telling everyone I quit, but was sneak smoking. It seemed so real! When I woke up I had that feeling that I relapsed. The mind really is a crazy place. Lol. After I got my bearings I was good and the day hasn't been bad so far. Just weird experience. Here's to Day 4!1 point
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It's called the Nicodemon. You will find him everywhere in your first weeks of quitting he will try any ploy to get you smoking again so your brain gets a fix of nicotine again. You must recognise him when he tries to persuade or trick you onto having just one puff or just one cigarette.If you can recognise him when he tries to trick you you can resist him more easily.As they guys here say your never more than 1 puff away from 20 a day ( again.) Goodluck with the quit.Stsy close to the.quit train there's lots of advice available from the people here.1 point
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yep. I had smoking dreams quite often. I think it's a fairly common reaction to quitting. I decided to attribute it to my brain rewiring itself to being a nonsmoker1 point
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Hi chime, Welcome to QuitTrain. The quitting process takes time regargless of whether or not you use NRT's. Here is my experience: I quit smoking three times. The first was cold turkey. The second was with the patch used for the full 8 weeks with 4 weeks of step 1 (21 mg of nicotine). The third was with the patch for less than 8 weeks (maybe 5 weeks...I don't remember exactly how long) and I only used the step 1 patches for the first few days but used the step 2 patches for at least a couple of weeks. I went through terrible physical withdrawal with the cold turkey quit. I felt bad for a month and then slowly started to feel better. I had virtually no physical withdrawal symptoms with the second quit. With the 21 mg patches, I hardly even craved a cigarette which I found quite unbelievable. I did experience some withdrawal symptoms with the third quit but not too bad. With NRT, I found it much easier to focus on the mental aspects of quitting when I wasn't simultaneously suffering physical withdrawal. When I was done with the patches, I did not have any withdrawal symptoms that I was aware of. With quit #2, I went from Step 3 patches (7 mg) to nothing. With quit #3, I cut some of the Step 3 patches in half, so went from 3.5 mg of nicotine to nothing. I didn't want to take any chances because I used the patches for a shorter period of time and was afraid that I might suffer some withdrawal which I did not want to do. Good luck and best wishes for a successful quit!1 point
Welcome and congrats chime!!! This literally is the best forum, the ppl here are incredibly kind and supportive, and funny! Lol. I quit cold turkey, but it was bc I was suffering from not only wheezing, breathing stuff from smoking but anxiety, some other medical stuff, and I landed in the hospital for two years in a row (around this time lol) and kind of had to say this is it. I went 3+ days cold turkey in the hospital and then drs were like “want some help? Pills? Patches? Etc?” And I was like ummm I guess not bc isn’t the worst over? And a rough time very much was had. I wonder if nrts would have helped me. So no, nrts are certainly not a cop out. You do u!! And you already have quite a formidable quit down! You can do this rooting for u1 point
Hey, I quit using the patches, I think they are literally the best thing ever, I couldnt have done it without them!! Its defintely not a cop out, its a very useful tool, they realllllly help, and you can just work down the strength of the patch over time. Coming off the patches wasnt then like going cold turkey, I worked down the strength over time and then found odd days where i had forgot to put on the patch! Thats when I thought i was ready to come off them when that kept happening, i suppose i did use them as a crutch in the beginning, but i needed that! We had lots of smoking rituals and my new ritual was putting on the patch, setting me up for the day! Good luck with it!1 point
Hello and welcome to this magical place .. Congratulations on your fabulous quit … All roads lead to Rome ( Freedom).If Patches help you get there …Great …just get there !!!. We are here to help you get there …to help you along … Stay close …read all you can ..join in..make friends …play games …all these will move you along in your quit … Looking forward to getting to know you better1 point
Hi welcome Congratulations on your new quit. I didn't use patches so I can't offer advice but looks like 6ou been given good advice above already.Good luck with your quit however I do it.Stsy close to the board here during your early stages it's really helpful.1 point
You can do this, @chime! Welcome to the train. 5 days without smoking is AWESOME! I used the patches (and lozenges/gum) until I built up my other quitting “muscles.” I was a very heavy smoker and needed to quit asap without lead time to prepare mentally, so some extra reinforcement helped. I ended up accelerating the step-down to get off of the patches because after a few weeks it became clear that the NRT was prolonging my withdrawal discomfort. (Plus they were driving my skin bonkers.) But by then I had developed other coping skills to lean on to make it through that final withdrawal. Wasn’t pretty, but I made it… and 2+ years later am a very grateful nonsmoker. Everybody’s strategy is unique, you’ll figure out what works for you. Every quit that sticks is a good quit! Stay close to the forum, let us know how you progress, and learn all you can about addiction. Knowledge is power and the community here is super supportive. Glad you found us!1 point
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