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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/30/23 in all areas
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You're absolutely correct. I was one of those inconsiderate smokers trapped so deeply in my addiction that I felt I just had to get me fix and of course I minimized the inconvenience I was imposing upon others - in my case it was my wife who had quit years before I did. I would justify my urges to smoke in her car by cracking the passenger window open a bit, thinking all the smell would be sucked out of the car. I completely understand the imposition I was making now that I'm a non-smoker but back then, my addiction was calling the shots; not me as a person! It's actually quite shocking how there are two completely different perspectives between a smoker and a non-smoker and you simply can't realize that until you've lived in both camps!4 points
Anyone here observe Sober October? I guess I have technically observed it by watching others abstain from booze in October. I then stood by and watched them dry out in January. I read Allen Carr’s Easyway to stop Drinking. It didn’t work like the Smoking one did. That book plus the forum saved me. Here’s the rub: When I quit smoking- I did what we preach. I took it off the table. It was not an option. Period. NOPE. Not One itty bitty teensy weensy Puff EVER!!! I knew when I stubbed out that last nasty butt- that was it. No more. Ever. Because I knew- from my reading & research- that the quieted neural pathways would be awakened. Why the hell isn’t this working for alcohol??? Answer: I have not accepted the truth. I have to face alcohol like I did nicotine. It has to be off the table & not an option ever again. That’s the hard part. Never again. I have a problem digesting that- never a glass of red with a perfect steak? Or a neat bourbon by the fire? Ever? Is the addiction the same? I’ll get there. For now, it is sober October- even with my birthday & Halloween. Cheers! L4L3 points
Did you not feel that way when you pledged N.O.P.E. with smoking? Life will never be the same Yet, I expect now you are perfectly happy with not having to light up when ever there might be a trigger to do so. The same would likely be true with alcohol I expect. Tough road to get there but you WOULD get there if you wanted it badly enough! Quitting any addictive substance always has to be an individual decision. There are certain things in my life that I know aren't doing me any good health wise but I refuse to give up everything and just be miserable. These are all things only we can judge for ourselves. I hope you do what ever makes you the happiest in the long run! We can all learn to live without things we think we have to have but with me, it's not worth living if you're without everything that gives you pleasure & comfort. We all have to make those decisions for ourselves. I think it's a balancing act for all of us.3 points
These butt burns are getting pretty big! You all may be contributing to global warming if this keeps up...3 points
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@Nancy That is so awesome! Congratulations and a belated Happy 10 year Smobriety!!! You continue to inspire!2 points
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They are the most selfish of people. Being a non smoker you see it for what it is. They want to smoke where they want. If they are in the passenger seat of your car sometimes they'll ask if they can have a ciggie, erm no not under any circumstances I don't want my car stinking of your stupid habit. It's just all consuming for them and they think they can impose it upon you if you give them an inch.2 points
Add my 36,935 to the fire! Note to self: Don’t hang around and play with it, you might get burned.2 points
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I've not heard of sober October and am surprised it would be in October seeing as there's October fest and Halloween plus your birthday, that's a lot of triggers in your first month quit but hey if anyone can do it it's you!1 point
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@MLMR I respect your honesty. Please do not leave the forum. Stick around and read-think of it as conditioning or training to achieve your ultimate goal… saying goodbye to this horrible cycle for good. Do what needs to be done. It is Your Life, Your Recovery. We’ll be here when you’re ready. L4L1 point
I was one of those dumbasses in the day. Maybe just not that idiotic...1 point
LOL Yeah. Looks real enough to me and I do know some real dumbasses. If enough alcohol is involved, that is.1 point
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That stopped the party pretty quick.. Is the word dumbass appropriate? You would think that was faked but look's real?1 point
Geeze... I would join ya but in comparison I will just light a candle. : ) Those fires look nice and warm... just don't think I want a smore that taste like burned butt's. GOOD NIGHT ALL.1 point
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Here are my roughly 48,452 unsmoked cigarettes burning in the bonfire. Good riddance!1 point
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