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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/26/23 in all areas
5 points
Here are my roughly 48,452 unsmoked cigarettes burning in the bonfire. Good riddance!5 points
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Congratulations @Lust4Life2016, @Lust4Life on 7 years quit! I love celebrating with my fellow butt kickers and I'm so glad you're still here paying it forward. I hope you have a great day!4 points
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Dear quittrainers, just a quick note to let you know that im giving up quitting for now. Simply can’t muster up the energy at this moment. I am not content with that, but I have to give myself some slack at this point. My mental health is too wobbly and there’s too much happening at once. The thing is, I do know that for every reason I’d give for this ‘decision’, there’s a million counter reasons. And it makes me feel like an ass, because I KNOW my addictbrain is in the lead now. And eventually there’s only one way -> forward. I soooo much regret the days after my 4+ and 5+ year quit where i somehow thought it was a good plan to light up again. I’ll be back for sure. Thanks a lot for the support.2 points
Congratulations on 7 years smoke free, @Lust4Life @Lust4Life2016 Glad you are still around as well as doing great in your quit. Celebrate big today.2 points
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They give the best massages Does having stage fright mean you’re afraid of raised wooden platforms?1 point
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You know your situation best @MLMR. I believe you also know what we all know which is that smoking is damaging to us in a number of ways so no lectures from me on that. Hope your life and mental health situation improves sooner than later so you can get back to quitting with a high level of passion, which as we all know is required to be successful. Until we see you again, be well!1 point
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Thanks Everyone! It feels great to be at 2 yrs (again). Very thankful for everyone who has helped me along the way.1 point
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Congratulations! Stay strong and you are well on your way. Best wishes.1 point
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