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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/27/23 in all areas
Thanks all. Glad I came here. Feels like there’s a bit of weight off my shoulders. It will be water and tea tonight. I want to make this work.7 points
Im sorry to hear the nicotine monster has been back in your life . Dust down .. Re read all the stuff here ..fresh your mind .. You can do it ...6 points
Sorry to hear you relapsed MLMR but glad you've decided that was a mistake and are ready to tackle quitting once again. You know the drill so lets get going on your forever quit! It may not be easy but you know the benefits of quitting and have now chosen those over the slavery of addiction. Wise choice!6 points
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Hello. I hate coming back here - but I know I need it. Been smoking on and off for four years now, what a waste of health and confidence. Back at square one I guess. Can’t stand the fact that quitting seems this hard AGAIN. So, buckle up and go. Today is a good day for it. I dont really have a plan, other than going through it moment by moment. Millions of people did it, I did it myself, so… yeah . Resolve. Resolve. Resolve. I will have faith, even when I dont. Each crappy moment will be followed by better times. Embrace the suck and grow a beautiful baby quit. I got this in me. 27-08, 14:00. Day one -> no turning back.5 points
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Your commitment will be tested along the way ... we all know that but we also know you will find a way to do it! There's everything to gain and nothing you're leaving behind is of any value to your future.5 points
Welcome back @MLMR, sorry to read you relapsed You've got a great group of fellow 2023 quitters along with you as well as the rest of us so lets get that forever quit!5 points
Great decision @MLMR the battle will be tough at first, but get better with time. All then best you can do it!5 points
Hi there, @MLMR. Today is a GREAT day to break free! And this is the place to do it… a place where people understand how hard it is to quit smoking and can help you navigate all the wily tricks this addiction will try to play on you. Saddle up, stick close to your “why,” post here often, (re)read as much as you can about addiction, and have faith that IT GETS BETTER.5 points
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Way to go Yoda, 2 years is amazing!!!!! Hope u celebrate big!4 points
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I’m glad that you’ve decided to come back and join us on this journey of being smoke free. This train runs on fresh air. So stay close and let us help you have a forever quit. We want you to succeed!3 points
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WooHoo! This is an awesome achievement Yoda! I do hope that you took some time out today to celebrate! Keep breathing the clean air of freedom!3 points
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Went out Friday 18th August and got through that massive hurdle after not smoking for near on 50 days. These last couple of days have been my biggest urges though. For the reason I don't know. Since Saturday 19th I've had my 7yo son staying with me and these last couple of days he's sent me a bit round the bend. He's going away with his mum and bro tomorrow Monday 28th. I'm back in work Tuesday 29th so may go back the gym after work. The gym and eating well focuses me even more. I'm just a little worried with these urges, they've been pretty strong. I think my resilience to the thoughts is stronger now. Is this just a challenge? The dying dopamine levels through nicotine inaction? Must keep up the fight. Nicotine is the enemy in all its forms.2 points
Congratulations @intoxicated yoda on two years quit! Its so great to have you stick around supporting others. I do miss your avatar though lol. Have a nice day and treat yourself special!2 points
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Sounds very familiar. Just as you think you are over the worst and sailing along fairly comfortably; Wham!! Something happens that immediately makes you think of smoking to make a situation better (likely you used cigs in the past to calm you when you were with your son and things were ... well, let's just say busy?) This is completely normal so don't worry too much about it. Put your early quit strategies into play and beat back these recent, unexpected strong urges. They will eventually stop happening once your addiction understands; YOU WON & it lost the war against addiction!2 points
It's the addiction trying to lure you back in @tocevoD, don't fall for it! You are stronger and smarter than it, good on you for posting. That helps weaken its power too. You got this. Use your tools, i.e. suck on a piece of candy, do something you normally don't smoke doing, use my JAC if needed. You got this2 points
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Congratulations on 2 years smoke free, Yoda! Great job!2 points
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Yeah, the urge to smoke can ambush us at really strange times… that’s the nature of addiction. Sometimes it’s an obvious trigger, but other times it’s more random and sneaky. You did the right thing by posting here and talking it through. 50 days is a lot of hard work and a great foundation. Stay strong and don’t throw it away!1 point
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