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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/08/23 in all areas
6 points
Congratulations on your second month quit @Slow progress, you're doing great!5 points
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Congratulations on 2 months smoke free, Slow Progress. Awesome job!4 points
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Wow!!! Can't believe it's been 10 years. Summer Quitters helped me get started on my smoke free journey. LOVE LOVE LOVE being smoke free! Those first few hours, days weeks, had some hard moments, but we kept saying NOPE, and counting to 20 and back. Keep on keeping on. And as the Sarge would say, "Easy Peasy!"4 points
4 points
You'll soon get to the place where you'll pity people who smoke. I remember that happened to me when I went to Vegas about 7 months after I quit. Oh WOW! People smoking all over the place ... even in the pools there! That did it for me. That experience really drove home that smoking was both a compulsive addiction and an individual's choice. I remember thinking at the time; boy oh boy, these people have to smoke. I no longer do Ever since that moment, I've only felt pity for people I see smoking. That now sometimes turns to anger if their smoking/vaping impacts my personal space.4 points
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Omg SP 2 months!!!! Celebrate, gf!! So proud of u, you’re doing fantastic3 points
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Did you assume some ones gender ......... how do you know how they wanted to vote? 93 points
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Thanks again to all! I am with my 98 year old Mom who is not doing very well. I appreciate all the congratulations, and I know one thing for sure...I smoked a pack and a half a day for 40 years, and if I can quit, anyone can! And you will not believe how much better your life will be...you can beat this!!3 points
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@Kate18 how are you doing my friend?2 points
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7 O I totally thought twice before I posted w that but then I said oh well. Lol you reminded me of my dad, something he would say.1 point
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Petra: 10 Overcome: 11 Brioski: 10 Petra I’m assuming you’re a chick not a stick . Nice to meet you. And O!!! What you think you can get to the lido deck and cheat?!?1 point
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Drug dreams suck! It's underlying anxiety. May be a good thing! Fear of relapse means your happy being smober. Keep up the amazing work Brioski. There will be no ashtrays at the pool!1 point
Congratulations to Colleen on 10 years! She used to be good at counting.1 point
To all the newbies who are active or lurking, I can tell you that quitting smoking is definitely something you can do and it is worth the early struggles. I quit after roughly 20 years as a smoker, and the last few years of my smoking life was spent struggling with short quits, trying to cut down, relapsing, etc. What helped me was joining a site like this and reaching out for support and reading about others' experiences in their quits. I also tried to take it one week, day, hour, minute at a time.....whatever it took. Don't worry about craves that might happen a day or two from now. Just focus on pushing through and defeating any craves that you may be currently experiencing.. Each crave you fight through makes your quit stronger. Quitting smoking is very doable and I encourage anyone who wants to quit to take the leap. It is worth it.1 point
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