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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/18/23 in all areas
Hello All, I am very happy to announce that I have not smoked for the past 8 years and wish to live without smoking. By today I am smoke free for 8 yrs 1 month and 4 days. Thanks a lot for your advice, help and encouragement. Cheers, Raj.5 points
hi @robin0212quitting is a process and sometimes relapsing is part of the process. You can do this5 points
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Thank you. I can live without smoking right? Yes i can yes i can .....deep breaths and drinking ice water through a straw helps.4 points
4 points
Hey @robin0212, don't forget to update your profile with your new quit date since you relapsed. Part of the quit process is owning your relapses too. Maybe even get a ticker so you can see how much you're giving up by relapsing. They are a great tool at keeping our quits just to watch those numbers add up!4 points
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Yass… ice cold drinks through straws were a major part of my quit, too! You absolutely can live without smoking @robin0212. And even more shocking: you’ll be happier! Right now your addiction is putting up a fuss, so it might feel like you will feel lousy forevermore. But you won’t. You’ll turn the corner. Hang in there!3 points
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Thank you for the reminder ! Profile updated! Going to work on the ticker I couldn't figure out lol.3 points
So far so good! I just read your other post. Sounds like you are pushing through and going strong! Fantastic!3 points
How are you doing today Robin and LOF? I hope you are both doing well! It's not easy I know, but we are getting there!3 points
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Thanks Brioski. I walked by a guy smoking yesterday and I felt like vomiting. So happy for that.3 points
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Hey Robin, sorry you caved, that sucks. You’ll do it, you are doing it. It really messes w your emotions and I totally get what you said abt coping skills…I realized I really only had smoking as my only coping mechanism…it was crazy. What you said abt how you’re done is so good. I didn’t want to be a smoker either, but I loved smoking, and I’m sure many ppl say the same thing. I still like the smell of it lol. But I know it’ll kill me. It was literal torture to watch my dad go through it….I’ve been a mess bc it’s Father’s Day weekend so I’m prob talking whack but seriously..it’ll friggen kill ya. You can do it my friend….you too leap… it gets better…way better. For me it was just about 7 weeks, then really better just after 3 months. There’s tough spots but life is just amazing on the other side. Truly2 points
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3 Hi peeps ..you guys woke up again lol.. Oh look !!!!....the pubs are open .. Run !!!1 point
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I really think you have it in you. Half a cigarette is certainly better than several or a pack! Maybe you needed this to confirm/remind you why you want to be free…? I can’t remember if you are using NRT.1 point
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Sorry you decided to smoke again . The weaning down is not working , You need a plan of action .. Your what i refer to as doing the Oky..koky..one foot in and one foot out . To quit this killer addiction you need your whole self in 100/ per cent .. First thing.you need to be honest with yourself ..Do i want to be a non smoker? If you do ..then you must promise yourself Never smoke another ...Ever. There is only one rule to Quitting Never put anything in your mouth and set fire to it .. Keeping yourself in this cycle of pain and withdrawal..is pure agony. We know you want to quit ..cos you Wouldn,t be sitting on the train .. We all want you to quit .. So ...we can give you all the help and support and the tools to succeed..but its down to you to do the work .. Grab your tool box ..get a ticker.. Pledge ..and lets get this done once and for all.. You can do it ....believe in yourself .1 point
Don't be too hard on yourself @robin0212 you are doing the right thing getting right back on the train. I remember how painful it was when I keep trying to quit and then caving, over and over. Easier and less painful, just quit and not smoke again.1 point
Way to go, Robin! So glad that you are facing forward. I know evenings are tough. Hang in there, we are cheering for you. When you can’t do any more jumping jacks (ha!) check out more of the videos/posts here or play some of the games. 1-20,000 In Pictures saved my quit a bunch of times!1 point
1 point
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