The patches worked for me for the first few weeks. Side effects were insomnia and wackadoodle dreams and some skin irritation. Annoying but tolerable. It’s important to follow the instructions. I believe the combo of patches and lozenges helped me get over that first scary hump, before I fully believed that I could quit. It helped to take the edge off, to provide some extra support until I found my bearings and had developed some coping skills.
The crux of any cessation plan - NRT, cold turkey or antidepressants - is how you define whether or not it’s “working.” Nothing completely alleviates the cravings. “No cravings” is simply not a rational yardstick for success. (It is an addiction wanting to keep getting its fix and freaking out about the anticipated discomfort of not getting it anymore.) A cessation strategy is “working” if it helps us cope with the cravings in some other way than smoking or vaping. So maybe gum and lozenges can “work” better than you think? Cravings come and go, and we learn to deal with them. Their power diminishes as we take our lives back.
There’s a classic saying that addiction is not about how often someone uses a drug, it’s about the size of the jones… the strength of the compulsion. Secrecy is another classic red flag that what you’ve got is not a bad habit or a simple indulgence. It’s a full blown addiction and needs to be treated accordingly, with compassion and commitment. No half measures or rationing will do.
You wouldn’t be here if some part of you weren’t tired of the bondage, hiding, mental static and physical harm that this addiction is causing for you. Freedom from all that stress is PRICELESS! Pick a method and give quitting a genuine try. You can do this, Leap!