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The patches worked for me for the first few weeks. Side effects were insomnia and wackadoodle dreams and some skin irritation. Annoying but tolerable. It’s important to follow the instructions. I believe the combo of patches and lozenges helped me get over that first scary hump, before I fully believed that I could quit. It helped to take the edge off, to provide some extra support until I found my bearings and had developed some coping skills. The crux of any cessation plan - NRT, cold turkey or antidepressants - is how you define whether or not it’s “working.” Nothing completely alleviates the cravings. “No cravings” is simply not a rational yardstick for success. (It is an addiction wanting to keep getting its fix and freaking out about the anticipated discomfort of not getting it anymore.) A cessation strategy is “working” if it helps us cope with the cravings in some other way than smoking or vaping. So maybe gum and lozenges can “work” better than you think? Cravings come and go, and we learn to deal with them. Their power diminishes as we take our lives back. There’s a classic saying that addiction is not about how often someone uses a drug, it’s about the size of the jones… the strength of the compulsion. Secrecy is another classic red flag that what you’ve got is not a bad habit or a simple indulgence. It’s a full blown addiction and needs to be treated accordingly, with compassion and commitment. No half measures or rationing will do. You wouldn’t be here if some part of you weren’t tired of the bondage, hiding, mental static and physical harm that this addiction is causing for you. Freedom from all that stress is PRICELESS! Pick a method and give quitting a genuine try. You can do this, Leap!5 points
4 points
Wow I never thought of it like that but you are so right!! I think that’s why I smoke in “spurts”. I sometimes cram 2, 3, 4 into a short period of time but then can go 4 hours ”fairly” easily without one when the situation won’t allow it (of course as soon as I know smoking will be an option soon I start to crave). Anyway, today I’ve so far put it off for a bit over 3 hours. The cravings are kind of one on top of the other.4 points
Closet smoking .. What a way to spend every day .. On tender hooks.. nerves shot,always waiting for that precious moment you can have your fix This is agony.. Quitting is not as hard as this .. Once you have made that decision never to smoke again ..ever . It becomes easier .. What have you got to lose to try, Nothing But you can gain so much ..4 points
Thanks for the encouragement! I totally feel the non-judgement from everyone in the amazing group! I am so inspired by all of you. Since yesterday was a wash today I am challenging myself to go as long as I can between waking up and smoking. Did the patch give you side effects? I’m tempted to get some. The lozenges and gum seem to be only moderately effective for me. I wish vaping counted as NRT (I do know why it doesn’t)!!4 points
Hi leap youre so close and I can hear you want it so please make that leap! I used patches and they really got me through the first week. I really used them only for about 3 weeks but if I had needed them for longer would have used them. I see smoking as the problem not NRT. I was here so many times before I quit and everyone supported me with no judgement. This place is great and with all the help here you can do it!4 points
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I always tell Newbies All roads lead to Rome..just get your arse there.. The patch may work for you ,we have had quitters use it ,as long as you stick to the correct dosage. But there will come a day you still have to go it alone .. In my 52 years of smoking career. I tried every quit plan known to man ,costing me tons of money .. This plan of making the desision ,to never smoke again ..No matter what And never putting nicotine in my body ever ..worked My addictive brain understood this . You can do it ..your no more addicted to anyone else here .3 points
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Better. Went out with my daughter to distract. The forum helps me feel held accountable in some odd way. Hard to explain. But I bought banana Laffy Taffy which helps too lol!2 points
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Yep. We can strategize till we’re blue in the face, I sure did. But ultimately the only 100% effective way to stop smoking is to ACTUALLY STOP SMOKING! You are not alone, we are here for you. Just let go and fall… up.2 points
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I don't see any tickers in your signature @robin0212. Here's the directions with screenshots to help you https://www.quittrain.com/topic/15042-creating-a-ticker/1 point
I am trying to set my ticker. I'm doing something wrong. Why does it keep resetting itself? And now I have like 6 of them1 point
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What is the difference between daytime and evening for you as far as activity? For me boredom is a huge trigger. And is the forum more active at night? I'm only on here at night. Staying close helps me, and has helped in the past. I was ambivalent about stopping for months.1 point
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LOF Your a wonderful Non Smoker . All you have to do is stay that way Easy to say..sometimes tricky.. But nothing you carnt handle Your stronger than a thought ..1 point
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