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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/14/23 in all areas
Yep. We can strategize till we’re blue in the face, I sure did. But ultimately the only 100% effective way to stop smoking is to ACTUALLY STOP SMOKING! You are not alone, we are here for you. Just let go and fall… up.5 points
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@LeapOfFaith you are overthinking this, I think everybody does in the beginning. I know I did. Try to look at it this way, you only live one moment at a time, so just don't smoke in this moment. We all worry about how we will deal with the withdrawal symptoms we will face tomorrow and that is why we fear quitting because it seems so impossible. The reality is that all you have to deal with is the withdrawal you feel in the moment. None of us quit forever, we just quit for now because that's all there is...now. There is no yesterday or tomorrow and today only consists of now. I hope this makes sense. Good luck.5 points
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LOF Your a wonderful Non Smoker . All you have to do is stay that way Easy to say..sometimes tricky.. But nothing you carnt handle Your stronger than a thought ..4 points
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Thank you! This is the worst time of day for me. I need to go do jumping jacks i think. Pushing through...3 points
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Lol! Thank you! Thank you. Wow..what a great way to end a tough day. All of you are so amazing.3 points
that's the way to do it @robin0212 I just love seeing a new quitter succeed. you are doing fantastic.3 points
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That’s my plan! We will see how things go tomorrow morning. So far I haven’t had a cigarette for 3ish hours. How are you doing?? Two days is amazing and depending on where you are you are very close to starting day 3!!3 points
Do it, LOF, you will see that it's not as bad as you think it will be. Trust me, I have only been quit for 3 weeks so I'm a real newbie and I am surviving. If you need to go on anxiety meds, go on them! I know you can quit, you can definitely do it. We all did it and we all have survived.3 points
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You deserve 3 laffy taffies girl!! One thing I had to be reminded of, still do, is to reward yourself for these moments. It really is important. Hubs brought home this black raspberry ice cream gelato thing and oh. mah. gawd. it was to die for. Prob best ice cream I’ve ever had. I told him to hide it in the freezer bc I’m trying to cut down w sugar and carbs . You go girl you’re literally changing your life for the better.2 points
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Better. Went out with my daughter to distract. The forum helps me feel held accountable in some odd way. Hard to explain. But I bought banana Laffy Taffy which helps too lol!2 points
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Good plan! Jumping jacks. Wall/counter top pushups. Walks around the block. Speed-weeding the flower beds. Shadow boxing. Private dance party. Downward facing dog, with dog. Running around the house dragging yarn for the cats to chase. Whatever it takes! You can do this!2 points
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That hit me, but in a good way. You’re so right. I need to remember that the best I can do is try and see what happens! Tomorrow my plan is to wake and up and go longer than 4 hours.2 points
@LeapOfFaith, you can ask your Dr for a temporary anxiety med if you don't already take one if youre worried about it but most people find that their anxiety actually gets better over time Now for some tough love. STOP ALL THIS PROCRASTINATION AND QUIT ALREADY!!! You've got a train full of support here to help you through the tough spots. I promise you that once you get through I don't know your first week probably, then you'll see just how much you were letting your addiction rule your life. Take your freedom back like all the rest of us have!2 points
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It's such a great feeling to think I could be free again. I hope this is it for me! How was your day??1 point
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I got a varmint that started eating my chickens so I'm waiting for him to show up and find the little surprise I left for his ass tonite. Why do I feel like Bill Murray's character in Caddy Shack?1 point
We are here for you @LeapOfFaith! We will walk alongside you and hold your hand, we can give you a nudge or a swift kick from behind when needed, we will be there for you even if you fall, but you’ve got to take that first step; yes, a leap of faith and then those of us that have gone before you will guide you to that true and solid quit you long for. I’m looking forward to watching you succeed!1 point
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