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Congratulations to the spectacular Doreen and all members of the class of 2013 who have stayed the course and will be celebrating their first smoke-free decade this year!!! I'm a couple of years behind and happy to say I'll never catch up because there's no way any of these folks are turning back. Thanks for showing us that one minute, one hour, one day at a time will eventually add up to the celebration of the decade!!! Now, it's time to party like a penguin!5 points
I’m really good Leap ty for asking There are def some moments that I still “want” cigs, but it lasts literally for 30 seconds or I use my straw air cig/deep breaths and it’s gone. It’s so far and few between now compared to what cravings were in the beginning. It def sucked, but I’m def wayy better than at month 1. It’s funny u ask what day I’m on bc today’s day 100!!4 points
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NOPE I’m mot going to smoke this minute… or this hour… or this day. It can help quitting feel more attainable at first.4 points
Could you explain what min, hour, day actually means? Is it a way to keep you motivated and you just keep saying “one hour, one hour” until you can finally go to bed and not thing about it? Is it to help you “practice” using this strategy?4 points
Thanks folks. Several years having quit and I still believe it was one of the best decisions I've ever made.3 points
Huge congratulations to the Jillar Energizer Bunny! You built a rock-solid quit and now just keep going and going -- always helping and encouraging all the folks who stop by looking for that extra motivation to take the smoke-free plunge. Thanks for all you do to help keep the doors open and the lights on in this train.3 points
congrats on 7 years quit and thank you for all the support you provide.3 points
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+1 to all that @jillar and @Brioski have said. NRT works by supplying a limited dose of nicotine through your skin or your gums. You get enough nicotine to shave the edge off your cravings, to support a commitment to quitting. But the hit is gradual. By contrast, inhalation - through either vaping or smoking - is a super potent delivery vehicle for a lot of nicotine to enter your bloodstream and brain very quickly. Because of that, it’s likely to intensify rather than diminish your dependence. Plus there is all kinds of other harmful c - - p beyond nicotine in ecigs and vape juice. Bottom line: the only way to quit smoking is to actually quit smoking. It will suck for a while, but it won’t kill you. And you’ll be glad you did it.3 points
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G’day Never made the NOPE pledge at first. The Ever bit was the hurdle for me. Lost to many quits in the past. Realised in the end the real important bit was the Not One. Some times it’s “not one puff”just for a minute, cause that’s all you can handle . It expands as you get stronger to hours and whole days. For me now it’s expanded to EVER!!! That means my whole life and I’m not afraid to say it. I’m a nicotine addict and will always be that. I don’t take that first puff cause if I do I’ll be straight back to where I was before and that was a smoker wishing I was where I am Now! NO. Not One.2 points
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Thanks @johnny5 for starting this thread for me. And thank you all for the kind words and congratulations. It made my day These years go by so quickly and it gives me purpose to be able to assure someone just starting their quit that they can do it. As they say, it takes a village and in our case it takes a train full to raise a quitter. There is no better group to help a person quit smoking than a group of people who have done it and know what you are going through because chances are they went through it too. Thanks again you guys, you're the best!2 points
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To all the newbies who are active or lurking, I can tell you that quitting smoking is definitely something you can do and it is worth the early struggles. I quit after roughly 20 years as a smoker, and the last few years of my smoking life was spent struggling with short quits, trying to cut down, relapsing, etc. What helped me was joining a site like this and reaching out for support and reading about others' experiences in their quits. I also tried to take it one week, day, hour, minute at a time.....whatever it took. Don't worry about craves that might happen a day or two from now. Just focus on pushing through and defeating any craves that you may be currently experiencing.. Each crave you fight through makes your quit stronger. Quitting smoking is very doable and I encourage anyone who wants to quit to take the leap. It is worth it.2 points
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It just doesn't seem real that I am coming up on 10 years quit! To all who are considering quitting...you CAN do it...and it is so worth the discomfort (and yes, some times misery) you have to go through. I smoked for 40 years, and I know if I can quit, anyone can!! Happy 10th to us!!2 points
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Congratulations on 7 years smoke free, @jillar Thank you for all you do to continue to pay it forward helping others with their quits. I hope you celebrate big!1 point
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I miss your blog Comrade Simba. Used to follow you religiously. Glad to see you're still around. Are you blogging again? Martin1 point
You're wayyyyyy over thinking it that's what you're doing wrong. Once you make up your mind and just quit then you'll go through some sucky days for a bit and then you're done. It's REALLY not as hard as we have it in our mind to be. As far as ecigs or vapes, when they first came out they were thought to be safer than smoking but now that the studies are coming in they are finding just how bad for your lungs and overall health they are.1 point
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Happy double digit year thirteeners!!! I’m still counting days but hey it ain’t hours loll.1 point
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