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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/11/23 in all areas

  1. Thank you, Doreen! Also, I am planning my wedding! Getting married on 10/7! I’ve never had a fancy wedding, so this time I am doing it up! Planning is a PITA, but My Matron of Honor is sharing the load. Today, I have my first gown fitting. Exciting stuff. Of course, I am marrying the guy I met on Christmas Day, 2018. John is a keeper. The whole thing seems meant to be. I decided I did not want to meet my Maker, having been living in sin for the last part of my life, so I told John that, and he proposed on Valentine’s Day. Kat
    5 points
  2. @Slow progress, @Doreensfree is right, give yourself a break and try to keep reminding yourself that these crappy days won't last forever as long as you go through them. Four days, while awesome, is such a small amount of time when you consider how long you smoked. That's a lot of triggers to get through. Luckily as you progress through your quit the triggers get easier to get past so just keep hanging in there Because it will happen to you too ☺ Btw, very nice ticker ☺
    4 points
  3. The magic happens at different times for different folks..i can promise you ,if you keep your precious quit it will definitely happen . Try turning all your negative thoughts into positive ones .. What your achieving is flippin marvelous .. Be patient your poor body has decades of abuse to mend ..your early in your quit ..give yourself some slack..your doing amazin Here is a pat on the back
    4 points
  4. Thanks weegiewoman. Yesterday when I was craving I actually smelled my hubbies ashtray- that was enough to kill the crave! The hard part is knowing there are cigarettes around - that’s why I do the nope - feel like I can’t break it when I feel weak(usually later on in the day). Anyway hi from ‘new scotland’
    4 points
  5. Thanks brioski. You are so nearly at 3 months and right now I can’t imagine ever being there! I have however made it to day 4 - who would’ve thought it? Love being smoke free- still miss smoking - off to sign up to nope
    4 points
  6. Well done Newbies ... Supporting each other makes your own quit stronger ....just sayin .
    4 points
  7. Wow !!..Time passes fast Congratulations .. Good to see you here..!!
    3 points
  8. Congratulations on 2 years smoke free @Katgirl.....and on the upcoming wedding. Awesome!
    3 points
  9. Keep up the good work, @Slow progress! The first few days are the hardest. I celebrated 2 years yesterday. That’s hard to believe. I had a chest x-ray recently, and the results were pretty normal, except my lungs were “slightly hyper inflated”. I asked my doctor what that meant. He said it means I have mild COPD. I wonder how that happened….. Knowing that, just reinforces my commitment to keep my quit intact. Staying close to this group has been very instrumental in my success so far, so stick around. Kat
    3 points
  10. Big congrats to you @Slow progress you are doing great! You are no longer a slave to nicotine and never have to go through the early days of quitting again if you stay strong and do what ever it takes to not light up again. Keep up with your quit, you are worth it.
    3 points
  11. Hey @Slow progress nice to meet you and so glad to see you keeping trying! Im around smokers also, but not daily. My husband smokes when he drinks, which is usually just a Saturday, and my FIL visits once a week, hes a chain smoker. At the beginning it was a bit of a trigger but im telling you, it very quickly becomes so offputting, the smell!! I have to fumigate my house after FIL leaves hahaha. And as for a smokey breath kiss, no thanks, so there is no winching on a Saturday night in my household Wishing you all the very best, and great to see you in the daily nope thread, i find that very helpful for setting me up for the day! What does winching mean in Scotland? The Scottish Dictionary defines the word winch as a verb meaning "to court or date". In real life Glasgow patter it can mean so much else. There can be very few Glaswegians who haven't had a winch - a kiss or a snog - on the way home from the dancing
    3 points
  12. Awesome SP!!! Yes when the cravings are there they. are. right. there. Lol and it doesn’t seem like they’ll end but they do after some time. It really helps me to keep reading abt this addiction, even if you don’t know how to feel or what to think. I’m super proud of u bc these days are hard.
    3 points
  13. Work past the craves. They are not commands and don't last long. Fight through them. Each crave you fight through is a victory and makes your quit stronger. You are doing great @Slow progress
    3 points
  14. Walked the dog on 2 long walks today and was loads easier than even a week ago- despite that, I am really craving a cigarette - I can almost taste it! Won’t have one as I don’t have a spare 70k, but god I do miss them just now. Gonna walk for 10 minutes then make dinner
    3 points
  15. SP it’s totally different for everyone like Jillar said…and I’m just being honest w u about my experience. Literally take it hour by hour, day by day. They add up quick you’ll be surprised. You’re doing amazing
    2 points
  16. I love that - turning all your negative thoughts into positive thoughts! today I am still a non-smoker - how great is that?
    2 points
  17. Just wondering when I’ll get any joy in life again - spending every day just waiting to go to bed is pretty crappy, so hopefully soon …
    2 points
  18. Thanks overcome and Katgirl unfortunately still a slave to nicotine as doing the patches! Glad I came on here - just got back from playing golf-a happy smoky place normally and am feeling really desperate for a cigarette. Saw your messages so will hold off and go water the plants instead x so thankyou both for the distraction. day 4 is thankfully almost over! Hallelujah
    2 points
  19. Happy Anniversary @Katgirl and congrats on your upcoming wedding
    2 points
  20. Wtf ... You chicks need a new hobby 00
    2 points
  21. Keep up the great work @Slow progress
    2 points
  22. Day 3..the day all nicotine has left your body ..i can still remember how good this made me feel ..and proud of myself ...all you have to do is dont put any back ..so stay strong. B...your post made me smile .. The spaces get bigger and bigger . Well done quitters .
    2 points
  23. Yay to day 3 @Slow progress, you're doing great! Have you looked into creating a ticker for your signature? Its a great way to watch the time, money and cigarettes NOT smoked add up. Super inspirational and something I loved logging on and looking at each day @Brioski, I'm so happy to see you're starting to have hours of not thinking about smoking. Be sure to write about that on your Update thread so when you go back and read it you'll see how you've progressed Thanks for the shout out @DenaliBlues, I'm glad that helped you
    2 points
  24. 1 point
  25. Omg im glad you went through the same but day 20? Omg I won’t make it! 4 days is so little but also so big- I struggled today but I stuck with it. I need some serious help to make it to day20. Need to change it up a bit tomorrow I think. Blows my mind that I haven’t smoked 100 cigarettes in 4 days! That’s really a lot!
    1 point
  26. Congratulations, @Katgirl!!! 2 years is amazingggg!!! And congrats on your wedding!! That’s a good day, 10/7. (It’s also my birthday that day lol) Way to go girl!
    1 point
  27. I totally get you SP!! The whole waiting to go to bed, watching the hours go by, wondering why go through life without any enjoyment…both times I quit I’m like wtf what the heck is there to life now, not happy, etc. it totally does get better. Life does get back to some points of normal and just keeps improving I’m guessing lol. You don’t believe it or think it will but it does. I was crying my eyes out, guttural sobbing on day 20-something…by day 31ish things were better. Almost four days go girl!
    1 point
  28. 000..Hi mac ..never mind ..!!
    1 point
  29. Congratulations on your wedding Plans ..im so happy for you ..x
    1 point
  30. 1 point
  31. G’day NOPE .....Not One Puff Ever.... (replace Ever with Min,Hour, Day as required).
    1 point
  32. 10. Take it for a walk. How about 10 things you can do with… WIRE.
    1 point
  33. Love that answer - I know what you mean about the smell - so disgusting yet so nice at the same time! I have so not got this yet - but I am reading and cheering you all and hoping to cling onto your journey and energy and somehow make it through. my chest is bad so I think I’m literally at the point where I physically can’t smoke - what other options do I have but to carry on? Bummer
    1 point
  34. Halfway through day 2 and still smoke free - hubby still puffing away (and seems sort of annoyed with me) but I’m determined to make it to the end of day 2 if it kills me! Cannot wait to get to tomorrow and do the same again. Thanks for the undeserved encouragement
    1 point
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QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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