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  1. G’day NOPE .....Not One Puff Ever.... (replace Ever with Min,Hour, Day as required).
    4 points
  2. Ive always said.. All Roads lead to Rome... Just get yourself there..ive tried every method known to man to Quit in the past ..without success.. Cold Turkey worked for me .. Taking everything off the table .. I played the halfhearted quits for over 50 years .. It was the best way for me .. Cut all ties .. Do whatever works for you... Your life depends on it ..
    2 points
  3. I’ve read this post multiple times and am enjoying reading the replies , too. I kind of still see the “cold turkey is the only [acceptable] way” - not with you guys here - but for example via fb link on the whyquit website, which I’ve read and skim once in a while still. I went cold turkey this time, last year I used patches. Both suck and it just sucks in general, at least for me right now. I don’t know the right answer. We have those weight loss shots spreading like wildfire right now, why can’t there be magical smoking cessation shots we can give ourselves….smozempic, anyone?
    2 points
  4. I have always wondered why the success rate for smoking cessation with NRT was so abysmally low. If nicotine was truly the addictive component then NRT should have a super high rate of efficacy. I've known people who used the patch (me included) and would be desperately trying to recharge it by mid afternoon with a Marlboro Light. I tried the gums as well with similarly spectacular fails. Then a few days ago I ran across a video, which I will link below that described a whole different mechanism of addiction regarding cigarettes. It may not be 100% accurate but it certainly makes a lot more sense to me than the current narrative surrounding cigarette addiction. And please understand, I'm NOT posting this to use as an excuse to keep smoking, on the contrary, it makes quitting cigarettes more important than ever and getting a better understanding of the true enemy and why the path is so difficult and traumatic may help firm up our resolve to stay quit. So what is the real culprit? Surprise, it's not tobacco or nicotine. At least not by themselves, but rather an additive called pyrazines that are added to the tobacco. According to a study put out in 2015 based on the tobacco industries own research, " substantial evidence exists to suggest that nicotine's reinforcing effects alone are not sufficient to account for the intense addictive properties of tobacco smoking and the high relapse rates among smokers after quitting even when provided nicotine in forms other than tobacco." It was also noted that nicotine had a very limited ability to induce self administration in animals. So according to this paper nicotine by itself has a very low potential to induce an addiction. However, with addition of certain pyrazines along with a few other chemicals, and by a few I mean hundreds, they found they could make the nicotine highly addictive. Personally I don't think that nicotine is the culprit at all. I think it's most likely the pyrazines and/or the other hundreds of chemicals and the smoking population were the lab rats in the 50's thru the mid 80's as they refined the formulas. I remember going out to the bars in my younger days and having young attractive females approach me to take a survey and get a free pack of smokes. I was to drunk and stupid to realize I was part of someone else's science experiment. Anyway, if you are struggling to quit, remember that you aren't fighting a natural substance. You are up against a highly weaponized product meant to keep you imprisoned in an addiction that is so subtle when you feed it's hard to see but so relentless when you don't that it is almost unbearable. Don't buy into the 3 days to beat the physical withdrawal. That probably is true for nicotine by itself but that is not what we are fighting. The best case scenario is we are fighting a weaponized version of it and the worst case scenario is it isn't the nicotine at all. We don't know what they've done to it but we do know they push the nicotine replacement therapy as a way to quit so that could be a tell. And I don't know about anyone else but that shit never did anything for me. Quitting is a war so be prepared to fight for your life. The good news is that you have the ultimate weapon if you choose to use it, and be ready to use it a lot. That weapon is that you are always in control. You control when you choose to acknowledge the crave and when to ignore it. You are in control when you choose to maintain the quit or cave to the crave. The physical withdrawal lasted months for me and it was relentless. I still have little skirmishes from time to time but I don't dare entertain the thought of testing those waters. There is a chemical cocktail in todays cigarettes with the addictive power of heroine and getting out of that trap at all is a miracle. Below are links to the video and the paper. Take it for what it's worth. Don't let these unscrupulous bastards beat you. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4941150/ https://www.bitchute.com/video/QjCmLeoyrcDh/
    1 point
  5. 1 point
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