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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/22/23 in all areas

  1. G’day NOPE .....Not One Puff Ever.... (replace Ever with Min,Hour, Day as required).
    4 points
  2. Congratulations and well done. You got this. Stay strong and positive. Best wishes.
    4 points
  3. Congratulations on your 2nd month of being quit! You are doing great! I hope that you rewarded yourself well.
    4 points
  4. Great going B.... Two months is a brilliant Quit .. Its not always easy ..but your whooping that Nico Monsters Arse. Thank you for your support to others and for helping to slap the sticks Upwards on Onwards .
    3 points
  5. Great job @Brioski!! Way to defend your quit despite adversity. Congratulations on hitting the two month mark. Here’s to many more months to come. It gets easier soon!
    3 points
  6. congrats @Brioski 2 months is a mighty fine start. you are doing great.
    3 points
  7. Congratulations on your second month (and a day) smoke free @brioski We're so glad to have you here supporting everyone as you conquer your addiction. That's how successful quits are made Don't forget to treat yourself to something special for all the hard work!
    2 points
  8. G’day NOPE .....Not One Puff Ever.... (replace Ever with Min,Hour, Day as required).
    2 points
  9. Congratulations on 2 months quit. You are doing so great. So, don't forget to reward yourself today.
    2 points
  10. Congratulations @Brioski I know it may not always feel this way but you are doing great. Keep up the awesome work, it does get better. You are doing awesomely.
    2 points
  11. 1 point
  12. I feel ya on the digestion thing. That is actually what spurred me to join this forum. If you read my earliest post you'll see that I literally was full of shit. LOL. But the way they were able to take something that was probably about as addictive as weed (which I could smoke or not smoke at will and never had a crave for it) and turn it into something that is so subtle and yet so hard to give up is almost admirable. We are a genius lot even if some of us are evil asf. Anyway, glad the NRT worked for you and @Gus.
    1 point
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