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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/18/23 in all areas
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Congratulations on your quit and welcome aboard. I can attest that it certainly helps me to come on here everyday and read, also knowing that if it got to a really rough patch all I’d need to do is post and wait is so reassuring. Committing on the daily nope thread is also really helpful. I look forward to gettIng to watch your success5 points
@tocevoD I was a social smoker at a pack or two a day most of my life. Hop aboard the train for awhile to help support your quit. Good luck.5 points
Thanks everyone! You make me feel really great. I clued a few of my family members to the fact that it was my 2nd year anniversary of being smoke free and the responses were not so encouraging, celebratory, or supportive. A couple of them were my biggest naggers about needing to quit to begin with. Good thing I didn’t quit for ‘them’ or they would’ve driven me back to smoking already. LOL So since I quit for ‘me’, I just celebrated all by myself. I am so very thankful for the congratulatory posts y’all’ve sent to me. You guys are the best!5 points
4 points
congrats on the 2nd anniversary of your quit @Gus so happy to see you reach those milestones. I hope you had a wonderful day and may I always be 5 months behind you.4 points
Hi, @tocevoD. Glad to hear of your fresh resolve. Being an “occasional” smoker never worked for me, either… that’s just a bogus story that addicts spin to try and delude ourselves and others. Good on you for unmasking it. Stick close to the Train for positive reinforcement. Looking forward to having you around!4 points
@tocevoD, I'd like to remind you of your post from August of 2022 where you stated that the next day would be the day to quit once and for all: I remind you of this to help you realize that maybe just checking in to document your progress is not enough to insure your forever quit. If nothing else maybe come on to NOPE for the day to reaffirm your commitment to not smoke.4 points
The very best of luck to you, toc! I’m a newbie and trying my best to ride this train! The brain/psychological part of this whole thing is what gets me the most, how we have to fight our own brain for what’s right. I don’t want to be a slave to this piece of paper and leaves. I saw first hand what it did to my amazing daddy, my uncle….I want to break the chain. Sure the thoughts come of “wouldn’t it be nice” but I breathe and breathe until I blow ‘em down - one hr, min, or sec at a time. Ok who’s making me talk like this? Lol I sound like a non smoker4 points
Been on here in the past. Been on here as a smoker and as a non smoker. I started with the ciggies last year fully again after trying to be a social smoker for 5 years. I was that social smoker who didn't smoke the rest of the week. It doesn't work. You are either full in on a quit or you haven't beat the habit. Soon enough the social smoking had ventured into the rest of the week and I was fully smoking again. You're either all on with the quit or not at all. I'm ready for all in. I'm full on focused that this is the time I will fully quit. I hardly go out socially much anymore but even if I do I'm sure/certain I will not want to go down that path again. The time has come, I've been down this path before. I know what the 1st few weeks will be like. The brain triggering at every trigger point. Up in the morning with a cuppa, the brain sends the signal of how you used to have a ciggie. Just home from work, the brain sends the signal of how you relaxed with a ciggie. These are all things that will be batted away again until the thoughts go completely. Wish me luck if you want but I don't believe I'll need it this time. This is the time I finally beat it and regain my life. Will be in and out of here over the next few weeks, months to document my progress.3 points
Congratulations @Gus on another year quit! And thank you for sticking around with your awesome support. I hope you have a GREAT day!3 points
@Brioski “Ok who’s making me talk like this? Lol I sound like a non smoker” LOL This ^ I LOVE IT! You are going to be okay. @tocevoD Welcome! It’s great to see you back and ready to throw the cigarettes out for good this time. It will do you good to stay on this site as much as possible in the beginning. We are all here to help and would love to see you succeed!3 points
Congratulations on 2 years smoke free, Gus, and thanks for all the support you continue to provide to others. I hope you celebrate big today.3 points
Yaaay for you, Gus!!!! We're all excited to celebrate the big 2! Congratulations on 2 years smoke-free, and what a kind, supportive mentor to all you've been ever since you arrived!3 points
Good to see you back on the Train . No luck needed ..you can do it .. Same rule !!! Never stick anything in your mouth and set fire to it ..3 points
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G’day NOPE .....Not One Puff Ever.... (replace Ever with Min,Hour, Day as required).2 points
Congratulations on 2 years, that is just awesome! Thank you for making me feel welcome, especially early in my quit and all your support here on the train. Here's a big bear HUG for you!2 points
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Hey Brioski, Heck yes, use the JAC (Jillar's air cigarette) it actually heals your body with air, clean fresh unpolluted air. Glad the crave passed and you're still seated. The screw it all feelings are tough. ...and staying here posting, reading and repeating are a fabulous way to get to the other side remaining free. You quit because you dont want to smoke. Addiction is a liar, hypocrite and thief. Stay free. Write Johnny's taglines down on a few sticky notes and put them where you will read them should you be on the road to get cigarettes....wrap your credt card in one, post one on your dashboard, etc.1 point
I don't forget I used to smoke but I rarely think about smoking ever again. Plus, I rarely have any cravings to smoke at all.1 point
Love the lightheartedness ... thanks for keeping laughing at the forefront.1 point
A thought ... Im here everyday talking about smoking.. Do i ever feel like lighting up.. Never ..that speaks volumes ..!!1 point
I appreciate so much what I’m learning from you all and for the interactions and laughs1 point
Hi @Kate18! Your post made me laugh and gave me hope. While I haven’t had a day that I haven’t thought about smoking, years ago while me and hubby watched men in black I had a thought of wow, wouldn’t this thing be a lifesaver, literally, in helping a smoker become a nonsmoker (ideally me and my dad who was a heavy smoker, he passed in dec 2021 and miss him dearly…he was the kindest and best man, and daddy, ever). I hope and am looking forward to a day when remembering I smoked, or a cig itself for that matter, is a fleeting thought.1 point
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