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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/02/23 in all areas
The faster you dismiss those thoughts the less they'll bother you. I would tell myself, "smoking is not an option, move on."6 points
Yep ....but kept telling myself i was stronger than a thought .. The oldies and wiser kept telling it WILL get better ..guess what it did One day i had my lightbulb moment...it all made sense.. Stay strong6 points
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Good morning, @Brioski. You betcha - strong urges persisted for me for a long time. It’s the nature of addiction, because smoking was so ingrained in our emotional lives and daily rhythms. So the big cravings are not surprising… but they are flipping aggravating! It helps me to remember that I have the quitting skills to dismiss those urges. They may bug the bejeezus outa me - but they don’t own me! Smack em aside and go about the business of living your free life!6 points
Hi everyone. I’ve made this decision for the last time. I love and hate smoking at the same time. But im Looking forward to giving and getting support5 points
Hi Saving, it’s really good to meet you. I’m on Day 2 so we will be very near each other and Brioski. We are a quitting trio now. Please let us know how you’re doing and I’m so looking forward to getting to know you5 points
^^This @Brioski ^^ and don't worry about those bigger jobs right now, they'll be there another day when you're feeling more secure in your quit. Mine was invisible so I never had to forget where I left it lol. You could ask one of your non-smoking friends or family to hang with you while you get those chores done to hold you accountable.5 points
Ditto on everything Denali said. I would just add that there is nothing romantic about killing ourselves in one of the slowest and smelliest ways possible. The same tools that got you through the first week will see you through your first month and so on! In between each task replace that smoke break with loud music and a silly dance, a short brisk walk, anything that engages your mind and body! It only takes a few minutes to beat back that Nicodemon! And that gets easier too. Just stay busy and stay close and please if needed.5 points
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Hi everyone, that’s Day 2 done and dusted. I’m going to sleep soon and I feel really grateful to be a non smoker today. Thank you to everyone for the support you have shown me over the past couple of days4 points
Hi Saving, A huge congrats! I was in the same boat, loved it but hated it, couldn’t breathe, etc. I’m only on day 10 and parts have suckedddd ngl but for sure rewarding. You can do it4 points
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Thanks to all of you. It’s been a super busy day at work so I’m sorry I haven’t been able to talk much. I’ll be more chatty this evening.. But I did want to let you know I saw your replies and appreciate them3 points
The addiction is deeply embedded into our brains, so it takes a while to rewire everything. The voice that says smoking feels good or is satisfying or is your friend is a big liar. That’s your junkie brain trying to slip your handcuffs back on. The TRUTH is that smoking is toxic and stinky, will give you a headache, will constrict your breathing and spike your heart rate and and will probably trigger feelings of failure. Take pride in your hard work and protect your quit! During the tough days, I found it helpful to shift my mental focus to something (just about anything) else. 100 times an hour if needed. Otherwise, if I focused on the cravings it gave them more power and evoked a lot of feelings of sadness and loss - which I didn’t need on top of all the other struggles that come with quitting. Distracting myself became kind of a constant creative exercise. You are doing the right thing to come here snd talk things through. You’re making headway.3 points
Hello and welcome .. Congratulations for making the best choice for you..stopping smoking is the mist rewarding thing ever. Check out our Main Discussion Board..it has lots of great information to get you started .. Looking forward to getting to know you better .3 points
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You can do it @Molly2310! So glad you are posting here. Stay busy and stay strong. One day at a time, and freedom from the chains of nicotine can be yours!3 points
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Hey guys, good morning I woke up today wanting a cig, more than the other days, although I really haven’t had *bad cravings*, seems like more triggers are coming out. I guess the longer I go not smoking, the more my mind’s trying to mess w me like “ok, ha did good kid, now let’s celebrate w a smoke” lol wackadoo. I know this isn’t an sos but I think I “romance” the cig….and after I read that great post yest on romancing the cig . I also have been putting off some types of housework bc of fear of what’ll I do in between. I can do dishes, laundry no problem but the toilets, mopping….those are “bigger” jobs in my head. Idk. Anyone else get bigger pangs after the first week?2 points
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This. This will see you through! I’m looking forward to following your quit. Stay close.2 points
Welcome @SavingMeFromMyself great decision, you no longer have to be a slave to nicotine, it is a terrible addiction, much worse than I ever imagined. You can do this!2 points
Brioski, Glad your here and sharing the path. Read and reread johnny5's tag lines. Read and reread the pre post to yourself s.o.s. thread. Read all the funny past postings. Being free and remaining free ..... I believe in you.2 points
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It’s Day Two and it’s early but I feel not too bad for now. I hope everyone has a wonderful day2 points
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On and off wanting one most of the day…not even one, I want like a lot, give me the whole pack lol. My garage where I used to smoke smells like semi good to me (my dryer’s in the garage so once in a while I go in there). Ugh. Trying to let the cravings come ahead and not try and ignore, they say to do that, no? But also telling myself how I do not want to go back to the slavery, the difficulty breathing, I want to live smoke free and also for a potential baby in the future etc. I’m trying I really am. Why is it harder some days and some days easier-ish? I don’t want to give in to these addictive thoughts, the junkie thoughts. I know that’s what they are but then the devil on the other shoulder is telling me how good it’ll be. I hate this!1 point
Hello Mee, I love that your RV says EPIC on the side. Must have great energy as you roll along. Glad you're on adventure and free from nicotine!1 point
Glad you're seated on the Quit Train, Brioski. I, too, have found a seat, given it up and returned (more than one time). I have quit several times over the course of 40 plus years of active slavery to nicotine. Have always been well aware of the addiction to the drug. I have quit by several "methods". My quits have varied from nail-biting moment by moment breathing to put down the smokes and walk away with very little difficulty until months later when a difficult situation arrives and I ran back to slavery because I didn't have skills, tools or desire to navigate the space without the drug. I will say this site is by far the most helpful to me in my journey to REMAIN FREE. My worst enemy is myself and the addiction lies I have held as 'real' for me for years. The people, information and posts here are amazing in many many ways. Ever so glad you are feeling the support. I do suggest you pre-respond to our own S.O.S. on the thread. I do suggest you USE the S.O.S. if you even vaguely maybe are close to putting something in your mouth and lighting it on fire. There is no crying "wolf" here.... we are saving our lives and here to support each other, so S.O.S. and play games in the game section whenever you need to be with people. One breath at a time if that's what it takes. NOPE scares me...and I'm doing it anyway (sporadically on the thread and presently in my everyday life). I guess that's how I am trying to show myself I believe in myself.1 point
Welcome back, Molly. Glad you started your quit again. You are doing the right thing. You can do this.1 point
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Thank you @jillar I have an anti anxiety med for as needed/rescue and I’ve also just been put on a daily anxiety med like 2 weeks ago so hopefully those help. I’m also ashamed to say I have an inhaler and nebulizer for breathing stuff, which I was sometimes using and then shortly after go smoke *cringe*. I never told anyone that. Man, do I feel like shit knowing what I was/am doing to myself. Hopefully I’m on the track to freedom. I am committed, but saying that “ever” is just daunting and grim to think about forever. Idk. I sound like a basket case, huh.1 point
@Brioski, wow sounds like you had quite a scare today. As someone with breathing issues I can relate to how scary it is to suddenly not be able to breathe. The anxiety goes through the roof which only makes trying to catch my breath harder to do. Instead I've found that if I stay still and do pursed lip breathing while telling myself I'm ok it helps calm me faster. You might give that a try to see if it works for you. If your anxiety or SOB gets too bad you can ask your Dr about a temporary anxiety med and a rescue inhaler until your system gets back to normal1 point
Hey @WeegieWoman and all Yes, today/tonight is day 7, feeling ok. Just had a bout of anxiety/panic attack about 2 hrs ago. Couldn’t breathe, oxygen went lower than normal (I have that finger oximeter thingy) and w my recent hospital trips I got nervous and made it worse I think. I even looked up and said “why?! I’ve been stopped smoking for 7 days! Why?!” I’m good now, went for a drive and ended up at my fiancés business (luckily no one else is here since I’m in pjs and mascara running down my face lol). I have no idea why it came on today. I have had crying episodes some these past few days bc of not being able to smoke but it passes relatively quickly and I do deep breathing which really helps….it was not like the attack today. also all the reading I’m doing is so helping with helping me understand and know that healing is on its way. Ugh sorry for the run on post. I think I’m doing pretty good w the ‘I’m not smoking today’, feeling good when I get into bed at the end of the day, etc. my next steps are starting to relearn to do things without the cig ie cleaning, organizing closets etc. oh and my convenience store amount of candy I have in my stash lol is helping, too. anyway, hi friends, hope everyone’s having a marvelous, not manic, Monday1 point
Dear QT Riders, I deeply appreciate your support and celebration. I am delighted to be a month quit.1 point
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