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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/18/23 in all areas
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Keep up the fabulous, life-affirming work, Molly: quitting is the single most important thing you can do for yourself, and you'll be transformed in the process. Indeed, that transformation is already happening. Others may have mentioned this already, but remember that recovery is not a linear process in the short term. Thus, Day 8 can be frustratingly, terrifyingly more difficult than, say, Day 4: it takes time to recalibrate your responses to all the different kinds of stimuli that we associated with smoking. And FWIW, I think that this lack of linearity (i.e., the fact that it doesn't necessarily get "better" every day in the initial stages) is a major reason for failed quits by even the most well-intentioned quitters. Of course, over the long term, quitting DOES follow a predictable trajectory, and there's no question that you'll ultimately be free from the struggles of this early period and achieve a kind of peace and pride through your persistence. We know that because it happened (or is happening) to all of us; at the same time, we all know and can empathize with your difficulties. So you're not alone. We're pulling for and are inspired by you, friend-- Christian99 21 Years Quit5 points
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Hi Molly2310 you quit on my birthday...I think that really lovely! Welcome to the train of taking back everything this addiction takes from us5 points
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Congrats @DenaliBlues not sure how I missed your big day though. Anyhoo...it's always nice to see a quitter win!! these might not be the right monkees for this occasion.3 points
I just find it amazing how the CEO's front teeth are all rotten, what a real pleasure it must be for his wife to kiss him. Also I cannot believe the statement," The best way to avoid death is not to be born". Are you kidding me. Wow shallow people. Great documentary.3 points
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@Molly2310 you are rockin it! You hold the keys to your freedom, you are no longer a slave to nicotine.2 points
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Hiya, can I just say that I’m so very grateful to have found this place, thank you everyone for being so supportive. im nearing the end of day 4 and wanted to ask something. I’ve noticed that today the urges to smoke have been stronger. I thought about it in as analytical way as I could and came to the conclusion that they may feel like that for me because it was nigh on constant in the first few days but now I’m feeling “normal” for periods of time (admittedly not for long) so I’m noticing and feeling the urges more because they feel more noticeable. Does that make sense? Or am I just being overly optimistic? Again, thanks for being here1 point
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I used to read a lot of Piers Anthony, the Xanth novels were a nice get away. https://www.amazon.com/Piers-Anthony-Xanth-Novels-Set/dp/B00IXVKUQW/ref=sr_1_5?crid=2CDA0U3BOUKZG&keywords=piers+anthony+xanth+series&qid=1676731281&s=books&sprefix=piers+anthony%2Cstripbooks%2C143&sr=1-5 Started when I read this one: https://www.amazon.com/Spell-Chameleon-Xanth-Book/dp/0345347536/ref=sr_1_2?crid=2CDA0U3BOUKZG&keywords=piers+anthony+xanth+series&qid=1676731281&s=books&sprefix=piers+anthony%2Cstripbooks%2C143&sr=1-21 point
Yay Molly..Congratulations....Your doing great... I can remember just how important those NOPE,S where to me .. I couldn't wait to get on here and brag I did another day ... Come here and brag...we love it !!!!1 point
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If you'd like another awesome tool, we have quit tickers for your signature. You can watch all the time, money and cigarettes NOT smoked since you quit!1 point
Yay to being almost done with hell week @Molly2310, you should be so proud of yourself Glad the NOPE/NOPT thread is working for you too. My fellow 2016 Buttkickers and I use to race to see who could NOPE first after cbdave posted it lol. It was a lot of fun and further commitment to keep it so we could post there1 point
Well, here I am, approaching the end of my first week. I have to say that in some respects it’s been easier than I imagined, and, in other respects every bit as problematic. I’ve had really strong urges over the last couple of days but I’ve been more determined than I ever have before. I’m so grateful for the support that I have from my remaining family and from here. I honestly don’t think I would be feeling this way if not for that so thank you all from the bottom of my heart. Onwards and upwards, one day at I time. Oh and I love the NOPE thread on here, although I have to admit that for me it’s more of a not one puff today. I know I’ll reach the “ever” sentiment one day though which I love. Thanks again guys and gals1 point
Yay @Molly2310 glad you're having a good day And look at you already almost a month quit @darcy, well done1 point
Happy your both still here. Stay strong and hang tough. Better days ahead. Just around the corner shortly. Congratulations. Keep it up. Best wishes.1 point
Hello Molly. Glad you are on the Quit Train and having a great day. I am still here. too! I am not far along in my quit and the desire to smoke is present lots. Jillar's 'air cigarette' tool really works for me sometimes. I use Chrysallis' 5 more minutes mantra lots of times, then of course it turns into remaining quit. Hoping you find your way through whatever comes up FREE from nicotine slavery today and everyday.1 point
Good morning all, Just checking in - Day 6 is here and I'm doing so much better, today is a really good day I hope everyone is having a wonderful day.1 point
You are doing great, Molly. Congratulations on the end of day 4. Everyone's quit is different but each day (hour, etc.) that you go smoke free, the stronger your quit gets. You will still experience urges and thoughts of smoking but stay strong. Things will get better. Keep up the great work.1 point
Those urges to smoke will grow further apart overtime and eventually the actual urge lessens to a mere thought and then as a wisp of a memory come and gone before you name it. You are building a solid foundation for your quit and it will carry you through.1 point
We are so glad you found this place too... Your body has been fed poisons for decades ...it's got used to being fed every couple of hours ... I explained my feelings to a toddler learning all about life for the first time .. We have to retrain our brain on how to do everything without our fix ... This is why we call it a journey ...we travel along learning how to live life without our fix .. You fight your battles ... eventually you will win the war .. We have all been where you are ...keep coming here ,we will help you through as best we can1 point
Hi @Molly2310. Your days are adding up - woo hoo! I had a similar experience to yours. Even after the first stage of chemical withdrawal, there were still a lot of ritual and emotional associations to rewire. Plus I had a deep body memory of smoking that would slam into me sometimes. My quitting experience was definitely not linear, more of a zig zag. Stay vigilant and stay busy and you will do okay. KTQ - Keep the Quit!1 point
Hey @Molly2310, yes that does make sense. We've all been there, that's part of the magic of this place. As you go through your day you deal with a lot of triggers, or times you would grab a smoke, and those need to be dealt with one by one. That's why we recommend taking the One Year Pledge that's pinned to the top.We feel that a year gets you through most of the triggers you will have to deal with and we want to help you if you need support. Your addiction is throwing a complete tantrum right now and wants its fix. You just stand your ground and don't give in because with each trigger you go through it'll be easier the next time.1 point
Thanks for the update @Amy R.! Two years quit is awesome and glad that your office mate is a quitter too.1 point
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