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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/11/23 in all areas

  1. Well I made it to day 2 I read Allen Carr’s book and, to be honest, I am surprised not to be climbing the walls this morning. Yesterday certainly had it’s moments but I have a feeling that today might be more intense. I am spending the day with family, none of whom smoke, and will lurk around here and read in the quiet moments. I know this is a journey of many steps, going steeply uphill at first, then plateauing and finally coming down a lovely gentle slope into a sweet smelling meadow. Day 2 is just one of those steps. And I’m stronger now, because I’m on here I hope everyone has a lovely day
    7 points
  2. Hello Companion Travelers on the Train of Freedom, Grateful beyond expression to NOT light up.... within the first 5 minutes of waking every day between tasks after work, before work and at lunch at work after eating, swimming or walking before bed Grateful that I have almost stopped wheezing. Grateful that I do not smell like smoke. Grateful for every moment I continue to BE FREE from nicotine slavery. Still scared. Still wobbly. Glad you all continue to BE here.
    6 points
  3. Hello Molly, Yay for reclaiming your life! Glad you're finding resources that lift you up....Allen Carr, Quit Train and your own thought process. Glad you have nonsmokers to be with in the early days. Quit Train is a wonderful support and BE willing to use it. I do recommend pre posting a response to your own S.O.S.. See the S.O.S. thread should you find that idea useful. Just breathe.
    6 points
  4. Congratulations Molly .. Day 2...same as Day 1... One day at a time ... Allen Carr was a huge influence on my own quit too .!!
    6 points
  5. You are doing great Molly. Stay focused on the cleansing breaths of clean air you are inhaling and the exhalation of all the lies addiction has kept you chained with.
    5 points
  6. Hi, @darcy. It's wonderful to hear some of the gifts of freedom beginning to assert themselves! I think that a time of being scared and wobbly (which I was, too) is a natural part of quitting. Smoking was our architecture - and our prison - for so long that things feel odd and herky-jerky without it. But we are starting anew, building something beautiful.
    5 points
  7. Hurray for you and your freedom Denali Blues! A year is a great accomplishment and gift to yourself and lungs. May your freedom be forever and your kindness continue to lift up those on their paths to freedom. hoping you celebrate in whatever style sings to your heart...
    5 points
  8. Thanks to one and all! It’s been an uphill climb at times, but I’m super grateful to finally reach the lido deck. So thankful for the encouragement , companionship and wacky laughs along the way. One year down, many more to come! Time to get the party started…
    5 points
  9. Hi @Molly2310 congrats on 1 day ....... you wont ever have to do day 1 again if you dont want to. You are free, no longer a slave to nicotine, stick with it no matter what, you are worth it.
    5 points
  10. It took me a long time to start doing the daily NOPE pledge: Not One Puff Ever. When I first quit, I was a basket case. I could barely tie my shoes, let alone come up with a whole new life plan. If I had tried to figure out how to stop smoking “forever” at that point, my brain might have exploded. After 42+ years of smoking, I simply couldn’t conceive of life without cigarettes. Truth be told, I didn't want to. And I was very afraid that I’d fail. (Again.) To make it over those starting hurdles, I took things one craving at a time – then one hour, and then one day at a time. That incremental approach worked better for me. It kept things simpler, more attainable. Small steps also disarmed the ambivalence I had about quitting. Part of me still desperately wanted to smoke. If I had waited to quit until I was 100% certain, I would have put off quitting indefinitely. I needed a way to quit anyhow, despite those mixed feelings. No puffing TODAY was that ticket for me. NOPT aint poetic, but it worked. SNOTT (Smoking’s Not on the Table) was helpful, too. My early quitting journey was much more gritty than pretty. There were dark times. Cravings definitely sucked. But they didn’t kill me. Every small victory mattered - minutes, then hours and days that I didn’t smoke. They built my quitting skills. And they helped me find my determination, too. Each moment without smoking was hard-won and precious, something I’d earned that I didn’t want to throw away. I began guarding them. I started to feel just a wee bit fierce. And the days started adding up sooner than I thought they would... It turned out that there was light waiting for me on the other side of withdrawal, light that I couldn’t see before. My addiction to nicotine had spun a story that I was a lost cause, that quitting was impossible for me, that only misery lay ahead if I quit. But that was an illusion, a withdrawal temper tantrum. By taking things one hour and one day at a time, evidence pointing to a different reality began to stack up. Quitting IS possible. Freedom CAN happen. I am gradually coming to believe in a forever quit for myself. These days, the daily NOPE pledge helps me stay committed and accountable. And vigilant. Sometimes I still have a strong longing to smoke. NOPE reminds me not to fall down the “I could have just one cigarette” sinkhole. Because I am an addict, one smoke inevitably leads to more. NOPE keeps me off that merry go round of misery. I’m so grateful to everyone here who does the NOPE pledge. It’s great reinforcement for the importance of actively tending my quit – like watering a garden. It’s a tiny celebration that helps me avoid complacency. And it’s positive reinforcement, reminding me that there are lots of other people walking this path, finding their own ways to freedom. If you’re lurking on the platform of the Quit Train station, unsure about hopping on board, give quitting a try. It’s possible. If NOPE feels beyond reach for any reason, toss in a NOPT or a SNOTT, instead. Whatever works for you. Amazing things can happen one day at a time.
    4 points
  11. I’m so glad that you are still here with us and that you are doing so well with your quit and yes, I am thankful that I continue to BE ‘here’. Not only for myself but for others also.
    4 points
  12. Sounds like you are doing great: put your head down, shoulder your way through those first tough days, and surround yourself with positive reinforcement for not smoking. Good job building a solid foundation for your quit! You can do this.
    4 points
  13. A HUGE congrats buddy! I am so happy for you, one year is just awesome!
    4 points
  14. G’day NOPE .....Not One Puff Ever.... (replace Ever with Min,Hour, Day as required).
    3 points
  15. Bump... It's always good to be reminded no matter how long the Quit ..
    3 points
  16. Congratulations on 2 years AceWhite! Glad you are living the life you desire in full freedom from nicotine!
    3 points
  17. Thanks everyone for your lovely welcome, it means a lot and I am so relieved and pleased that I found this place. I live in England so this is Day 1 complete for me
    3 points
  18. Way to go Darcey... Great positive Post ....Keep that enthusiasm....Feel proud ...we love it
    2 points
  19. You're doing awesome @darcy, and look at all the money you've already saved! Crazy how quickly it adds up isn't it?!
    2 points
  20. Way to go Molly. Stay true yourself and have faith. You are truly on the right path to a happier and healthier life.
    2 points
  21. Congratulations on 1 year smoke free @DenaliBlues and thanks for all the support you continue to give others. Excellent job! Celebrate big today!
    2 points
  22. Welcome aboard @Molly2310...Great decision to free yourself of this killer addiction ... On our Main Smoking Discussion Board you will find tons of great info to get going ... The more you learn and understand the addiction the easier it will be to put the cigs down forever .. We have some great Newbies to can travel along side ... Those who stay close and post are the ones that succeed ....helping each other strengthens your Quit Looking forward to getting to know you better
    2 points
  23. Congratulations, AceWhite! Two years is a great accomplishment!
    2 points
  24. What a great post Denial.... Thank you for sharing ...it will help our Newbies to learn what a powerful tool those daily p!edges are .. I know for me ...once I had made that promise to myself and the board ..there was no going back that day .
    1 point
  25. Congratulations @DenaliBlues What a great quit you have going!! Thanks for all the help you offer others
    1 point
  26. Welcome aboard Molly2310, grab a seat and congratulations on your decision to kick the habit. You have come to the right place for support and knowledge. The more you participate and interact with the forums the easier your quit will be. We have all been where you are. We will support you every step of the way. Just believe in yourself because you can have your forever quit.
    1 point
  27. Hello @Molly2310! This is a great thing that you are doing! You know that you can get through the early stages because you’ve done it before but, this is a great place to get the solid foundation built that will ensure your forever quit! And as @johnny5 said, “stick close to this site.” I did and I’m just a little over a month shy of being quit 2 years. I needed a whole lot of help and I got it all right here. I’m looking forward to following your quit.
    1 point
  28. Hi @Molly2310. Welcome aboard!! So great that you are quitting. There is much practical wisdom and educational info available on this site - it really opens our eyes about the nature of this addiction, which arms us for success. Plus there are great people here to help. Let us know how you’re doing and how you’re approaching your first days. Like @johnny5 said, you can do this!
    1 point
  29. So awesome to live smoke free- what a blessing it is! Thank you to everyone for the priceless support
    1 point
  30. Great to meet you, @Slow progress! Congrats on giving those smokes the heave-ho. I, too, quit after more than 40 years of smoking. At first I thought I could never be happy without cigarettes. But it turns out that feeling of “I’m going to be miserable forever” is an illusion… it’s something our addiction does to put up a fuss about withdrawal. It’s not accurate. Smoking was NOT our true friend, because real friends don’t bind us in chains, mess with our heads, then slowly try to kill us. It takes a while to recalibrate, but it IS possible! And there are a lot of good people here to help. Keep at it, and let us know how you are feeling day by day.
    1 point
  31. I think they are a ggod idea if you need something to stick in your but to loosen the constipation. The vapor will soften the stool and let your crap come out without pushing.
    1 point
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QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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