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The lies of addiction. One of my brothers came by to fix a burst water pipe last week and as soon as he was finished he lit up a cigarette. I stood there and remembered lighting up every time I finished up some task to celebrate its completion and how satisfied I was with my work. That could still be me. That cigarette smelled so good. But I know without a doubt that I will not light up again. I can’t. I will die if I do because there is absolutely no other quit in me. You are strong. You stepped off the train, but hopped right back on owning up to your bad choice. I would still be down on the line somewhere. I do hope that you are feeling better today.5 points
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G’day some folk think it’s good to forget that junky thoughts. No. Not this little black duck. No complacency here. No romantic shit. I’m Not ever forgetting that I’m that addict.3 points
NOPE…l am so thankful to be saying that, as I have a viral infection that is going around, been really poorly this last week, never known coughing like it.3 points
@Linda, don't feel bad, its normal. I used to want to smoke when I was sick too. I could tell if it was in my lungs by the way it tasted I'm so glad those days are over. I suggest just going with the craves and accepting that they're going to be around for a while just like the last time you quit. Hopefully that'll help. I'm glad you're posting these moments because you'll be able to go back and read them when you're feeling weak and remember you don't want to go through this again! Hope you feel better soon3 points
Thank you everyone .. I'm back home in my pj's with a huge grin on my face as when all the smokers/vapers went out I stayed at the table with the non smokers . So so proud of myself and yes I took my gum with me .3 points
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Oh !!!!....The junkie mind .... Winning the battles ....you won your,s by coming here .... As time passes the thoughts get weaker ... Stay strong Linda2 points
Congratulations on your quit!! You are a great support to others!!!2 points
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4. Take a walk outside to, “blow the stink off.” (As my grandma used to say.)1 point
Thanks guys. Still quite poorly, it’s a viral infection going around that affects the lungs, hence the coughing. So Thankful I’m a non smoker, I can’t imagine having to force my self to smoke right now. the headaches have been from hell too, and sleepless nights, have left me exhausted.. hubby has had it too, so we somehow have stumbled to help each other along. hope your all well.1 point
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Well done Kerry... It's great you realize alcohol can be a trigger , specially in the early days ... Stay strong ...Don't lose sight of the prize ...1 point
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You're doing great @Kerry and I agree with denaliblues to bring mints or gum to suck on. We also have an SOS board you can post to if you feel yourself caving to a crave. Members will know you need extra support if you post there and will help you through it1 point
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@Kerry, glad to hear that you are going to keep your quit! Going into a situation that is a known trigger can be a trial, so have a plan for what you’ll do if a strong craving strikes. (It helps to do something physical, also have gum or mints handy.) come back here afterwards and let us know how it went. That sharing is a great reinforcement for your quit as well.1 point
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DB .... so sorry to hear how you are feeling my friend. I have no real words of wisdom only that what is working for me to quiet the stronger or predictable cravings. I had been giving the craving a big NOPE and doing my best to ignore it or fight it. But lately, I have been doing one mint which gives me the feeling that I have physically done something and the craving is gone. Hang in there, the long time quitter's here say it gets easier and I hope to experience that for myself.1 point
Have been sick the last few days, and what do I want??? The worse thing I know, but I want to smoke. It is what I think will bring me comfort. How crazy is that?0 points
Thanks Jillar, yes the coughing has been something else, seems only a few minutes and then it starts up again, exhausting! Can’t lie down as that sets it off, so sleeping has been patchy. hope it does one soon.0 points
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