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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/09/23 in all areas

  1. Hello everyone.i was a vaper not a cigarette smoker although did smoke cigarettes before becoming a vaper,so hope I can still use this forum.. I quit at 2pm on the 31st December had no Intensions of stopping I just couldn't be bothered to get vape juice and thought enough they all taste the same I'm fed up of coils.dry hits and standing out in the cold to vape at work . So after a 10 year relationship with my vape I bought some nic gum and haven't looked back . The first 8 days seemed fine and I manged each day but today has been a hard one feeling ratty and trying not to snap .hopefully tomorrow will be a good day
    3 points
  2. Darcy, most of us here have failed at least once or more in our battle to quit and stay quit. :Pick a date and give it a shot. The early days of quitting is something we all have to go through. It was rough for me but not as bad as I had imagined. Sound advice from Jillar about quitting and stopping the more severe damages from smoking. You want this and you can do this. Give it a chance and come aboard. best wishes.
    3 points
  3. G’day NOPE .....Not One Puff Ever.... (replace Ever with Min,Hour, Day as required).
    2 points
  4. G’day NOPE .....Not One Puff Ever.... (replace Ever with Min,Hour, Day as required).
    2 points
  5. Glad to have you with us, @darcy. Thanks so much for posting. I, too, was reluctant/terrified to quit: Afraid of failing (again). Afraid of what life would be like without smoking to "soothe" me. Afraid that I'd never be happy again without cigarettes. Afraid of withdrawal. 11 months later I can tell you this: Life without the draining cognitive dissonance of loving/hating smoking is more liberating than I ever imagined it could be. A lot of my ideas about how smoking "soothed" me were horse hockey, just my addiction making noise. Just like this post says: https://www.quittrain.com/topic/11789-nicodemons-lies-lies-truths/ I felt a lot better after I was fully free of nicotine. Withdrawal definitely sucks, no two ways about it. But it's temporary. If you're able to swim over 100 miles per year (wow), you have the grit to get through many difficulties. Quitting IS possible. And there is a posse of good people here to help. Just let go and fall... up.
    2 points
  6. I was terrified - anticipated a big battle and in reality the first 3 days were rough, but not as bad as I had imagined. All the best to you @darcy. If you have been cutting down, which in my experience is tougher than just quitting, you can do this!
    2 points
  7. Hi Darcy. I was scared to quit also. I had established such a love/ hate relationship with smoking and I wasn't sure how to deal with withdrawal. Good news is I didn't think about it anymore- I just did it. And kept doing it. Times were tough on occasion, but overall it was very doable and I kick myself for not trying sooner. Bottom line? Just do it- don't overthink
    2 points
  8. Thanks, Jillar. I appreciate your belief that I can.
    2 points
  9. Hello QT People, I am lurking about wanting to want to quit. Doing it the hard way, so far. Down from a pack a day to half a pack and experiencing the repeated withdrawals. Joel's words ringing in my head.... only two reasons to smoke, paraphrasing here... 1. you want to die a horrible painful death 2. you want to keep experiencing withdrawal and all it's joys I am scared. I am having trouble believing in myself. I am unwilling, thus far. I am afraid to fail, again. I am afraid to commit to nope, to keep smoking, to LIVE. I am giving my power to people who profit from my addiction and life draining away. I am able. I am kind. I am hopeful. I am swimming and doing water aerobics (over 100 miles last year). I am me in all my foibles and big feels. Afraid to BE here before I actually quit. So risking this post for what reason I do not know. Avoiding lighting up right now. Hoping your quits are solid and sticky, your lives are full of robust laughter and deep breaths. Love and Light, Darcy
    2 points
  10. Welcome @Kerry. You are doing a great thing in putting vaping behind you. What you are going through sounds normal so just stick with it. Things do get better with time. Stick around, there is a lot of support and knowledge you can get with this site. It is good to have you here.
    1 point
  11. Welcome aboard @Kerry, of course your welcome here. We are all nicotine addicts be it cigarettes or vaping. We have a great forum with info on vaping and a forum dedicated to it here: https://www.quittrain.com/forum/18-vaping-juuling-unquestionable-addiction-reckless-aftermath/ I encourage you to read the threads there to educate yourself on just how bad vaping is proving to be. In some regards worse than smoking. We also have great threads on the main board I encourage you to read. As far as how your feeling, it's pretty normal in this stage of your quit. Just hang tight it will get better as long as you don't vape!
    1 point
  12. 000..... Well done Chicks
    1 point
  13. Wishing you speedy recovery Sweetheart
    1 point
  14. You can quit Darcy...believe in your self ...no good comes with Smoking ... Don't wait for the crap to hit the fan ...no time like now to claim your life back ...
    1 point
  15. babs609 Posted March 28, 2014 · IP (edited) 1. It's not as hard as you think. Once you begin to be honest with yourself and to look at the facts about smoking, it will become a pleasure to remove this addiction from your life. 2. Square off with your smoking habit. Look at it and size it up. Ask yourself exactly what it is doing for you; then ask yourself what it is not doing for you. You can begin with your hair and work your way down to the tips of your toes. It is a medical fact that smoking affects every organ in the human body in a harmful way. 3. Look at quitting cigarettes as giving yourself a gift-a very big gift. You are giving yourself a better quality of life and, very possibly, a longer life. You are giving yourself a healthier body. You are giving yourself more self-esteem. Wrap all this in a package and took at it for the gift it really is, then "Go for it!" 4. Set a date. Make a commitment. Give it a try. Remember, it is alright if you don't succeed at first. Just keep trying. The only way you can lose is by ceasing to try. 5. Don't look at it as if you are giving up something. This makes it seem too much like a loss. What you are really doing is tossing something out of your life that has done you harm and doesn't belong here anymore. You are throwing away pure garbage. No longer are you going to allow your lungs to be a resting place for nicotine and tars. 6. Always keep a positive attitude. After all, this is one of the most positive things you've ever done. Stay away from negative people and worrisome situations. 7. Quit for yourself. Even though your family and loved ones will benefit tremendously from your quitting, it is you that will benefit most. 8. Treat giving up smoking with the respect it rightly deserves. Become willing to go to any lengths to remove it from your life. 9. Look up the word 'nicotine' in your dictionary and write down the definition in big letters: "A poisonous alkaloid used as an insecticide.' Put it where you can see it. 10. Don't say "I'll take my chances' and continue to smoke. They are not ours to take. We didn't give ourselves life and we don't have the right to "take our chances" on giving it away. 11.Don't fool yourself by saying you have too many pressures in your life right now to give up cigarettes. If you are smoking, this in itself is a pressures very great pressure. Every day is a gamble and your life is at stake. By getting nicotine out of your life, other things will become easier to handle. You will feel better about yourself and you will have more energy. You will have accomplished something more meaningful than all the money and material objects you could ever acquire. You will have given yourself what no one else could give you. You will no longer have the pressure of being a smoker. 12. Don't use the excuse that you might gain weight to justify your continuing to smoke. Even if you do gain a little, the fact that you will be more active and will get more exercise should counteract any weight gain. Remember, overeating, not stopping smoking, causes weight gain. 13. Plan to do things that will keep your mind off smoking. Sometimes our minds can be our worst enemies. They will tell us that we need a cigarette for just about any reason that is handy at the time. 14. Quit smoking one day at a time and think only about the part of the day you are in. "I am not going to smoke before noon." "I am not going to smoke before three o'clock." Sometimes just do it one hour at a time. This is a lot easier than trying to quit forever. 15. Don't subject yourself to smoky situations. If you do come in contact with someone who is smoking, just say to yourself "He HAS to smoke. I no longer do" and walk away. 16. While you are quitting. Look at it as an investment. Once you have quit for one hour, you have invested this hour in becoming a healthier person. Now, invest one more hour Continue to add to your investment hour by hour. It will grow and become more valuable as the hours go by. You will begin to see and feel the rewards from this investment more and more. Protect and guard it just as you would a treasure. 17. Start being kind to yourself, It is the beginning of a new way of life for you and you are the most important one there. Treat yourself with respect and love and, remember, you are no longer filling your system with poison every few minutes. Breathe the clean air and breathe it deeply. Smell the different and wonderful fragrances. Begin to spend time outdoors close to nature. Many new sensations await you. 18. Don't get too angry. If we are angry, our minds tell us we need a cigarette to cope. Until your mind learns that it doesn't need a cigarette to cope, try to avoid situations that might be setting you up. Avoid certain people that may bother you. If there is a lot of tension at work, try to get a few days off. If you can't get some time off, quit smoking on a long weekend. Avoid, as best you can, things like getting stuck in traffic. Use a lot of caution. Anger can be very destructive. 19. Don't get too hungry. It is amazing how our minds will tell us that everything's wrong when all we really need to do is eat. 20. Don't get too tired. If we are tired, it is easy to become irritated and when we get irritated our minds will tell us that a cigarette will help. Our overall resistance becomes weak and it is easy to say, "Oh well, I guess I'll smoke." 21. Don't get too lonely. It is good to know some people who are going through the same thing. 22. You can remember these four things by the word "HALT." Hungry, angry, lonely, tired. If you feel you need a cigarette, check. Make sure you are not experiencing any of these. 23. Don't get too bored. It is hard to just sit and not smoke. Keep busy. Find things to do that you enjoy. Bike riding, hiking, swimming, exploring new places, trying new restaurants. This is the time to indulge yourself. 24. Have something to fidget with. We are accustomed to holding a cigarette; being without one might leave our hands at a loss. Get a small rubber ball or a yo-yo. Paper clip, rubber band. 25. Have something handy to put in your mouth. Life Savers are good, or any slowly dissolving candy. Beef jerky and lollipops help, too. Avoid fattening foods like cookies. They don't last long and they fill you up. Experiment while you are still smoking to see what will relieve the craving. If Life Savers work, then stock up. Just a note of caution: don't use this type of substitute on a long-term basis. I preferred to keep healthy snacks handy such as carrot sticks, celery, nuts, fruit. 26. Nicotine somehow doubles the rate by which the body depletes caffeine. This may make some jittery. Reducing caffeine by half usually helps. 27. Don't drink alcohol while you are quitting. Once alcohol is in your system your defenses will diminish greatly. 28. Remember that the discomfort you experience in the first 2 weeks will definitely come to an end and you will never have to go through it again. 29. Remember, every minute you were sucking on cigarettes they were sucking on you. They were sucking the very life out of you. Don't let them have anymore. 30. Remember, it is the first cigarette that gets you started. It takes only one. This is the one you don't have. You can always put off lighting that first one for a little while. Don't fool yourself and think you can start and stop at will. You can't. Many people have tried this and gone on to live the rest of their lives never to experience freedom from nicotine again. :) Link to original post: https://www.quittrain.com/topic/7-tips-for-gaining-freedom-from-nicotine-addiction/
    1 point
  16. Our hands are getting tired from all the slapping so you guys just slap yourselves
    1 point
  17. I'm glad you posted @darcy. You know you CAN quit without WANTING to quit, a lot of us have. I didn't want to quit but my breathing was so bad that I had to quit. Now I'm on oxygen because I waiting so long. As you get older you're going to start feeling the repercussions of your actions so why not quit BEFORE this happens? Trust me you'll be glad you did.........
    1 point
  18. Welcome back, @darcy Stick around. You can do this!
    1 point
  19. Glad to see you back @darcy, stick close and lets get you your forever quit!
    1 point
  20. It’s completely normal. Our every waking moment was guided by smoking. Your craving is actually a sign that you’re winning the battle for otherwise, you’d smoke. The strength is there because tires still a non-smoker! Great job!
    1 point
  21. Hey, @Doreensfree. Hope you are having a wonderful holiday!
    1 point
  22. Cough cough cough, I’ve got the ague, been in bed 3 days, feeling rotten and tired of coughing. It’s not covid as done the test, just something doing the rounds. well I wish it would do one and sod off…. Husband even worse, as it’s man flu haha, glad I don’t get that strain!!! Hope your all well
    0 points
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QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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