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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/30/22 in all areas

  1. @LindaWe both know what is going on! We are struggling with pain that has nothing to do with smoking, so smoking won't fix it. I am trying to power through, you gave so much inspiration to me in the beginning of my quit. Would I have made it this far without you and everyone else here. NO WAY, keep your quit, hold on to your power, share it with others!
    6 points
  2. 3 points
  3. Sorry I am late Linda .......... just want to congratulate you for seeking help and hanging on to your quit.
    2 points
  4. Hang in there, Linda! Protect your quit like your life depends on it. When everything around you is going to heck, it's one good thing you've got, right? Another challenge come to try and take your quit away from you. Stay strong and hold on tight to your quit! Hope the rough waters settle down for you soon.
    2 points
  5. I'm really sorry you're going through a rough patch, @Linda. Nicotine addiction surely did a number on us, didn't it!? Good job posting here instead of picking up the smokes. You're 100% right that smoking won't change a thing - it won't make us feel better or fix any problems. You've gotten through hard times before - you know how to distract yourself, to ride the wave of the craving until it eases. And it WILL ease. Cravings are not commands, they are just stupid commercials for something you don't need to buy , a foul ball you don't need to swing at. Let them sail by, and take good care of yourself. You can do this!
    2 points
  6. Had a bad night nd this AM too! I have not smoked, but I want to!!! Why is it when something bad happen the first thing I want to do??? My mind knows it will not change a thing, but at the same time tell myself I don't care. Just want to give in because it feels like it will never change!! My rant for the day. The strength is not there and it really pisses me off!!!!
    1 point
  7. @Linda hope you are staying strong. you know that giving in will only make withdrawal that much harder. You opened that rut back up in your mind and it will take a bit to fill it back in. You know what to do. I have faith in you.
    1 point
  8. I am in Pennsylvania, at my oldest son’s home. My youngest is here from Japan, so I finally got to snuggle my 2nd youngest grandbaby, who is already a year old. Happy times. I will be here for another week. Tomorrow, I will see my brother, and one of my dear friends. I have plans with several .other family and friends over the next week, as well. It’s a bit of a whirlwind tour, but well worth it. It was weird not putting up a tree at home, because we wouldn’t be there. Nothing is ever perfect, I suppose. It is great to be with family and friends that I’ve missed so much. kat
    1 point
  9. I'm sorry you had a rough patch. You need to have faith. You also need to realize you are stronger than the addiction . I am proud of you for posting your SOS. Plus, knowing you are having a hard time and posting it proves to me you are definitely stronger than the addiction. Believe in yourself always.
    1 point
  10. Sorry you're going through a rough patch, and just like the others this too shall pass. You got this girl! Use all your tools and try all the tricks to help you past them. Do something or go somewhere that you never smoked at. I never smoked in my car so I would take a drive and pretty instantly forget about smoking. Great job using the SOS
    1 point
  11. It’s completely normal. Our every waking moment was guided by smoking. Your craving is actually a sign that you’re winning the battle for otherwise, you’d smoke. The strength is there because tires still a non-smoker! Great job!
    1 point
  12. Saying goodbye to loved ones is never easy. It hurts and there's no way around it. I think sometimes we put too much pressure on ourselves looking for "closure." I'm not sure when seemingly everybody started using that word, it just happened one day. You don't close the book on the ones you love, you move on to the next chapter. This is an important realization. We try to fill voids in our life with all types of things. At best, they are loving distractions. At worst, they are actually compounding our problems at our lowest times. Regardless of which it is, we are only delaying the inevitable; we will eventually have to deal with the actual issue. Kris, I think you've only begun to tap into the strength you are capable of. Hang in there, better days are ahead.
    1 point
  13. Thank you for writing this, Kris. It was the message I needed to hear today. I've been grappling with grief, as well, and the urge to try to smoke away those feelings is strong. I guess such sorrow comes with being lucky enough to love and be loved. Grief can feel bottomless at times. But grief is NOT the entirety of who we are. I refuse to let it define me. And for sure, smoking won't bring my loved ones back... it would just undermine my ability to live a life that honors them. So I keep my quit, I trudge through some days that are difficult, and I practice gratitude for the goodness that life brings my way. Here's some stuff for my gratitude list today: Grateful for Kris. Grateful for my quit. Grateful for everyone in this community.
    1 point
  14. I'm happy to see you have this change in attitude towards smoking and seeing it for the addiction it is. Now hopefully you can start moving forward and living in the present. I really think if you focus on other things you'll feel better. Find something you like to do or something you've wanted to try and give it a go. I'm sure your husband wouldn't want you to be in misery, at least not for this long. Go see your son's house and bring them his favorite meal. I know you've never been and that's just sad to me. I can only imagine his wife thinks its her fault so you can show her its not. And you may just enjoy yourself!
    1 point
  15. @Kris I am so sorry you are struggling But you are so right, smoking will not replace the grief of the loss of your loved one. I can tell you for sure, because that when I relapsed and smoke because of a similar reason and did not change a thing. Holidays are hard to get through. I too can so relate I miss my husband all the time he WA also a wonderful man and gone to soon. But I know your husband would want you to take care of yourself. You are a strong person much stronger than I was I gave in and through my year plus quit away and it did not change a thing. Except I felt worse about myself. So hang in there my friend, you've got this. One day at a time!!
    1 point
  16. I hope you can find comfort in your life. You have much to offer others. try to turn your grief into positive actions as you have by stopping smoking. Turn the positive action towards helping family and others. There is a song by Laura Story called "Blessings" that has always helped me through some tough times which seem endless at times. We all know loss in our life. "Suffering is part of the deal" I hope better times ahead for you.
    1 point
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QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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