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  1. Jonny5 Quit Date: 2011-12-21 Posted April 14, 2014 If you could, you already would be. There are some who can really genuinely take it or leave it. I read once that 90% of nicotine users become addicted. the others don't persue a smoking career so to speak, or smoke occasionally with no withdrawals. That is not you. You are a nicotine addict, that is why you are reading this, and that is why you can't just have the occasional smoke. we are all or nothing, The law of addiction states that reintroduction of the addictive substance to the addict will reawaken the addiction and start the withdrawal process over again. it can not be any other way for us. Link to original post: https://www.quittrain.com/topic/637-we-can-not-be-casual-smokers/
    3 points
  2. G’day NOPE .....Not One Puff Ever.... (replace Ever with Min,Hour, Day as required).
    3 points
  3. G’day NOPE .....Not One Puff Ever.... (replace Ever with Min,Hour, Day as required).
    3 points
  4. Well said. Thanks for these important words @johnny5 and thanks for the bump @jillar. For years I thought that I was making a free choice to smoke. But my dependence was much deeper than that - chemical, emotional, ritual. I cannot be a casual smoker because I, too, am an addict. I know this because I exhibited many of the classic signs of addiction: I kept smoking even though it made me feel terrible and was harming my health. Whenever nicotine ran low in my system, I would get agitated and jittery. The only thing that really mattered to me in those moments was getting my next fix. I made irrational decisions about smoking. Like spending money on smokes even when money was frightfully tight and I was having a hard time making ends meet. Or going outside in hurricane-force winds to smoke, even though it was stupidly dangerous to do so. I isolated myself from friends and family, prioritizing my drug (nicotine) over those family relationships. I was not always truthful about how much I had smoked. Every time I tried to set limits or ration my smoking, I would inevitably revert to my baseline use. "Just one" would turn into "just one more" would turn into "Well, I've already blown it for today so I'll cut back tomorrow" would turn into a pack or more a day. Breaking free of this bondage is a real gift of quitting. The addiction is part of me, lurking on the sidelines, able to be reactivated if I smoke even one. So I stay vigilant and say NOPE - Not One Puff Ever - to stay free.
    2 points
  5. Thank you Kris for the post. Time passes and we have to be grateful for what we have and the memories of what we once had. very well said. God Bless and Merry Christmas.
    2 points
  6. Well, here we are another day, Christmas Eve, there are many we have lost along the way. I am here on my one alone, besides the 3 pups that fill my home and my heart every day. I have talked to the son, no, I will not be going to his house for Christmas day. I did speak to my grandson to let him know that I have his present and will get it to him soon. I do not like the holidays anymore! I have had my glory days and prefer to keep my sad face and tears to myself. Just because I may be in pain doesn't mean I get to ruin the day for others. I really do not mind being alone. I still do all the things, I made the cookies, cooked a ham and lasagna. Have all the traditions we used to do as a family except there is no tree, no lights on the house. Some of you may think that is sad, do not, I was blessed with a loving husband and family. My home is mortgage free, my son is a happy, sucessful young man, married with his own young family. I like to think that my husband, who passed 12 years ago, and I still got it all done just as we planned. I maybe here without him but his love and hard work has given me and our son a good life, no worries and the same security, protection he would have provided if he were still alive. Just passing this on, to appreciate life, to really understand how much you have been given. It all started long ago when there was no room in the inn. Joseph and Mary were allowed to take lodging in the manger. There was a bright star that night that led the wisemen to the place of our saviour's birth. For on that night a child was born "God's only begotten son" that was given to all of us. From that birth until this day, every child is born with God's grace. What a gift we have been given. Yes, yes, I do ramble on at times. I still struggle every day. I would like a cigarette right now. At least the struggle is worth it!!
    2 points
  7. Well it looks like a white Christmas in my neck of woods We have a big storm coming, lots of snow, very cold temperatures and high winds. Could be power outages, sure hope not. I will be hibernating after I make a trip to the store. Good to snuggle down. Ho Ho!!
    1 point
  8. The high here today was 16 f The low tonight is 9, it is cold The last four days was pretty miserable. Lots of snow but the next few days it is suppose to start to warm up some. Yeah!!!!
    1 point
  9. @Kris, I can guarantee that you ask anyone who's relapsed because they really wanted to smoke they'll tell you they wish they'd never given up their quit. I don't know if you do positive affirmations but I love them when I need to get my head straight. Just put each benefit of quitting on a sticky note and stick it on the bathroom mirror (or anywhere you'll see it first thing every morning). Also write down what exactly you're missing about smoking? Is it the stale smoke stink? The hard earned money spent? Maybe its the burn holes in stuff you really like? Think of those things since the obvious health reasons don't seem enough. You can also trick your brain into thinking its getting the real thing by using an air cigarette when you get a crave. It worked great for me and you'll naturally stop doing it as time goes by. Also don't forget to do something that you never smoked while doing when those nasty craves come up.
    1 point
  10. @Kris Good to see you here. What a great post to share. I can relate to what you are saying. You have done a great job on having a good life. Might not be the life that you expected to be. But you have all the great memories to hold close to your heart. We do have a lot to be grateful for. Your post was very inspirational!!
    1 point
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