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Im not much for pumpkin seeds but, oh man, sunflower seeds Yesterday went great! I’m on Chantix plus it was a long busy day at work so I barely thought about it. I had a few cravings when I woke up, but I’m already hacking up some gunk and when I think about the stink of cigs, I get past the craving. Hope you’re doing well. Where do you live? Are you in England by any chance?3 points
Congratulations @DenaliBlues on your 9th month of being a non smoker!3 points
Oops... I Lied... here's a 4th ... and to all who have served, in all the branches, thank you.3 points
Your getting 3 today.... ones possible more an Anzac day song...but it's still apropos...so, in rememberance, LEST WE FORGET...3 points
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Awesome, Denali!! Please treat yourself today for this incredible accomplishment, friend. Christian993 points
Congratulations @DenaliBlues you are an inspiration to many here on the train, so happy for you on your 9 month quit!3 points
Hello @SavingMeFromMe - I am another that has tried to quit many times before. This quit just feels different and I believe it is because of all the great people, information and support here on the train. All the best to you on your quit!3 points
Not sure if you mob have heard but the Kiwi's (New Zealanders) are planning on making it illegal for anyone born after 2009 to purchase smokes. Surprise... big tobacco say this it taking away people's choice. SERIOUSLY??? This from a group who have spent decades perfecting the chemical composition of their product to ensure ediction, pfft. So, truthfully, goddonya kiwi's, here's hoping my mob follow soon. Bit issapointed we didn't jump on board as quick with this as we did giving women the vote, but I hope we follow suit real soon. This article gave me hope... https://theconversation.com/amp/forget-tobacco-industry-arguments-about-choice-heres-what-young-people-think-about-nzs-smokefree-generation-policy-1935292 points
…and feeling fine. actually, depending on how one counts, today could be seen as Day 1 because I had on when I woke up. That was my last. however you count, I’m grateful.2 points
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Good morning all, So today is the day. I've been on Chantix a while now and its kicking in. I've had several good quits (a year +) but the Just One Monster gets me eventually. Dealing with it is going to be harder than the actual initial quit. I'm looking forward to meeting all of you!2 points
Welcome aboard @SavingMeFromMe! I’m glad that you have joined us. I personally would not have succeeded in my quit without the train! I’ll be quit for 2 years in March! Even today I come here for inspiration and affirmation for my quit. Read everything and post, post, post about your quit. Use the if needed and we will help you defeat that Just One Monster!2 points
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Welcome aboard the Quit Train SavingMeFromMe. Many of us had to back up and take another run at it before we really stuck the quit. I was one of those people. Finding this site made an incredible difference in making my last quit my last quit. You are in the right place. Enjoy the ride.2 points
Welcome @SavingMeFromMe You are doing a great thing by quitting smoking. Sorry to hear about your past relapses but quitting for good and putting smoking behind you once and for all is worth the work. Welcome, it is great to have you here.2 points
Welcome aboard @SavingMeFromMe.... Congratulations in taking your life back ... Check out the posts pinned with green on the Main Smoking Discussion Board ... It is full of useful tips to get you going ..also watch Joel's video,s....they will cover most of your concerns. Stay close ...we are here to help you along on your wonderful journey to Freedom2 points
Hi, @SavingMeFromMe! It’s great to meet you, and congrats on making the decision to quit. This Train - the knowledge shared, the great people - has helped a lot of people - me included! - to fend off Stinkin Thinkin. (The “just one won’t hurt” fallacy being a great example.) Stay busy, read all you can, join us in the daily NOPE pledges, and share often. Looking forward to seeing you around!2 points
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