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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/09/22 in all areas

  1. G’day NOPE .....Not One Puff Ever.... (replace Ever with Min,Hour, Day as required)
    5 points
  2. Champix was recalled due to an unacceptably high level of a compound that is correlated cancer incidence. currently it isn't known if it will be available again. that's what google tells me anyhow
    3 points
  3. Thats me at the week mark, it honestly feels like longer! I forgot to mention when the nhs nurse woman called me last week, she said they no longer offer champix! I wasnt wanting to opt for that, but I have used it twice in the past, i thought it was quite a good option. Im curious why they no longer offer it, i must ask her this week. The sun is shining here in Glasgow, and the cats let me have a wee lie in till 7.50am, its going to be a good day
    3 points
  4. Keep up the fabulous work, WW. We're all proud of and pulling for you! Christian99
    2 points
  5. Haha @DenaliBlues we were talking about this recently, I used Christmas wrapping paper to cover my books, but wait for it, hubby used wallpaper! I wonder if the kids do this nowadays, doubt it.
    1 point
  6. I farted and filled my wetsuit up with stink.. A haircut can
    1 point
  7. 9. When I was in college I used to make paper bag covers for all my textbooks.
    1 point
  8. I live in a state where cigarettes are still comparably "cheap." Even at that, my addiction would be setting me back roughly $280.00 per month now. A wise man once said: You wanna end up broke as a pissed on nickel? Keep setting your money on fire and you'll end up broke as a pissed on nickel! (or something like that)
    1 point
  9. Your doing great Weegie.... Chocolate Cake is a great Reward
    1 point
  10. Another good day for me. The nhs woman called me up, a smoking cessation nurse, she said she has added me to her case load, and she ll be calling me weekly for 12 weeks. She pretty much said the face to face meetings wont be restarting, i thought it stopped due to covid but she said this is just how they do it now, over the telephone. I'll get a prescription for patches but the phamacist doesnt even do the blow thing anymore!! WTH! So she was nice enough, but i didnt really like what she was telling me but i said to my husband if im speaking to her weekly for 12 weeks im sure we'll end up getting along and it should be helpful. It just feels very hands off, very different to before. She told me to download an app called 'smoke free' which i did, its quite cool, just keeps a track on my quit. She said they have a forum on the app! I said oh im already on a forum, quittrain! and she said oh, ive heard of that place, thats good youre there!
    1 point
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