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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/03/22 in all areas
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I feel really bad you have to start again but you have prepared. I don't what caused the relapse but we can't escape lifes problems in a cloud of smoke. It will not stop anything bad from happening but quiting can save your health and your life!!6 points
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Congrat on your quit restart @WeegieWoman, amazing the courage you and some others have shown getting right back to quitting after a bump in the road. All the best to you on this quit!5 points
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Another good day for me. The nhs woman called me up, a smoking cessation nurse, she said she has added me to her case load, and she ll be calling me weekly for 12 weeks. She pretty much said the face to face meetings wont be restarting, i thought it stopped due to covid but she said this is just how they do it now, over the telephone. I'll get a prescription for patches but the phamacist doesnt even do the blow thing anymore!! WTH! So she was nice enough, but i didnt really like what she was telling me but i said to my husband if im speaking to her weekly for 12 weeks im sure we'll end up getting along and it should be helpful. It just feels very hands off, very different to before. She told me to download an app called 'smoke free' which i did, its quite cool, just keeps a track on my quit. She said they have a forum on the app! I said oh im already on a forum, quittrain! and she said oh, ive heard of that place, thats good youre there!3 points
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Congratulations on 4 months smoke free @overcome That's a huge deal. Celebrate big today!2 points
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No those are glutinous sticky rice balls cooked a warm soup made of coconut milk, palm sugar and salt with toasted sesame seeds. It sounds odd but it's delicious. I love lychees... used to take them in my school lunch and peel them then eat them. For a creepy punch you can use tinned lychees and put a blueberry in the hole, then it really looks like an eyeball. You then put these in ya punch bowl. Or you can put them in a bowl of jelly.2 points
Is that lychees Jo? I remember having them in a chinese restaurant once when I was younger and i thought they had the consistency of an eyeball LOL ive not tried them again!2 points
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Thanks everyone, I'm very much doing it! Day 1 went well, I felt a teeny bit like there's something I need to do, a bit on edge, but I just kept busy. No big cravings, just the odd thought which i could bat away easily. I'm 24 hours smoke free now!2 points
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