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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/10/22 in all areas

  1. G’day NOPE .....Not One Puff Ever.... (replace Ever with Min,Hour, Day as required)
    6 points
  2. Woo hoo, Nancy! Chicks are on a roll.
    4 points
  3. Hello @11better11 Hope things are going good with you. Just checking in to see how you are doing and if there was anything we can do to help. Have a great day!
    4 points
  4. Enjoying a glass of wine and a curry been looking after my 6 month old twin grandsons, and 3 yr old grand daughter today, while my Son and his wife enjoy a day oit. It’s been a busy 9 hours, but have loved all the cuddles and baby smiles
    3 points
  5. Yeah .... I got slapped pretty good myself
    2 points
  6. -16 Don't worry ...... Chicks will burn out soon!
    2 points
  7. 1 It's morning already????
    2 points
  8. 2 points
  9. *A lifetime of freedom from nicotine. *Worldwide support from members in all phases of quitting and who know and can relate to what you may go through at any given time in your quit. *Tons of educational material about our addiction to nicotine. Be it by reading, watching videos or asking other members. We have it all So what do you have to lose by becoming a member?
    1 point
  10. 1 point
  11. 1 point
  12. G’day NOPE .....Not One Puff Ever.... (replace Ever with Min,Hour, Day as required)
    1 point
  13. Thank you guys for the kind words. Who knows, maybe I will hang out more often. I tend to be more like the floating butterfly these days!
    1 point
  14. It is a milk based gravy common in the south US. Eaten with biscuits and suasaue (sauage gravy) for breakfast, also made and served with fried chicken, chicken fried steak. We do make brown gravies, usually for beef roasts, and used to make smothered cube steak, or pork chops. It you go to a true southern restaurant or cafeteria they usually ask if you want white or brown gravy on your meat selection, mashed potatoes or rice. Even tomato based sauces can be called gravy in some areas.
    1 point
  15. R.I.P. Queen Elizabeth! You performed your duties admirably though out the decades. You will not see another monarch like her again, ever!
    1 point
  16. Joshua Wiessman's channel on cooking is quite entertaining and offers up a lot of good culinary inspiration. https://www.youtube.com/c/JoshuaWeissman
    1 point
  17. From the American Cancer Society... Staying Tobacco-free After You Quit Nicotine is the main addictive substance in tobacco. When a person uses tobacco, many parts of the body get used to having nicotine in them. When a person quits tobacco, they also quit nicotine and will likely have withdrawal from it. This is because the body has to get used to not having nicotine. Dealing with withdrawal Withdrawal can be uncomfortable. Withdrawal from nicotine has 2 parts – the physical and the mental. The physical symptoms are annoying but not life-threatening. Still, if you’re not ready to resist them, they can tempt you to go back to smoking or chewing. Nicotine replacement and other medicines can help reduce many of these symptoms. Most people who use tobacco find that the mental part of quitting is the bigger challenge. If you’ve been using tobacco for any length of time, it has become linked with a lot of the things you do – waking up in the morning, eating, reading, watching TV, and drinking coffee, for example. It will take time to “un-link” tobacco from these activities. This is why, even if you’re using nicotine replacement therapy, you may still have strong urges to smoke or chew. Rationalizations are sneaky One way to overcome urges or cravings is to notice and identify rationalizations as they come up. A rationalization is a mistaken thought that seems to make sense at the time, but isn’t based on reality. If you choose to believe in such a thought even for a short time, it can serve as a way to justify using tobacco. If you’ve tried to quit before, you might recognize many of these common rationalizations: “I'll just do it once to get through this rough spot.” “Today isn’t a good day. I’ll quit tomorrow.” “It’s my only vice.” “How bad is smoking/chewing, really? Uncle Harry smoked/chewed all his life and he lived to be over 90.” “Air pollution is probably just as bad.” “You’ve got to die of something.” “Life is no fun without tobacco.” You may be able to add more to the list. As you go through the first few days without tobacco, write down rationalizations as they come up and recognize them for what they are – messages that can trick you into going back to smoking/chewing. Look out for them, because they always show up when you’re trying to quit. After you write down the thought, let it go and move on. Be ready with a distraction, a plan of action, and other ways to re-direct your thoughts. Use these ideas to help you stay committed to quitting Avoid temptation. Stay away from people and places that tempt you to smoke or chew. Later on you’ll be able to handle these with more confidence. Change your habits. Switch to juices or water instead of alcohol or coffee. Choose foods that don’t make you want to smoke or chew. Take a different route to work. Take a brisk walk instead of a tobacco break. Choose other things for your mouth: Use substitutes you can put in your mouth like sugarless gum or hard candy, raw vegetables such as carrot sticks, or sunflower seeds. Some people chew on a coffee stirrer or a straw. Get active: Do something to reduce your stress. Exercise or do something that keeps your hands busy, such as needlework or woodworking, which can help distract you from the urge to use tobacco. Clean out a closet, vacuum the floors, go for a walk, or work in the yard. Breathe deeply: When you were smoking, you breathed deeply as you inhaled the smoke. When the urge strikes now, breathe deeply and picture your lungs filling with fresh, clean air. Remind yourself of your reasons for quitting and the benefits you’ll gain when you do. Deep breathing may help you also remember that you’re cleaning the toxins from tobacco out of your body. Delay: If you feel that you’re about to light up, hold off. Tell yourself you must wait at least 10 minutes. Often this simple trick will allow you to move beyond the strong urge to smoke. This works for smokeless tobacco too: wait 10 minutes until the urge lessens. Reward yourself. What you’re doing isn’t easy, and you deserve a reward. Put the money you would have spent on cigarettes or tobacco in a jar every day and then buy yourself a weekly treat. Buy a book or some new music, go out to eat, start a new hobby, or join a gym. Or save the money for a major purchase. You can also reward yourself in ways that don’t cost money: Visit a park or go to the library. Check local news listings for museums, community centers, and colleges that have free classes, exhibits, films, and other things to do.
    1 point
  18. My quit is really being tested right now. My mother is lying in a hospital bed with seven staples in her skull after taking a bad fall. My urge to smoke at this time is ferocious, it's a pulling sensation deep in my body. I can hear the siren song of my nicotine addiction so loudly. I want to smoke away my feelings of helplessness and anxiety. I want the “ahh” sensation of having a chemical craving satisfied. Smoking would help me to gather myself. It would be soothing, it would help me cope… That is all a load of crap, of course. A web of falsehoods and illusions spun by my ingrained addict mind, romancing the smoke to lure me back. Time to dig deep to defend my quit. Instead of lighting up, I will visit this Train and ask for help. I will make a list of the reasons it’s worth fighting against a relapse. Maybe hammering them into a keyboard can hammer them into my head, too. I choose not to smoke today: Because there is no such thing as smoking “just one” cigarette. One would inevitably lead to more. That’s the way nicotine addiction works. Because there is no true solace or gratification to be found in smoking. That’s a false narrative created by my nicotine addiction. The reality is that smoking would trigger an endless cycle of chemically induced “chasing”… chasing a sensation of completion that never actually arrives. Been there. Done that. No thanks. Because withdrawal was awful. I don’t want to go through it all over again. Because I would feel lousy about relapsing. And I don’t want to feel lousy. In my current situation I don’t have the bandwidth for it, actually. Because it’s a lot easier to navigate hospitals without being a smoker. Though I would rather not have made this discovery, it is a silver lining. No more biting my nails till my next chance to smoke. No more missing doctor’s rounds because I was off somewhere feeding my addiction. No more dashing multiple blocks through the rain to get off the nonsmoking campus, no more sucking down a few frantic and pathetic puffs, no more dashing back cold and drenched and stinky. Because if I’m honest with myself and tell junkie mind to shush for a minute, I can't recall that smoking ever actually fixed anything that was broken. I know I’m not the only one who’s had to make it through hard times without smoking. How did you make it through? What were YOUR reasons for not relapsing? How did you protect your quit? Part of the magic of this community is helping each other rally… thanks for letting me lean on some of that collective strength today.
    1 point
  19. Same offer applies to all new 2022 quitters so we hope you ACT now! And as @Wayne045 suggested we've added the 2 for one. That's right, join now and bring a buddy. You'll both get our amazing world wide support. Access to all our forums and tips and clues on how you too can get your forever quit. This is an offer wayyyyyyy too good to refuse! So what's keeping you from joining?
    1 point
  20. ACT NOW and you can go into the New Year COMPLETELY SMOKE FREE! You heard that right folks. No more burn holes everywhere No more stale smoke stink on you and all your stuff AND we already told you about all the extra CASH All this and there's STILL MORE! Yep, we've saved the best for last. Quit now and enjoy better health and less colds. Better circulation, pinker gums, the list goes on and on... So give yourself the ultimate gift this holiday season. You won't regret it
    1 point
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QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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