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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/27/22 in all areas

  1. G’day NOPE .....Not One Puff Ever.... (replace Ever with Min,Hour, Day as required)
    6 points
  2. I had an app on my phone that would send me little reward sms... it's 1 hour since you smoke..as the awards went further, the messages would come with updates about what changes to my body/health I had achieved. It also had a memory match game that was timed. By the time the timer ran out the crave was gone. Um...I played all the games, who can forget a whole page of boobies. I stirred the shit. I played hours of minesweeper. NOPE was a big thing for me....I mean I'd pledge it publicly to one and all...made it harder to cave to the crave. I used nrt chewies...plus they got me through some tough times...negative, they prolonged the whole withdrawal stage and craves...if I had the time over would I use them again?...probably. For me, I needed the psychological crutch they provided...I do think my approach, which was to make the gap between chewies longer each time and to have a normal chewie every second time, meant I wasn't substituting 1 addiction for another....nrt is not for everyone...it certainly isn't the cure all..but for me it was a tool that contributed to my success. Sovereign Hill Raspberry Drops....for those not from the great land diwn under or lucky enough to have visited our wonderful tourist attraction Soveriegn Hill, these are the greatest lollies (candies/sweets) ever. They are a hard boiled Raspberry flavoured lolly which I would suck during a crave...not overly sweet with a slight sour kick, not unlike a real Raspberry, these things were my reward.
    6 points
  3. A clear oversight on my part. Mea culpa. And in preparation for the upcoming lido deck party...a monkey driving a boat!
    6 points
  4. To Me - From Me LORI LISTEN! STOP - DO NOT - I repeat DO NOT SMOKE!!!! You are one cigarette away from a major cardio event and you know what that looks like from sitting by the bedside of someone you love dearly, who was in ICU for a week. Look at the photo if you need a reminder. Your body NEEDS clean air - pay attention to that crave! You will not give any more money to people who supply you with products that kill you. NOPE - never again The only thing smoking does for you is kill you. You want to feel good, look good & smell good. When you smoke - you are none of these. None. Craves get better - they will not last that long and they will not kill you - use your emergency bags - if the bags are empty go to the G-damn store and buy whatever it takes to get through this - just DONT smoke! Adjust your NRT if you cut back or stopped too soon NOPE for this crave, NOPE for this hour, NOPE for today, just NOPE Call the EAP or schedule a TelaDoc if you need more help. Just DO NOT SMOKE! You are strong, even when you feel weak. Smoking does not help you, at all, ever. The withdrawal will get better - I promise. Do a rosary - as many times as needed. Eat, sleep, soak your feet, paint your nails, play a game, clean out the junk drawer, take a walk, take another walk, the possibilities are endless. YOU ARE STRONGER THAN YOU KNOW. YOU ARE STRONGER THAN THIS CRAVE.
    5 points
  5. Congrats Yoda!! 11 is no small feat. You're just a month away from that very significant 1 year mark when you will have faced all your seasonal triggers and beaten them. There'll be a party - that's for sure!! Best start picking out your swimsuit cuz there's an awesome pool on the Lido Deck
    5 points
  6. I think I ate everything I could find in the kitchen, fridge, freezer, pantry.
    5 points
  7. Congratulations, @intoxicated yoda! So excited for you! May the Force be with you all the way to the Lido Deck! (and beyond!)
    4 points
  8. Congratulations Yoda, your are doing so great. I can totally see you celebrating on the Lido deck. Keep it up and don't forget to reward yourself.
    4 points
  9. Congrats on hitting the 11 month mark, Yoda. Way to rock your quit!
    4 points
  10. I have no idea what this GIF means but its interesting
    3 points
  11. 3 points
  12. if you really cared you would put up the monkey gif...
    3 points
  13. 3 points
  14. Yippee @intoxicated yoda, you're one month away from that lido deck! Congratulations on eleven months today, don't forget to treat yourself
    2 points
  15. nope..nope..nope..nope..nope
    2 points
  16. 11 month update. I had to think about this for a while since not a lot has changed from last month. I guess I'll just start with the smoking, or lack thereof and what it's like dealing with that now. Honestly, I still think about smoking everyday but I'm not obsessing over it. It takes less and less effort to distract myself from the thoughts as I wouldn't even classify it as craves anymore. I've been staying pretty strict on the diet. Probably about 90 days on it since my last divergence. Still have problems with my shoulder so I can't do much upper body work out. The hip seems to be not as bad as it was although I still have some minor nagging issues with it. My eyesight is actually getting better, I did not see that one coming (see what i did there). But seriously, i can read some of the smaller print that 3 months ago I would just be like screw it, if that warning on this pill bottle was that important they would have it printed in bigger letters. Lack of sleep had been killing me over the last month due to cramps. Sometimes they would start at around midnight and last til 4 or 5 am or they would start at 3 or 4 am and totally screw my sleep up. I took everything you could think of to prevent the cramps and I think I may have found a solution. Started taking free form taurine 6 days ago. No cramps for the last 2 days...at all. I take anywhere from 4 to 8 grams of it per day. In fact today was the first day in long time I made it through an entire day without nodding off or getting the watery eyes from being sleepy. go me. If you have cramping issues give it a try. it's not very expensive. Been 2 months drinking only water. no coffee, tea or anything else liquid. quitting coffee is about as intense as quitting cigarettes but it doesn't last as long. Things I've seen about say you really don't start feeling the benefits quitting for about a year so I'll wait it out and see. I have tried to drink a beer here and there on the golf course but it really makes me feel like shit almost immediately so I'm pretty much done with that. I don't know where I'm at on my quest to lose my quit weight since my scale broke. Maybe I'll get another one but for now I'm just gonna do what I'm been doing a let the weight take care of itself. Well, that's about it. I'm still in the process of crushing all my addictions. Will be interesting to see what life is like not needing some kind of poison to get through the day. take care everyone and stay strong. remember...the steeper the climb the better the view when you get to the top.
    2 points
  17. G’day NOPE .....Not One Puff Ever.... (replace Ever with Min,Hour, Day as required)
    2 points
  18. Confession: I'm counting sleeps until the Commonwealth Games Starts.
    2 points
  19. Congratulations @overcome Great job! Do stay on guard though. Strength to you!
    2 points
  20. I love that I don't have to pull over every hour or so when out on my motorcycle so I can smoke. I'm sure my riding buddies appreciate it as well.
    2 points
  21. 2 points
  22. Congratulations Yoda! 11 months smoke free is a huge accomplishment. Hope you celebrate big today. 1 month away from the lido deck.
    2 points
  23. You have the Lido Deck in sight! Congratulations on 11 months!
    2 points
  24. Wow !!!! Yoda....your nearly there ...The all important Lido Party ..... Your,,e already a massive part of the board ...and bring so much ... Congratulations.....
    2 points
  25. I love Fart & Poo stuff. So childish .... LOL
    1 point
  26. I just saw a commercial about going number 2 So @notsmokinjo guessed correctly so you're up
    1 point
  27. I'm going #1 (well; not literally in the way you think I thought ).
    1 point
  28. Portland Oregon is my favorite city
    1 point
  29. For the first few days I got up in the morning and ate immediately and often through the day to keep my blood sugar up.
    1 point
  30. Nope.......no freakin way!
    1 point
  31. some days are harder than others. but you don't pick up that first cigarette you just don't. it's less about willpower than it is about making a decision not to, in advance of the thought or the desire, no matter how scared, angry, jealous, happy, bored, horny, depressed, anxious, elated, insecure, arrogant, lonely or silly you feel. some days it seems that although yesterday life looked good, today it doesn't, and although you know the only thing that's changed is your attitude, it's hard to shake. but you don't pick up that first cigarette the one that always leads to all the others. you just don't. even though you might think about it for a minute. (but you're too smart to let that thought linger. Still ... for just a minute, the idea is there it feels like the Universe is leaning on every. single. button. so you make some phone calls but all you get is voice mail. but you don't pick up that first cigarette you just don't. you leave messages all over Quit Train and Facebook pretending to be doing a little better than you are, but sort of alluding to the idea that, gosh, if they could get back to you that would be cool... You feel stupid about what could amount to spamming your social networks but you log on and do the same thing again. and that thought from before, the one about smoking didn't leave, exactly. it's like a piece of food stuck between your teeth, or a little splinter on the bottom of an unimportant toe (not the big one, that you'd feel with every step -- this is there/not there -- uncomfortable enough to feel but not so much that you stop and do something about it.) so you get busy, and try to write, or read, or do that whatever-it-was you've been putting off, but that just feels futile or irritating. and you dare the universe to dazzle you with some amazing "coincidence" -- a call from your quit buddy right now -- a knock on the door right this moment, a particular song on the radio the second you turn it on -- a Sign you can share about at Quit Train then everyone will smile warmly and nod, and you'll feel all "right" with things and wise and connected ... but ... nothing happens. no call. no knock. an ad for discount mattresses on the radio. and you don't pick up the first cigarette you just don't. you judge yourself an ingrate, a poser, an impostor, a spoiled/wounded ass/sadsack, pathetic you judge yourself for judging yourself, you go to the refrigerator you look at porn you click through channels on tv you wonder if you need medication, you suspect you should try deep breathing and meditation but you don't. but you don't pick up the first cigarette you just don't. and it gets better. it passes. eventually. If you Just Don't.
    1 point
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