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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/07/22 in all areas
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This is day 4 of not working out, at all. I did go out today, to the DMV, so did accomplish something. I am recuperating from a very nasty flare up of Diverticulitis. Running, lifting weights, and boxing do not seem like a good idea, while my gut is infected. My fever is gone, and the pain is greatly diminished, but still there. My energy level is much lower than usual. It’s hard to reconcile that the day before I was in the ER, I ran 2 miles up hill, and did my heavy bag work. In retrospect, it did seem harder than usual. I just have to be patient. I will allow myself 3 more days of rest, before restarting my routine. For now, I am listening to my body. Kat2 points
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Hello everyone@! Just stopping by to report. I'm currently at 140 days smoke free. Only having an occasional craving now. Not bad either. I just want Thank you to everyone who has been there for me during difficult times. It hasn't been easy. My wife, on the other hand, has started back up again. I don't seriously think that she ever quit. Oh well, alone I go. It really doesn't bother me knowing and seeing her smoke. Maybe, it will be her time just like this is my time. See you at 150 days!!!!!1 point
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Well done Sal...It will get better ,we can promise you this ... Some things are worth fighting for ...Keep Going .... Don't forget your Rewards for all your hard work ...these are so important ...1 point
You're doing great @Sal, just hang in there. It won't always be that way1 point
Sorry guys for getting back to you all so late. It's 150 Days now!! Doing just fine but struggle almost everyday. Thanks all for the encouragement!!1 point
Congratulations Sal, you are doing great. Don't forget to reward yourself today.1 point
It is a great thing you have done, you have learned to love yourself and be committed to your health. I remember when you joined the board, struggling and confused. Now look at you, you have done it! You have changed your life for the better. I know you must feel better physically and mentally. I am sorry to hear that Anita is smoking again. I know the two of you love each other very much. At the end of the day, sometimes, we have to do what we feel is best for our health. In the big picture each of us is responsible for our own health. I hope at some point she will see how much better you feel since you quit. When she is ready she will follow your lead. For now keep on going....1 point
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What an awesome way to start my morning! Thank you for checking in and congratulations on 140 days! That's HUGE and you should be so proud of yourself1 point
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This is great news Sal! Hopefully and over time, since your wife will witness first hand the benefits you gain from quitting smoking, she will eventually quit herself. You are right though. This is about you and your quit. And you should be so very proud of yourself! Congratulations on 4+ months!1 point
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