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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/31/22 in all areas
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So, it's now 24 hours since I lit up my last cigarette ever! i didn't note down when I put it out, so I use this time to mark the turning point. It's been surprisingly easy, actually. So I suppose Allen Carr was right: it IS EASY to quit smoking - provided you do the mental preparations first. After 25+ years as a slave to the NicoMonster I have my fair share of failed attempts behind me, so I know some might find that statement a bit offensive and why. There are many roads leading to Rome, and for me it seemed like this was my only option. Whatever the case might be, I have put a surprisingly easy 24 nicotine free hours behind me!3 points
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Oh, I know it's just the beginning of the journey! Thanks for the warning, though, with the breathing. I'm just glad my body has been able to tell me it's much happier without it before anything like that might kick in - and that I'm able to hear it as I'm not hysterical Like some breathing pain I didn't really notice (or steadfastly ignored...) until I took that one cigarette on Sunday, then I remembered I've had that for a time. Also I feel cleaner inside in general, which is a great relief! I've had a need to "get clean" inside for quite a while now, so it's gratifying to finally start moving toward that! Yeah, I found that out the hard way Hadn't seen it mentioned anywhere in what I'd read, but found out on Sunday. It's really a good thing, as I drink way too much coffee anyway and have been wanting to cut down or go off completely. Easier when your body doesn't tolerate it anymore!3 points
Retired few days ago. Still quit. Now to enjoy some of that fresh air. Won’t say extra time, cause who know when we will be needed somewhere in Heaven. if you read this far, your going to be alright. if I can quit this long, all you can too and help even more to do same.2 points
Please take the time to watch the 3 documentaries we have on this Main Board . It changed the whole way I thought about smoking ...it was my light bulb moment . Those Tabacco companies work very hard at making sure the poor smoker stays addicted .. no wonder we find it hard to quit ... Once you see smoking for what it is ....it will makes quitting easier .... They don't care how many good people die ...of horrible illnesses.... As long as they make money.... Don't give them another penny ...2 points
2 points
Your doing great @Shymaid.... Your body is making huge changes just now ...it's been used to having a load of poisons every day ... be kind to yourself... alot of us felt anger at the beginning ....I had a punching pillow ,that flew through the air on many occasions.2 points
Thank you, @Mac#23! The monster is definitely still there! Every day it starts whispering "You are doing great! So you can have one, just one. You really want one. Just one won't hurt. Just pick up again from that, as you are doing so good. So good you can handle just one. Do you really want to live a cigarette-free life? They are really good, you know. You KNOW!" etc etc. Hardest to resist at night, though I'm getting the hang of it!2 points
2 points
Thank you @DenaliBlues I actually read after I'd put the patch on the author reccomended to carry on till I'd read it all! Given it had only been a few hours, and I found switching to the patch so easy, I thought why not! And yes, they're going to end up where they belong very soon!2 points
2 points
So sorry I'm late to the big party!!!!! I am so proud of my best wabbit buddy for your fabulous 6-year-old quit and even more impressive dedication to helping other quitters (new and old) make their way to the finish line. You're the best! This board is so lucky to have you and Doreen keeping things on track, and always including a kind word and a smile in your posts.1 point
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Wow 10 years is insane! Brilliant accomplishment. Hope you are celebrating1 point
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Great job Jillar. Built a rock-solid quit for yourself and helped many others navigate their path to freedom. Top shelf!1 point
Glad to hear you're having better days already @Shymaid, that's awesome Its true that after three days pretty much all the nicotine is out of your system but your body has lots more work to do to rid all the other 1000's of chemicals we ingested when we smoked. The damaged cilia begin to repair themselves and then get to work cleaning out all that gunk which could take a few weeks. Some people find that their breathing gets worse before it gets better because of this.1 point
Much easier today than when I first started! Several things has changed for it to be that way, and I've learned a lot in how to deal with the cravings. - Apparently anger will drain the body of nicotine, so that explains the VERY strong urges I had Saturday when I was fuming. Also as I've dealt with that by taking a cigarette before, so I have to find better ways to deal with that emotion. The anger today gave me much less cravings, showing how the body has rid itself of the vast majority of the nicotine. - I've only had 4 cups of coffee today (the measurement cups, not actual mugs I drink from! They are way larger!) and I used a smaller cup to see if that helped by tricking me to think I'd had more than I had. That didn't work, the coffee was gone in no time. But I switched to tea instead for the rest of the day, and had 3 cups of that. It really improved the cravings, or rather what I'd thought was cravings. It really was the buzz from the caffeine I'm no longer used to feeling, and so mistook that for nicotine cravings. - It helps doing stuff I don't normally do, but I don't think that's a long term answer. I have to go back to my normal life sooner or later, so I have to learn to deal with it in my normal situation. But perhaps it will help during these first few days at least. Also I'm looking forward to wash down everything to get rid of the staining! All in all I think the first three days will be much easier now than my original three first days. Most of the filth is out of my system by now, so the hardest detox part is probably over. Mucous is starting to come out as well, less fun, hehe! But not too bad. A bit more cough and a bit more stuffy in my sinuses. Blood sugar has started to normalize; the first days I got a wolf hunger about every second hour - which I am NOT used to! But that has mostly gone now and been replaced by a more normal sense of hunger. I knew the cigarettes affected my hunger, but didn't realize how much! Also my head is a bit more in place now, though sometimes I zone out a bit still. It's fairly exciting to find out how my body will work without regular administrations of poison! Upward and onward!1 point
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Thanks for the update, @feeling_patchy. Vaping to stop vaping? Hmm. But as long as the end result is quitting, then good on you. Every quit that sticks is a great quit, no matter how you get there. So I'm glad you have a method you have confidence in. Keep us posted, and stay focused on your ultimate goal of putting your vapes where they belong forever - in that puppy poo bag!!1 point
1 point
Thank you, @Doreensfree & @Mac#23! After a bit of a bumpy ride first half of the day, the second have has been a lot smoother. I hope to be over the worst, at least when it comes to detoxifying as I've only had one since early Thursday evening. Feels like I'm getting control over the withdrawal pangs now. So far it's the most promising quit I've had, which I'm really happy about!1 point
Thank you very much @intoxicated yoda, @Doreensfree and @Mac#23 for your positive welcomes! I'm actually vaping again, today, but because I wanted to! The book I'm reading makes so much sense to me that I wanted to do it as reccomended by the author (doing the exercises whilst vaping). I'd only quit for a few hours, when I began to have realisations from what I'd been reading and decided it would be more constructive to experience the exercises first hand, rather than from memories. It's different for everyone, but for me I now trust this method so wish to do it fully. Anyway, thank you again and I can assure you I'm going to reset my ticker in the near future--I've never wanted anything so much, if I'm honest!1 point
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Aww !!!!.....My Beautiful Sweetie....My Buddy Moddy.... I'm so sorry I was not here for your 6 years WooHoo.........gutted .... Ok we can still Celebrate..... Congratulations...I'm so happy for you ....And I thank you for being by my side ...keeping this place A happy safe place ...oh !!!...and for helping this Pc Humpty out too... Love ya Doll... Cheers !!!1 point
1 point
Congratulations!!! I'm so happy for you, well done! I know we've only talked for a couple of days, but thank you so much for your support so far! You're doing a great job helping others find their way through that damned smoke in and around their heads. Seems like May 29 is a lucky day1 point
Good for you! That money you save will just keep piling up! Not to mention all the other benefits.1 point
1 point
Congratulations @Shymaid That first day is the toughest. You are doing a great thing in quitting smoking. Keep up the awesome work!1 point
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It's gone so quickly today, @Gus! Still, I do feel a bit relieved that I can finally go to bed in about an hour Get a break from the cravings and the body can work on eliminating all the foul stuff in peace1 point
Day 1 done!! WooHoo! Time really will fly by the further you get into your quit! You are doing great!1 point
Thank you, @jillar! I will admit I've thought about taking one puff over the last hour or so (there's another smoker in the house, so it can be scary!), but it's not really been a serious thought and only lasted a couple of seconds before I put it aside! And yes, my savings will explode!!! I live in a very expensive country, in particular when it comes to cigarettes and alcohol. Won't miss putting all that money into the treasury, that's for sure!1 point
Woohoo @Shymaid, see how that's done?! A whole day done already!! And you've already saved over $14.00! That's AWESOME1 point
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