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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/17/22 in all areas
5 points
Hi Sal Congratulations on the 100+ days quit. That is truly awesome. Hopefully she will soon come around and find in herself her own reasons to quit again.5 points
Happy Easter @Sal. Congrats on your 100+ day quit. Sorry to hear Mrs. Sal relapsed but you have my respect for staying strong. Passing the 100 day mark does give one a great sense of accomplishment.5 points
Sorry to hear that Mrs Sal has gone back to it. Completely agree with Doreen, and pleased to hear that you are staying on course. My partner still smokes, I would love him to stop with me. But he still believes it dose something for him and that he enjoys it. All you can do is do this for you, show others the way and hope one day they follow. Nearly forgot. Congratulations on hitting 100 days smoke free!!5 points
Thanks. I totally agree. I have to do it for me this time, but it would be nice to go it together. The journey has just started for me as a Non-smoker and it feels great.5 points
Hi Sal... First Huge Congratulations on your 100 day smoke free ...this is great ... Sorry to hear Mrs Sal has smoked ,she hiding for either of two reasons or both ...1 Shame 2 She doesn't want to spoil your Quit ... As sad as this is ..we can only quit for ourselves Sal....who knows ...she could soon join you again ,once she see,s how great your doing ...I hope so..... The most important thing is getting you to Freedom ... Stay Strong .5 points
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Dyed Easter eggs for the first time in what seems like forever tonight. Maddie had fun with it and Papa Boo has figured out that using a tarp like a drop clothe makes cleaning up after a toddler art project much easier. Some of our eggs didn't turn out perfect, but a good time was had. I was pleasantly surprised to see that the Paas company is not only still around but making the exact same product they produced when I was a kid. Dye tablets. Those wire egg dippers. The "magic crayon"...It was like opening a time capsule. Not to boast but I dropped a little extra for the "Deluxe" kit.5 points
Congratulations Sal. 100 days smoke free is a huge accomplishment. Sorry about your wife's relapse but hopefully your success in quitting will inspire her to quit again.4 points
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Hi Sal, Congratulations on keeping your quit in spite of Anita smoking again. I stop short of calling her relapsed because she only quit to help you quit. As we all know we have to quit for ourselves so she was more refraining than quitting imo. I would mention to her when you smell smoke, especially if it causes you to crave. She may be more careful about it for you. Please reach out to us if you feel yourself caving, we want to keep you quit!4 points
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Hi, @Sal. Glad you are feeling good! 100+ days is something to be very proud of, and it's worth protecting. I'm sorry to hear that Anita has started to smoke again. For what it's worth, my advice is to acknowledge that openly and nonjudgmentally. You cannot control your spouse's smoking. (Having been "the smoking spouse" for a long time, myself, I can attest to that!) But you CAN find out what's up with her choice, and you can make sure she knows where you stand about keeping your own quit. Talking about it also prevents the silence around it from getting weird. Stay strong and positive about your own quit along the way. We want to celebrate all those future milestones together with you, Sal!4 points
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Hello everyone! I am just over 100 days smoke free. My wife has relapsed I'm afraid. She is being sneaky about it, but I smell it. How does one deal with a smoking partner? Don't worry, I'm not turning back now when my health is looking good. Please, need advice. Thanks, and Happy Easter!2 points
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10. Cut into short remnants and put outside for birds to use to make their nests. What are 10 things you can do with... wax?2 points
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@SalCongratulations!! Keep up the great job!! Sorry that Anita is smoking again.2 points
Thanks again!! I'm just over 100 days and without the "Patch". Unfortunately, Anita has started to smoke again. She is hiding it but I'm not making a big deal about it. I'm fully focused to stay away from those things. I have to do it for me now. No cravings and feeling great!!2 points
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Oh no! I’m sorry to hear that Anita started smoking again. You are doing the right thing. Stay focused and remain committed to your quit. Hopefully, in time she will be ready to try again! Thank you for keeping us updated!1 point
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CHOCOLATE CHIP CLOUDS *Gluten free* Ingredients: 4 egg whites at room temp. (I use 1 yolk for snickerdoodles and the other 3 either go in scramble eggs or to the fur babies) 1/4 teaspoon cream of tartar 1/2 cup caster sugar (you can use monkfruit sugar or granulated splender, etc, to make it even healthier but I think it tastes different) 1 teaspoon vanilla extract 2 tablespoons cooking cocoa (or for a healthier treat cacao powder, which I use because it has an iron content plus other goodies) 200g (7oz) chocolate chips (I use vegan ones, but you can use any that you want. Method: Preheat oven to 160c (300g) and line baking trays with paper or silmats or wotever) In a large bowl (glass is best, I dunno why but it is...don't use a metal or plastic bowl for this recipe) add the eggs and cream of tartar. Beat with a hand mixer until peaks form. Gradually add sugar beating well between each addition until glossy and thick and sugar dissolved. (So I beat it in in 4 batches then for a good 2-3 mins after the last of the sugar goes in. Add vanilla and beat. Add the cocoa and beat. Fold in chock chips. Drop spoonfuls of mix onto the tray and bake for 34-40mins. Cool on tray. Once cool store in an airtight container for up to 2 weeks. @d2e8b8 here are some I baked this morning... They are sort of crispy and chewey.1 point
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Just a baby to so many of us. Such a smart person to all of us! YOU ARE MAKING THE BEST DECISION EVER! Might be a little rough at first, but we have been addicts for a long time. (me 40 years). This will be a walk in the park for you. Stay focused and take it an hour at a time. Think of all that money you can spend on better things. You can do it.1 point
Hey Dianne, good to see you doing it too. I find it hard to extend my fast at the end of the fast - meaning if I start out with a goal of 3, there's no way I can go at the end of day 3 ... hmmm, let's go 4 days now. I'd be all prepped to eat by then. I find it similar to quitting in many ways - the effort goes into NOT doing something. The amazing thing to me is that I feel so good after multi-day fasts - good enough to do distance runs and feel light on my feet. Please feel free to share your journey - I for one will be interested to hear your experiences.1 point
Welcome aboard Passenger, congratulations on your decision to take your life back. It's not going to be a easy journey but nothing worth while ever is. Always remember that you deserve to be happy and healthy.1 point
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