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Congratulations @Mac#23 on your second year quit! The time sure flies doesn't it?! I hope you have a great day8 points
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Well done on your two years smoke free!! and thank you for all your supportive words to us all.7 points
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Hey guys, I don’t really feel like this is an sos, just a vent, a frustration, a day. It’s been a day. Works stressful, busy, etc., whose isn’t. I feel like I’m ok and I don’t “want” to smoke but I so so do “want” to smoke. It feels like the stress and worries were less bc I had a cig to fall back on. It’s something to do to help not think about things, and now it’s something to worry abt not doing, if that makes sense. I know this is bs, but junkie is trying to romance it too, it’ll relax u, something to do in the morning, after work, when get home, etc. where’s the will to keep going, keep trying and worrying about not doing. Sometimes I read people r cool with it within 2weeks (not me lol bc 2 weeks is today), some are 3 months, some are 6 months, some a year! What’s the dealio?5 points
Thank you all for helping celebrate this accomplishment. Also, thank you to everyone who has helped me along the way.5 points
So well said DenaliBlues! Sometimes reading each other's journeys is all that it takes to make it one more day!5 points
Thanks for posting this @Brioski. It’s a helpful discussion for me, too. My experience quitting has not been linear, it goes in odd zigzags. Sometimes I feel good, strong, and in touch with the positive aspects of quitting. Other days, I feel shattered. Today, for instance, all the emotions I used to dull with nicotine are quite raw. I know this is not permanent. For the first couple weeks of my quit, the impulse/longing to smoke was constantly buzzing through my body and brain. Now on day 54 it’s not a hive of bees any longer, more like a dull thud. So that’s a good trend. I’m very determined to keep this quit. But along the way, I have definitely had some days I’d like to fast forward through, either that or…5 points
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I was using the sheet tile and the pattern was arabesque. They were so unevenly spaced on the sheet, we gave up and chose a different pattern. We are trying again today. We have made a template of the wall and have laid the pieces together. Now comes the cutting. Cross your fingers. We have been married for 45 years and hope this together project does not put us over the edge.5 points
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Dear All, As I said earlier, I am now smoke free for 7 years and 21 days. I feel very proud to announce of being a non smoker. Thanks for your wishes. Cheers, Raja.4 points
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Hey @Brioski, sorry you're having a tough day, its to be expected at two weeks quit. I know two weeks seems like forever but it really isn't when you consider how long you smoked. That's going to equate to a lot of triggers and those are what you have to get through at least once to lessen the pull of the nicodemon. That's why we recommend the One Year Pledge: https://www.quittrain.com/topic/318-the-one-year-commitment/ It's a commitment to yourself to stick close to your support for your entire first year so that you can have the support you need, should you need it. As far as how long you'll feel this way, there's really no telling since everyone's quit is different. I smoked 35 years and it took me the whole first year. In contrast, my quit buddy smoked for around 20 years and had no problem with his quit. Hang in there because it won't always be this hard, I promise4 points
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I am about 9 months out and I still have those feelings. Had a really bad day this weekend, lucky for me the car decided not to start. Have to get it towed in for service. I could have taken that a couple of ways, God is helping me out and making sure I save the money for car repairs. Double Win LOL. I can only tell you it will pass, you will have those days. The one thing I remind my self is that I did not think I would get past the first day. I did, as long as I remember I have come so far and I will never have to start over.3 points
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Congratulations @Mac#23 on 2 years!! Thanks for the help to others3 points
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Seven years + is AWESOME!!! It will not be so long before I get there. 6 years, but I ain’t going back just staying on this forward march!!!3 points
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I am sure you will do fine, just take your time. Just remember the old saying "measure twice, cut once". Be prepared to have sore arms after grouting and clean up.2 points
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Congratulations, @Sunnyside. Three months is one of the big ones to achieve. And is that you in the photo? With a real shark? You scuba? You'll be able to hold your breath ever so much longer under water now, as a nonsmoker, in case a shark decides to take a chomp out of your shiny air tank. God-forbid. Holy crow, that's a big shark. So many teeth. My palms are sweating, just looking at it and thinking about it. Anyway, congratulations on 3 months!2 points
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Congratulations you two. You are rocking this quit. Don't forget to reward yourself today for this great accomplishment.2 points
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Go, sunnyside!!! I’m proud of u, even though I don’t “know” u! Way to go, hope to be u in a few months!2 points
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