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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/03/22 in all areas
Hello everyone. Hope all is safe and sound. Staying healthy, I hope. Today I am celebrating my 90th day off Cigarettes! I am doing just Great and feeling terrific! I want to mention that w/o my beautiful wife of almost 27 years and the people here, that I don't know where I would be. A very big Thanks!!! SAL and Anita11 points
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Congratulations @Sal and Anita, three months is fantastic!8 points
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Congratulations! Hope to be where you are soon. 90 days sounds awesome to me. Keep up the good work. You know the saying: ”Behind every man…….”7 points
Congratulations Sal and Anita! This is wonderful news! YES!!! The people here are amazing and the fact the train exists and that I found it is the most amazing! Wishing you and your wife the best! KTQ!7 points
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Go, sunnyside!!! I’m proud of u, even though I don’t “know” u! Way to go, hope to be u in a few months!6 points
Team Salanita!! Awesome news congrats on this milestone!!!6 points
Huge congratulations to Sal and Anita!!! Ninety days and feeling good is a great start and you definitely have the right attitude to keep this quit sailing along!6 points
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Congratulations Sunnyside, 3 Months is Fantastic. Stay positive and determined4 points
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Thank you all!! I had a big craving last night, alcohol related ended up going to bed early! I wasn't going to fall for that, even though I did ponder on it for the first time, really ponder on it, but I know it is all the whispers are lies. Had you nice chilled day today4 points
3 months Sunnyside! This is amazing! You are amazing! Keep heading forward on your journey. KTQ!4 points
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Congratulations you two. You are rocking this quit. Don't forget to reward yourself today for this great accomplishment.3 points
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nice job @Sunnysideon hitting that 3 month milestone.3 points
Yay for you, Sunnyside! Congratulations on 3 fabulous months of never letting the craves keep you down!3 points
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Congratulations @Sunnyside on three months smoke free today! That is awesome.3 points
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Congratulations @Sunnyside on your third month quit! We're so glad to be a part of your quit smoking journey and love all the support you offer to everyone. I hope you do something special for yourself today!2 points
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Still doing my treadmill work and some weight lifting. Power walking uphill 2 miles every single day. I am thinking of getting a heavy bag and some boxing gloves. I think that would be great for my anxiety issues, as well as my physical health. I am amazed at my commitment to exercise. Kat2 points
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