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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/03/22 in all areas

  1. Ah-thanks again for all the words of support my QT buddies! I am grateful that I landed here. Still not sure how that happened except that I have always loved trains. The magic of Google. I'm not feeling particularly strong or insightful at the moment. Maybe its just mid-winter ennui or maybe this is just another layer to peel in the healing process that, at least for me, is like an onion. I fortunately have tissue boxes conveniently located throughout the dwelling to sop up the tears when they flow. All I know TODAY is that smoking did (F-ck All) zippity-do-dah to help resolve anything although, at the time, I believed it did. I think we all did, right? Maybe the "longing" to smoke is really a longing for simpler days? And yet I am not sure things are any more complicated now than they ever were-I just have more years on me to ruminate and fuss. I think I am turning into one of those people that I used to make fun of, i.e. "Back in the day...." Although I think we can all agree the 80's were a pretty spectacular decade, the threat of nuclear annihilation notwithstanding. Or maybe the "longing" to smoke is to connect back with my younger self who was more hopeful and curious. I know the pandemic has done a number on all of us in really odd ways-the lack of connection with others in person, the speed at which information is flying at us. So perhaps what I am feeling is not unique to being on a quit journey or at least that is not the entire story? The upside (and it is a HUGE upside) is that, every day, I get to come here and see my progress as well as that of everyone else on the Freedom Train. That's sure something to be happy about, something to celebrate. As I have mentioned, I am participating in 12-step groups for nicotine recovery and oh-wow-so-glad-those-early-days-are-behind-me! Those years of struggling to quit, round-and-round we would go. Then the fist days, weeks of a quit where I was in withdrawal. Yuck. So yuck. The oddest thing is that I can feel what it would be like to pick up a cigarette and its awful. So I have to assume this current phase is a sort of in-between world? As @garry mhudsonsaid, "worst days behind you." I am going to hold on to that. Thanks for listening-blessings to all.
    8 points
  2. Congratulations on the 4 month quit Kel! Worst days behind you and better ahead. Best wishes and thanks for the support for others.
    7 points
  3. Sorry I’m late @KEL! Congratulations on such a fine quit! You are doing exceptionally well and I do love seeing how helpful you are to others here! I hope that you gave yourself a nice treat!
    7 points
  4. Thank you for the welcome @KELglad to be back here and nice to have you here too. Thanks @Krislockdown certainly changed things, we also had the hottest and longest nice weather in the UK than we have had in along time, that didn't help either. But no excuses. Another lesson learnt. Thanks for your kind words @intoxicated yodalove the name by the way! Thanks @jillarguard is definitely back up and I will sort out my ticker and quit day, just need to get back up to speed in using this site. I will get there lol! Hi @Doreensfreenice to hear form you. Have my seat firmly back on the train. Hopefully this one will be a smother ride Hi @Guswill be nice to get to know you and other as we go through this journey thanks for the welcome.
    6 points
  5. Kel, good for you! Congratulations on this newest milestone, and more and more to come.
    6 points
  6. @KELI think part of quitting is letting go of the past which can be quite traumatic. I still have moments where I wish I could go back in time which I think is pretty normal, but cigarettes are not time machines so I am learning to bear the full weight of that depressive moment without the crutch I believed was in the cigarette. You are doing fantastic. The rainy days help us to appreciate the sunshine that much more. Have a blessed day, Karen.
    6 points
  7. 6 points
  8. Hi some of you might remember me, it's taking me awhile to post, been lurking for afew weeks. More out of shame that I have been sucked back into the world of smoking again! After being smoke free for 6 years in lock down 2 years ago I stupidly thought I was far enough ahead I could smoke a joint every so often. For a year I managed to keep it occasionally but it was becoming more regularly on the weekends. This last year I have gone back to daily use. Only in the evening and weekends, with the odd cigarettes chucked in as well. I have come to the conclusion I wanted to stop again before I started smoking cigarettes again, in the day through the week as well, and inevitably go back to 20 a day. So here I am, tail between my legs, but here to face up to it. I've re-read Allen Carr watch Joel video's determined that this quit is the one, I was so happy as an ex smoker. Learnt my lesson now. I'm an all or nothing kind of gal! I have to stop both. There is no questioning it anymore. I quit on the 2/1/22 so already hit a month. Hope everyone is OK!? let do this
    5 points
  9. It still applies and I still live by it Even after 9 years with not a single puff I know it is still true.
    5 points
  10. welcome back to the train @Sunnyside. no shame in falling down. only shame is if you don't get back up. you'll be much wiser this time around.
    5 points
  11. Glad you are here. Relapse must be awful, starting all over but this time you know what to expect and how to deal with it. I think Covid knocked us all off our feet in some way. Now we know a lot more, can prepare and do things to make our life's saver, takes some of the fear out of it. That being said, we have known for a long time the dangers of smoking. Same thing, we know what we must do to stay healthy. It's as easy to quit smoking as to practice social distance, wash your hands, avoid indoor crowds, wear a mask, get the vaccine. I just feel silly. I am doing all of this stuff to protect myself and others from Covid but I still smoked until about seven months ago. No judgement only joy that you are ready to quit.
    5 points
  12. Look how nasty that is, and how it smells, and how they make YOU smell LOL I was a hard case chainsmoker when I quit and didn't care. But I understand now for sure, what people said to me and thought about me!
    5 points
  13. For sure, KEL - it is from Whyquit and a quote from Joel - it is timeless and essential information that anyone who wants to break free needs to ingrain into themselves. I know one couple who had quit for 6 and 8 years, ran into some old friends who were smokers and tempted fate and had a cig with them and they now cuss that day because they KNOW THEY THREW IT AWAY and have to go through that quit process again. Aww hell naw, don't ever go there. Once a prisoner is free they usually don't want to go back but for some reason nicotine lures us. DON'T FALL FOR IT. Keep your freedom at all costs!!
    5 points
  14. Thanks again everyone-means so much to have your support.
    5 points
  15. addiction is a bitch that never goes away welcome back- you know the drill
    4 points
  16. I’m glad that you decided to hop back on the train @Sunnyside! Hope to see you around here a lot!
    4 points
  17. Good to see you @JonGuirl.... Congratulations on your great Quit ... I'm sure our Newbies appreciate your support ...why not stick around a little
    4 points
  18. Welcome back @Sunnyside, sorry you gave up that nice quit you had going. Proof once again how none of us can become complacent with this addiction. Congratulations on a month quit already, that's fantastic. Don't forget to change your quit date and make a new ticker
    4 points
  19. @SunnysideGuess I am the welcoming committee this morning! Glad you are here.
    4 points
  20. Congratulations Kel, 4 months is fabulous, I loved it when I got past 3 months, you will be fine. Stay determined and freedom is yours
    4 points
  21. Congratulations on 4 months smoke free, Kel. You are doing great
    4 points
  22. G’day NOPE .....Not One Puff Ever.... (replace Ever with Min,Hour, Day as required)
    3 points
  23. I was just looking around the board and saw there have been 37 of us on the board in the last 24 hour. That is the highest count I have ever seen. Such a wonderful thing, helping others and having a good chuckle. Sharing everything makes it so much easier!
    3 points
  24. @SunnysideI was never an MJ smoker (I drank and snorted other things though). I have heard people claim smoking MJ helped them quit cigarettes. However, for me it would be too close to the ritual of smoking tobacco. I would think it all has to go. And probably a crappy analogy but I used to drink fake booze in my first years in recovery. Now I have no interest in it but it did help for awhile. It wasn't mood altering though and MJ is so.... But it matters not. The experiment is over. Hopefully the consequences are minimal for great wisdom. Thank you for sharing it with us-our junkie mind is way sneaky.
    3 points
  25. Yes I remember you @Sunnyside.... As Jillar has said ...it just goes to show what a insedious Addiction this is .... There is no such thing as just one puff... It's a great reminder for us all.... Congratulations on your month quit ...take your seat and stay seated ...
    3 points
  26. Congratulations and great job. Be kind to yourself, you are working hard, climbing a mountain to reach your goal. Soon you will reach the peak and see the world as you wish it to be. K
    3 points
  27. Congrats, @KEL! Be very proud of what you have accomplished here...reward yourself and KTQ!
    3 points
  28. Congratulations, catlover!!! It's awesome to see the ticker adding on the days, and then YEARS!!! Enjoy your success.
    3 points
  29. Congratulations to the both of you. Stay strong and cig free.
    3 points
  30. Thanks everyone. You all are the Best!!
    3 points
  31. Congrats! That is an outstanding accomplishment...
    3 points
  32. Yes. Thank you. I make flash cards. I am (with your permission) going to update my stack with the above.
    3 points
  33. @Kris Not really good or bad just a nickname for people from the UP The yoopers call the people who live in lower Michigan trolls they live under the Mackinac bridge
    3 points
  34. Thank you for participating! You are an inspiration to me and set a great example of how to stick with my quit Congrats on your time and good work!
    3 points
  35. Thanks @Linda and @Doreensfree , my plan is to stick around for the duration.
    2 points
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QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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