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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/21/22 in all areas
4 points
I am here, THANKS to all of you! You are the winners here! You all make such a difference for so many people. I have just been under the weather yet again.4 points
Well done Kel.... Hope she joins you ...I'm sure you gave her alot to think about .. Deep down every smoker wishes they didn't ....4 points
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@KEL That is fantastic that you can hang out with a friend that smokes and not smoke. I hope that she gets the drive to be where you are one day. When the pain of smoking becomes greater than the pain of quitting she will look to the path you are on and take those first steps. Hope you have a peaceful night as well4 points
@intoxicated yodaI just hung out with one of my dearest friends who is a smoker. I did not smoke. But I sat with her while she did. She wants to be where (we) are. The "suckage" of smoking is worse than that of quitting methinks! Hope you have a peaceful night....4 points
@DoreensfreeI sure hope she does. Ironically (or not so much) we both bought Allen's book at the same time then shared. I think she'll do it since her new circumstances will help (no smoking rental and high altitude). I think it did bring up more than I realized so I jumped on a couple of Nicotine Anonymous meetings since as it helps me to be in touch. Seems to be a robust group of quitters over on those forums for anyone who just needs to hear themselves talk. Hope everyone is having a great night! Karen3 points
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Yes Why do so many people have donkeys and want me to kiss it?2 points
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Kris, Congratulations!!! Does it feel great to get another month completed?!2 points
Congratulations Kris, you are doing great . Keep up the quit and don't forget to reward yourself today.2 points
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Congratulations @Kris You are winning the fight my friend!!2 points
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Congratulations @Kris on seven months quit! Don't forget to spoil yourself today!1 point
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@Kris, thanks for checking in. I was starting to worry.... Sorry you're not feeling well. Hope you feel better soon!1 point
That’s 6 letters, so I shall eliminate the t Your old girlfriend’s underpants reek! pants1 point
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To give you something to do while you're pooping, like origami Why do moths fly into lights?1 point
Get comfortable with not knowing. Very few have all the answers right out of the gate. Most who claim to are full of shit. It's fine to wonder and wander a bit, you've got the rest of your life to figure it out.1 point
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@intoxicated yodaSorry you are having such a hard time. I think we all get that feeling sometimes, a big empty hole that nothing will fill. We feel so bad we don't know what we're feeling. We just know it is very uncomfortable and we want it to go away. Has taken me a lot of reflection over the years to figure what it is for me. Anxiety, depression, grief and guilt all play into the development of my black hole. I know where it comes from now, those feelings still sneak up on me. All I can do is accept the feeling. Know it will pass as it has before, It will be okay, you will figure it out and find a way to find your calm again.1 point
@intoxicated yoda, its a nicotine crave, don't over think it lol. You're still pretty early in on your quit so you're still going to get bad days. My whole first year sucked! Just go with it and don't try to analyze everything, it'll be way less stressful on you I think1 point
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