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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/18/22 in all areas
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You had done so well at your ninth month. At ten months you have your quit baby, now it sleeps thru the night and is walking easily through the day. It makes me giggle with delight!!5 points
Thanks for sharing. I am at day 108 (?). I started running again (@7500 feet so its a good challenge-lungs healing) and lost four pounds. I'm going to start Tai Chi classes at the local gym because why not? People in the movies look so peaceful doing it... The anxiety is a bitch. That and the depression seems to be what all of us quitters struggle with. But we are way better off than six months ago, no? Keep on keeping on!5 points
Day 145 is done and day 146 is just starting. The diet change has been working out great so far. This is where I'm at after 23 days carnivore. It's been 8 days since my last cheat and I've cheated 3 days total on the diet so far. 1. Bloating is gone. No matter how much or how little I eat I don't get bloated. 2. Brain fog is getting better. I still have moments where I just can't decipher reality but clear moments are much clearer. I'm almost to the point where I feel like I can trust what I'm seeing. 3. Mood. I'm optimistic more of the time and don't have as much anxiety. I'm a little more proactive on getting things done. 4. Skin. It seems to be clearer. Definitely not as dry and flaky and so far no sign of dandruff for the last week or so. 5. Joint pain is getting noticeably better to the point I can work out light with kettle bell. If it keeps up I may be able to start pushups again in a few weeks. 6. And last but definitely not least is cravings. They are under control with out me having to devote the majority of my focus on it. Everyday is still a struggle to some degree but it's more of an annoyance than an all out mental war. To put everything in perspective, So far the the trend is starting to reverse and I'm gaining some forward movement. It's not miraculous it's just a slow movement but it is enough to get me more dedicated to the new process instead of focusing on eliminating the old process.5 points
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Thanks everyone! I have the Lido Deck in sight and it’s getting closer everyday! I do feel like a non smoker most of the time. Vigilance is my offense!5 points
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Gus, congratulations! I'm glad you're feeling like a nonsmoker most of the time. Your vigilance is paying off.4 points
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Congratulations on 9 months @Dianne! I’m glad that you checked in and let us know how you are doing! That first year milestone is coming up fast! I hope that you visit with us again!4 points
Way to go Gus, congratulations. Almost to the big party on the Lido deck. Keep it up you are doing great4 points
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Yahoo @Gus, you're in double digits with your awesome quit now! Congratulations! I hope you have a great day today and hey its even a holiday so you got the day off, enjoy!3 points
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Its been fun to explore different things now that there is so much more time to do so. Also, any activity helps keep the quit, at least that has been my experience.3 points
@Doreensfree I like the looks of Qi Gong. low impact active meditation. I'll give that a try in the morning. Thank you for the suggestion.3 points
@Kristhe quit is the most important thing and you are doing great on yours. Just don't sell yourself short. You can do whatever your spirit moves you to do, advancing this far into quitting smoking is proof of that. Stay strong!!3 points
@intoxicated yodaand @KELA double congratulations to both of you for your quit and for the strength to tackle other things at the same time. I know I could not do it, I can only focus on the quit right now.3 points
Way to go Yoda... It sure sounds like you have turned a corner ...it only gets better .... Yoda and Kel ..I found Qi Gong when I first quit ,and still do to this day .... Check it out on you tube ...beginner....it's good for every part of the body ... specially the mind ..so relaxing . Lets me know if you try it ...3 points
Excellent news in this update @intoxicated yoda! I’m so proud of you and you should be doubly proud of yourself. You’ve worked so hard and educated yourself about so many issues! You are amazing!3 points
@KELthat's great you started running again. That is something I hope I will be able to do if my joints continue to improve. Let us know how the Tai Chi goes.3 points
@GusNot to be persnickety but what is wrong with your ticker? Its not right.... Because you have (we all have) fought hard for our time and it needs to be reflected accurately!!3 points
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Oh my...how did I miss this one. Congratulations @Gus 10 months and still kicking butt.3 points
@DianneGlad you are here. I followed your journey and its been inspiring which I needed today so thank you. Hope you will stick around as it sure does help me (and everyone on the QT methinks). Congratulations!3 points
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Way to go Gus! Congratulations and wow so much money saved! 10 years! Do you feel like a never smoker?3 points
3 points
Just popping in to say I still on the quit train. Guess I at about the 9 month mark now. I can see why people encouraged to make a one year commitment to being on the train here. You may think you doing good (and if you on the quit train you ARE) but getting through the holidays is a challenge and though all the moments of life a year can send your way If you lurking and thinking on it....you can do this...absolutely a 100% you can do this. I hope you do and chose something good for yourself. You do deserve it! And all those on the train I hope you have a beautiful peaceful New Year. Thank you for your shared stories that helped/help me and so many others!3 points
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Congratulations on 10 months smoke free, @Gus You are doing awesome!3 points
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@KEL I’m sorry. I didn’t realize that my ticker wasn’t correct. As soon as I have a few extra minutes I’ll go look at it and reset it if I have to. It was correct the last time I viewed it. I don’t know why or how it could have been changed.2 points
Congrats, @Gus! I love a good Lido deck party...and yours is coming up soon! Celebrate your achievement of 10 months and KTQ!2 points
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Congratulations Bat on such an incredible quit. Dance like no one's watching.2 points
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