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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/12/22 in all areas
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My sister told me the other day that cigarettes are $83 a carton in our area. Don't know why that shocked me.....but, it did. Cost was a big determining factor in my sticky quit, so I felt thankful that I went for it and quit. You find strength from within yourself that you never knew you had, so whatever your reasons are - please believe in yourself. Commit to the quit. This wonderful group of quitters is proof. We have done it. You CAN do it.4 points
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Thank guys!! The last time I quit last year was with the patch and was quit free for 97 days. Hopefully now that my wife has quit too, I will do it for good this time around.4 points
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@SalI would go with @Gus on this. I did gum on a quit four years ago and it helped. Until it didn't. I guess the idea about it is to wean yourself off the nicotine. However, the more research I did on the effects of nicotine (versus other drugs like alcohol, cocaine, meth, etc), its pretty much out of your body in fairly short order. So using replacement therapy just keeps it there and, eventually, you will have to go through the withdrawal. The challenge for most nicotine addicts is the emotional/psychological dependence on the ritual/chemical to soothe our souls. Most of us like @Gus suffer from severe anxiety/depression or other mental "illness." Its sorta seems to go hand-in-hand with the nicotine addiction. Like with recovery from any drug, lifestyle changes are essential and logical. We have more time and energy to get involved in healthy activities, especially exercise. If you feel good now and plan on stepping down, I would encourage getting some things in place in anticipation that it will become physically challenging in the withdrawal. Glad you are with us!3 points
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Thanks, everyone. I almost forgot My anniversary date was approaching. Wow! 2/3 of a year! Awesome! Aside from a few cravings that pass quickly, and the occasional smoking dream, I have been doing well. Whenever I have even a fleeting thought about lighting up, I think of my 4 kids and 13 grandkids, and that keeps me grounded. I want to do all I can to be available for them, as long as Our Lord permits.2 points
Glad your digestive issues are straightening out @intoxicated yoda. We normally recommend quitting one thing at a time when you quit smoking so your body just must be in overdrive with all the changes! But hey if its working then yay you! I craved sweets when I quit and oddly I naturally went from two cups of coffee a day to maybe finishing one a day. Don't know why but I also don't drink sodas anymore. Haven't had one in probably two years now. I have no idea why either except that Dr. Pepper didn't taste as good as I thought it did when I smoked lol. Now a days I'm hooked on Gatorade before I have my couple of beers. Luckily the taste of them didn't change2 points
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Great post Kel... Your right ...there still will come that day when you stop the nicotine ... The patches have worked for some ...in saying that ...you still have to fight that Nico Monster ....2 points
Right...had to hunt down this t model ford bloke cos his video were blocked...yep worth the research, pointed in the right direction by @Boo yet again. Now for some more Aussie flavour..2 points
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I have @Sal. Although I skipped step 1, I I did suffer when the amount of nicotine I was putting into my system was reduced. Also, when you finally end step 3 you are going to hit that same brick wall everyone that quits cold turkey hits and it’s going to be rough. The ONLY reason I used the patch was because I suffer from severe anxiety and knew that was the only way I would survive my quit. I do not take any medications for my anxiety, so I had nothing to tamper it down with during my quit. I would have quit cold turkey otherwise. I would not recommend the prolonging of nicotine withdrawal to anyone unless their circumstances were the same as mine. I hope this helped. Did you have a specific issue you are dealing with?2 points
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Congratulations Kenzie, on your first step towards a happier and healthier life. Reward yourself today.1 point
The board has been really slow the last couple of days it seems so I figured it's time for me to update my progress and hopefully give y'all something to laugh at or maybe even stir a little motivation. I started the new diet on 12/26/21 and I have to say I've been less consistent with that than with quitting smoking. This is day 17 and i've cheated pretty bad on 3 of those days. That gives me a record of 14 and 3 and still kicking ass. The good news is I think my digestive system is beginning to show signs of straightening out. My weight has been pretty consistent for the last week in spite of cheating for 2 days straight Friday and Saturday. The craves have been coming in waves for everything especially cigarettes. There not as bad as they used to be but they are a lot worse the last 2 days than they have been for the previous week or so. I might be just craving coffee really bad instead of the cigarettes though so there is a little bit of confusion. It's quite eye opening to see just how addicted I'd gotten to coffee and sugar. When I was smoking it was much easier to avoid sugar. Coffee was a bit more of a challenge but not hard to do without. Now, it's much harder to not eat sweets and drink coffee. I'm sure part of it is convincing my mind and body that it isn't necessary to be constantly eating, drinking or smoking non stop through out the day. Thinking back, I probably only got a few hours in at a time where I wasn't ingesting something throughout the day. Now, I only get thirsty a few times a day and I really don't get hungry but once or twice a day so I might be going 16 to 24 hours without ingesting anything but water and then when the craves hit they are intense. Hopefully in another week if I can keep from cheating the sugar craves and caffeine craves will be gone and life will get easier. I'll put up with those cravings to not have the god awful bloating I was getting. Anyway, that's the update from 139 days deep into the quit. I hope everyone out there is staying strong and having a great 2022.1 point
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Congratulations @kenzie_peyton Keep up the good fight!!1 point
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Welcome @ItIsAllieTime.....glad you joined us ...tell us a little about yourself .... Your in great company....who will help you along1 point
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@LindaTotally missed this, but happy one year to you. I have been sick with strep throat, but the covid test came back negative. The steroids are helping me recover and I can only imagine how this would be if I were still smoking. Anyway, congrats again and hope you celebrated well. ❤1 point
Just came to check on the board for a dose of strength. When the computer came on my screen saver was a three toed sloth. That is what I feel like today. Supposed to be doing a cook day but can't seem to make it off the couch. Hope everyone is enjoying their day!1 point
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I just spent $700.00 on another vintage Seiko wrist watch. It’s 50 years old and my 4th of a particular sought after model by collectors. They are so cool that I decided I want to leave one to each child, which is why I got this 4 th one. After I get them, I send them to Wales, to a guy named Simon, who specializes in servicing vintage Seikos. By the time all is said and done, each will cost over a thousand bucks. This one cost me more, because of its rare silver dial, so will be over a grand.The others are yellow and two dark blue. I have to slow down my spending, but I really love this hobby, and it keeps me sane during all this Covid madness.1 point
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You are killing it! You have conquered more than one beast at a time. Not only have you quit smoking, you have worked hard on other things, like more exercise, watching your diet. You have travelled in a time most of us have stayed put. Let's face it you take on a challenge and get the job done. Congratulations!!1 point
1 point
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