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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/27/21 in all areas

  1. G’day NOPE .....Not One Puff Ever.... (replace Ever with Min,Hour, Day as required)
    5 points
  2. The end of last October my son in law’s dad had a seizure while my daughter and her husband Derek were visiting him and Derek’s mom. They called an ambulance and after several hours, Derek’s dad was diagnosed with stage 4 bone cancer. After a few days of test, it was determined he had quite a few bones with cracks and the doctor could not understand why he hadn’t complained let alone been able to walk around and go to work. Derek’s dad’s response was that he didn’t want to take any attention away from his mother who’s life was deteriorating. Derek’s dad was a compulsive chain smoker. I know every time I saw him he spent more time outside smoking than indoor not smoking. They set up the time frame to start his chemotherapy and radiation. It was during this time Derek’s grandmother was placed in hospice. It was no big surprise because she had been deteriorating for some time. Two days after his grandmother was in hospice, Derek’s dad’s had the seizure and was rushed to the hospital with his wife, Derek and my daughter following the ambulance. By the end of the day, the doctor said there was no hope for him and he was place in hospice two rooms down from his mother. Two days later Derek’s grand mother passed away. The next day my daughter called and said if I wanted to see Derek’s dad before he passes, I had better come now so my wife and I went to the hospice for a last visit. He was sleeping. Derek’s mother, his sister and older brother were there. We visited for an hour and left, three hours later Derek’s dad passed away, only two days after his grandmother. It was a terrible time for their family. The next day Derek’s 42 year old brother went to the hospital for stomach pains and by the next day he was diagnosed with stage 4 rectal cancer and they also found it in his liver, he too was a smoker. Needless to say it put the family in triple shock. Loosing a grandmother, Dad/ husband within two days and now a son/brother with cancer in his body. Just now my daughter texted me reminding me it was 10 years ago today I started my chemotherapy from my cancer, and Derek’s brother started his chemotherapy today………..which is his birthday. The day Derek’s dad passed away, my daughter quit her smoking, she had been smoking for 17 years, and her husband Derek quit his tobacco chewing. They have both been nicotine free about two months now. It hasn’t been easy for my daughter but she knows she can’t smoke again. To help with her quit smoking emotions, I got her a tee shirt for Christmas that says, “I’m only talking to my dog today”…She loved it. Last year my dad passed away at 88 years old, he too was a smoker too but quit when he was 40. My mother passed away at age 47 from cancer while she was a smoker….. Next week I will be 8 years smoke free after 37 years of smoking. It has been a blessing since I quit, though I didn’t quit till two years after my cancer operation. I have made a difference in my future as well as my wife’s and daughters future by quitting….. My daughter’s two girls are so happy their mom and Derek quit smoking/chewing, we can make a difference and change our own future as well as others…… Let 2022 be the year that made a difference in your and others lives………Bassman
    5 points
  3. Just finished up washing all the dogs bowls and mop the kitchen floor. Grabbed the box of chocolate covered cherries on the way back to the couch, needed something to do while the floor drys. No one will every know I already killed a box.
    4 points
  4. Trying to get my bearings about me. The week between Christmas and New Years always feels a bit discombobulated. As my grandfather used to say: "I'm not sure if I should scratch my watch or wind my ass." P.S. I really like the word "discombobulated." I'm not asking you to shoehorn it in to every conversation, just consider using it more frequently.
    4 points
  5. Well done .... You kept hold of your precious Quit ....no better present you can give yourself .... Freedom !!!!
    4 points
  6. cpk Quit Date: 02/04/2015 Posted July 1, 2015 I don't know if month 5 is like going around a big bend towards magical month 6, but the promise that "it gets better" is not just empty words. I still have anxiety, but not as much. There are actually some days when I don't think about smoking at all. When I go through rough patches of anxiety or a crummy day I remind myself, "Everything isn't always about quitting smoking." This is a really exciting journey. It has been hard, but SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO worth the effort. This post is for newbies, in the early days and weeks of quitting. It can be hard. But it gets easier. Sometimes it's hard to get through the hours. Then suddenly a whole day, or days go by in utter freedom. HANG ON. The promise is real. It DOES GET BETTER Link to original post: https://www.quittrain.com/topic/5573-the-promise-is-real-wow/
    3 points
  7. Day 2 with virtually no carbs is almost over and thank the good Lord I've made it thus far. While today wasn't horrible as far as cravings go it was a bit more intense than yesterday. I tried the apple cider vinegar diluted in water to ease the sugar cravings but I can't tell if it actually helped or if doing just any old thing would have gotten me the same result. The headache is starting to kick in so tomorrow will probably be much worse than today but the lack of bloating should be enough to keep me on track. The cigarette cravings I had today were quite intense as well but didn't last that long. I think I spent less than 2 hours total in a nicotine fit and it was mixed in with the sugar crave which kept me pretty confused on what I really wanted. Shockingly it made it that much easier to just do nothing and avoid it all. On the positive side, in addition to the bloating being vastly improved I actually slept pretty well. I'm guessing I got almost 6 hours of sleep and my joints were also much looser this morning. I was able to walk normally down the stairs after about the 4th step. The neuromas in my feet didn't bother me at all today which was a slice of heaven in itself. If you've never had to deal with a neuroma, imagine taking a step and as soon as the ball of your foot gets a certain amount of pressure it feels like a fish hook is getting ripped out through the end of your middle toe. Lucky me I've got that in both feet. I noticed the last time I went carb free that stopped happening and only started again the day before christmas. Lets see...oh yeah, stepped on the scale this morning. 194.6. One day and almost 5lbs gone. I don't know if I trust that but whatever, i'll take it as a win and keep going. I'm becoming more and more convinced sugar is poison. I know this is a stop smoking board but I'm quitting smoking to get healthy and don't see the use of quitting one poison if I'm going to keep using another. In a couple of more days I'm hoping I can start the breathing exercises again. I found it's damn near impossible to do deep breathing when your are bloated. I should be kicking myself in the ass for using christmas as the excuse to get off the no carb train. It wasn't like I didn't know what to expect but i guess i had to be the little fat kid that touches the hot stove...twice...anyway, if things go like they did before I should be over the worst of it in about 10 more days. In the meantime, 2021 quitters UNITE!!! Form of a...a...shit, i got nothin'.
    3 points
  8. You got it Kris…..each have our own reason or reasons. Many give their own reason for not quitting is they don’t care about their own health but no one starts out smoking for the sole reason to destroy their health, it’s a common misconception for a reason to continue smoking……it’s due to the addiction.
    3 points
  9. @Bassman Thank you for sharing this story. You have given us proof positive that we doing this for the right reasons. It is not just about our health but also the other people in our lives. It will help so many give up smoking and giving others the encouragement to save their life.
    3 points
  10. Just putting the lid back on the tin of Christmas chocs ……….for the 10th time…
    3 points
  11. Sitting on my butt and watching the snow coming down!! Being bored and its cold!!
    3 points
  12. 3 points
  13. Thought I would start a thread to share how my holiday has gone so far and in the hopes others will share too! Had a bit of a rough week leading up to Christmas-a work thing that brought up all the old triggers. The craving returned although it was but a mere shadow of its former self. I stayed close to QT and my AA group. Ironically (or maybe not so much), the "issue" relieved itself within about 36 hours. Oh I am not saying its "resolved." I just don't have the same attachment to it, the attachment which made it reasonable, in my junkie mind, to smoke. As a reliever don't you know. Not "relieving" the issue with a smoke actually relieved it faster methinks. So there is that wonderful realization. I grabbed the Christmas Eve shift at the shelter so the other night managers could enjoy their families. A client showed up, schizophrenic but in surprisingly good shape. Reeking of cigarettes which is pretty much the norm with the folks who walk through that door. I fixed her some tea and tucked her in with snacks. A restless night ensued with random thoughts as I listened to her snore like a choo-choo train. Wondered if I snored like that when I was smoking. Or (horrors!) do I still snore like that? Woke up after a few hours and started mopping the floors. Made the client a cup of coffee which I delivered to her as she was outside smoking. I was so grateful that I didn't have to light up. So grateful I didn't WANT to light up. This good feeling has continued and I am pretty shocked not to be suffering from holiday smoking triggers. I should be but they just aren't there. I have no idea why; I am just going with it. The thoughts of smoking are still with me and there is always the fear that something will catch me unawares which finds me at the Shell (gas) station. Keeps me on my toes; keeps me showing up here multiple times a day to check in. Thanks to everyone on the QT for sharing the magic with me. Love and blessings to all. K
    3 points
  14. Sal ... You are on oxygen .smoking is usually forbidden if you need to use it .... It's dangerous.... Please read all the pinned posts on our Main Smoking Discussion Board...if you have ..then read them again . You have to ask yourself one question .... Do I want to be a smoker ...or not .... We can only give you the tools to work with ...it has to be your choice and work to make it happen ... If you need to come here after just going a hour without ...you need to plan how you are going to get through the craves ... Sal we haven't give up on you ....but you need to do the same ...
    3 points
  15. Congratulations to all who stayed the course over the holiday. For those who slipped up congratulations for staying on the train. No matter what happens stay on the train. You need to be here, and we want you here. Good things happen on the train so face forward and lets all ride into the new year smoke free.
    3 points
  16. @Gus so glad to hear you are getting back to normal this evening. I'd like to second that thankfulness for all us newbs making it through. I did struggle a bit but I know mine were all self inflicted wounds. Here's some kudos for you, Kel and Kris.
    3 points
  17. @Gus I am so sorry it was so rough for you. I feel the same way. I have found I would just rather be home alone. I just don't have the strength to pretend anymore. Everyone finally gets it and I am given a pass to come and go at will.
    3 points
  18. I did not have any craves to do deal with over the Christmas holiday. As I’ve mentioned before though, my anxiety issues are worse than when I smoked. So Christmas Eve and Day are the worst two days of the year for me and they were particularly rough this year. I found myself horribly and unceasingly anxious and it has carried over into today, although not as rough. I was super tense and it was hard for me to maintain my ‘ain’t life grand’ facade. Anyway, this evening I’m pretty much back to my normal self. I’m thankful that as far as I can tell none of us newbies lost our quit this past weekend. Y’all be sure to remain vigilant this upcoming weekend though.
    3 points
  19. Cravings were tough today, but instead of smoking I rewarded myself with this big badass bowl of Greek yogurt. what did you do instead of smoking today?
    2 points
  20. @BAT, Opah is off hunting wild pigs, he said he would be back at the new year.
    2 points
  21. Thank you for sharing. It helps us newbies keep on keeping on. Blessings to you and your family.
    2 points
  22. @BAT I am glad the test was negative but you should stay in the Bat cave for a few days to make sure you are okay!
    2 points
  23. Thanks jillar, my daughter is aware of the help available but says she needs to do this on her own. I will support her on that though this support community would be a good asset for her. I hope she’ll change her mind if needed…..Bassman
    2 points
  24. Congratulations on 4 MONTHS!! That's fantastic!!!
    2 points
  25. @Sal So glad you came back to the board, we really want to help, You need to tell us about your struggle so we can help you. Quiting is different for everyone. The people here are my salvation, they let me know I could do it and gave me tools and support everyday. They can help you too!!
    2 points
  26. Glad your family members are getting better @BAT. I agree that we will probably need yearly shots along with our flu shot. Hopefully they can figure a shot out that doesn't have to be kept so cold as currently my Dr won't carry the Covid vaccine because of that
    2 points
  27. No we haven't gave up on you and don't give up on yourself!! Take your seat on the train and keep going!!
    2 points
  28. I am sorry you have family that contracted the virus. I think you are right, it will be another thing that will have to do yearly or more often than that. For many it will mean a more restricted life for sometime in the future.
    2 points
  29. @Kris when you pull it up online to listen to it, just highlight the url, then right click it. then click copy. then come over here and right click in the box where you type messages and then click paste. it will automatically embed for you and then click submit. then your done. let me know if that makes sense. I've not done any tech support since the early 2000's. LOL
    2 points
  30. @Kris this the right one?
    2 points
  31. @KEL so good to read that your cravings are lessening. keep winning.
    2 points
  32. You guys are doing great and now that you got your first Christmas over with, next year will be so much easier
    2 points
  33. It has been very quiet here. Family did not gather because of the new variant. Did have some cravings but none that brought me to my knees. When I start getting a craving I just log on and see how everyone else is doing until it passes.The only thing I want is some cold winter weather. If I had a pool I could be out there starting a suntan.
    2 points
  34. 1 point
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QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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