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6 points
NOPE Every NOPE in the pledge counts. I look forward each day to seeing @cbDave's photos and the people who are once again, making the pledge.5 points
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I think I've done it all! Cigarette stuck to the lips while smoking an unfiltered one...ouch! Lighting the filter end...ugh! Being out somewhere and lighting up ... then placing lit cig in an ashtray...and lighting up a second one! Dropping a lit cig in car while driving....and it rolls under the seat...had to pull over quick for that one! Burn holes in sweaters and jackets...and car mats and seats. How about taking a sip from that soda can while at an outdoor party and whoa! You forgot you were using it as an ashtray ... NASTY!!! One of my uncles once set his car on fire after a night out....on his way home, he threw a lit cig out the driver's window and didn't realize it blew back inside onto the back seat! Parked his car in his driveway and went inside to bed. A neighbor noticed the flames and called fire dept. Car was totaled. He was lucky the gas tank didn't explode and his house didn't burn to the ground!! When I was a kid, my father fell asleep with a lit cig in his hand and set the living room couch on fire ... my bedroom was upstairs and I was dreaming that I was running after a city bus and was choking from the exhaust fumes ... lucky for my family that I woke up, saw lots of smoke in my room and ran downstairs and saw a huge plume of toxic smoke pouring out of the cushion (it was going straight up the stairs!) I was able to wake up my Dad and we dragged that flaming/smoking couch cushion outside and soaked it with the hose. Dad never smoked in the living room again!4 points
@LindaI have always struggled during the holidays. However, what I have found that makes it easier to get through is to be of service to others. The time of year is such a set-up, dominated by western consumerism with the (implicit) judgment that if we don't have the Hallmark family, we are somehow losers. Its easy to get caught up in the past, the "good old days." And aging is really difficult as we lose people we love along the journey. BUT we have quit smoking which is such a gift. I find it takes practice to remain in a good frame of mind. But its that same diligence that allows us to be free of the prison of smoking. Sending good vibes your way....K3 points
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No time for shame when you focus on the gains It helps to picked a solid (positive) reason for wanting to quit and go back to that thought/feeling/commitment every time things get jittery. It helps pull you though the wave. Glad you're here!3 points
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Don't over think .... The holiday is a few days ...turn all negative thoughts....to positive ones ..... There is no reason on earth to throw your precious Quits away .....none ... I haven't seen my daughter for two years ....I would love that hug .... But I know it will come ,when the time is right .... KTQ.....3 points
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Ol' yoda is back to give y'all another bedtime story tonight. I've been trying to keep my mind clear of smoking thoughts which has been going ok but this whole weight gain thing is getting out of control. I've monitored my intake for the last week and it really isn't that much different from when I smoked, however, if I even think about eating anything I love like potatoes pasta bread or sweets I put 5 pounds on. I had gotten my weight down a little bit but this past week I put 12 pounds back on for a total of 35 pounds gained in the last 100 days. So to anybody that says you won't gain but a few pounds quitting smoking I say **** You in the most sincere meaning of the phrase. Did I get a benefit from smoking? Yes, yes I did. It kept me from being a ******* fat slobby bastard. Unfortunately, it's not worth emphysema so I've got find a work around and fast or I'm gonna have to ditch all my pants and wrap a shower curtain around my ass. Anyhow, tomorrow morning at around 8 30 will mark the end of my 100th day without smoking. It's been an up and down fight with symptoms of quitting going from bad to tolerable to bad to worse. The cravings aren't so bad now I don't think but the weight gain, constant bloating and constipation and only getting about 2 decent nights of sleep a week is getting old quick and there don't seem to be any relief in sight. I do want to thank all of you who have offered solutions to the issues i've bitched about in the past and honestly, for beating the cravings you guys absolutely rock...but these digestive issues are proving to be quite the challenge. So what to do. Here is the plan for now. Not smoking at any and all costs is bringing diminishing returns as far as health goes so that is going to have to share the podium with getting my gut health back up to par. Now I know what you guys are thinking, Ol' yoda is setting up a great excuse to hop off the train. Quite the contrary...Ol' yoda is working out a way to stay on the train and get back to a comfortable weight so I can continue to work toward optimum health...or is that optimal health...I don't know...maybe somebody can give help me with that, but whatever, I didn't go through the hell of quitting smoking just so I can turn into a ball of sweaty rotting lard that can't enjoy life cause I'm to goddamned fat to get off the couch. But the devil is in the details and so far I've not provided any so here goes. You guys have NOPE...I'm gonna have to add NOTE and NOSE. Not One Taste Ever and Not One Sip Ever. But wait, you can't stop eating and drinking ya daft twat. And that is true but I can stop eating and drinking the things that cause me problems. The deeper I go into this the more I believe that I'm addicted to certain foods, especially sugar. So if that is an addiction that can cause health problems on the same level as smoking then why wouldn't I quit that as well. I would and should so sugar is off the table...along with bread, pasta, potatoes, chips any kind of snack food and especially sodas. If you are one of those people that don't need to take such drastic measures then I am happy for you. I, on the other hand am not one of those people. I can gain 3 pounds just seeing a bottle of Mtn Dew so imagine how ****** I am when actually drink it. So the challenge gets bigger. 2 addictions at the same time. It took 100 days to put on 35 pounds how long will it take to get rid of it? time will tell. You guys and gals have a great night and wonderful weekend. I wish all of you the very best life has to offer because you all deserve it. Peace3 points
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@Doreensfreei'm not anywhere near giving in to smoking just yet. a lot of me coming here and bitching is to help keep me stable in my real world. I'm not lying or embellishing my reactions to the quit but having a place to vent where people have the option to just completely ignore me is a great outlet. and then having some positive feedback to my negativity is a great offset. the journey continues and thanks for the encouragement.2 points
It does. However, doesn't seem to be any way around it for anyone. Sending good wishes, positive vibes and love to you ladies.2 points
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@KEL Very wise words!!! That is true, not everyone has that Hallmark Family. The holidays are hard for a lot of people!! You are also right about helping others always makes one feel better. Thank you for the support!!2 points
Aww Yoda .... Don't get down hearted ...your quit is still in the very early stages ...your body is still in a messed up mode ... When us oldies say quitting is a journey it's because of good folks like yourself ..... All you can do is eat healthy ... excercise every day.... One day ....your weight will stablize....but this can be different for each person .... I feel and hear your frustration.... As Jillar has said ....Don't let this be your reason to smoke again ..... Dying with a smoke related illness is far worse .... Your amazing ....and I look forward to travelling to your freedom with you .... Stay positive ...2 points
@jillaryeah, if I could give you the pounds i would. i always knew it would be more complicated than just quitting smoking.2 points
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Thank you @Doreensfree now I won't have to worry about running out of beer for a couple weeks And for you: New pads: For @d2e8b8:1 point
For me the Holidays are not easy to get through!! They are not as important as they use to be more sadness than joy!!I will really need to guard my quit. It would be very easy for me at this time to give up. Trying to stay positive but finding that difficult now.1 point
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Some songs hold a really special place. I stumbled across this song a few months before my daughter was born. And I found out today that I have a son on the way. Really hits me right in the feels...1 point
G’day Yep I remember that. And when the cig butt got stuck to your lip you continued to try and take the cig from your mouth and the glowing cherry burnt between your fingers. Ouch. Then it dropped on your lap. You jumped up And brushed it off real quick in a cloud of sparks. Then jumped around marking sure you weren’t setting something else alight. Crap! There’s a smouldering bit burning on your shorts. Spit on you finger and use that that to put it out. O well that’s my excitement for the day. Where was I … yes better light another smoke to make up for that 1/2 finished one and that will calm my nerves. Yep that addict, that was me1 point
I had several pieces of clothing that had burn holes in them!! Did it piss me off, oh yeah but not enough to make me stop!! Also some burned lips and fingers. I guess we addicts were into Self abuse! How crazy1 point
What about the blistered lip...when that dam ciggerette stuck to it ... Oh yaa....I remember that pain... Anyone else .... ciggerette self harm ????1 point
I nearly lost an eyebrow one time. All hunched over, trying to light one up on a windy day. Everybody talks about the heart and lung issues caused by smoking. The threat of self-immolation doesn't get as much attention.1 point
G’day Just a thought. Smoked outside it seams forever but I never had to go out in the cold and snow! Wow how cold could it be just to get that last lung buster in late at night. I would have been that smoker ha ha but not anymore. Freedom to stay inside in the warmth freedom from the cravings …. Doesn’t get any better does it1 point
@jillarthere in lies the problem I face. If I focus solely on quitting the cigs and indulging in everything else then the problems of bloating and weight gain get so severe I can't move. I'm beginning to believe that smoking masked a lot of food addictions/reactions and I may have backed myself into a corner where I have to fight all of it at the same time. I'll give the little peppermint puffs a try and see how I react to them. I'm definitely drinking enough water but fruit juice is something I haven't been able to tolerate in years. It will be interesting to see how things progress. In the meantime, know that I appreciate you and Kris and Linda and Gus chiming in and supporting me through a rough patch. I love you all for that and can't thank you guys enough. May you all be richly blessed.1 point
#truth I’ve lived my whole life by this rule. A shame that I didn’t see any issue with smoking. I was still able to remain active. I have always been in great shape and I’ve maintained the same weight for at least 30 years. I could still play sports and run. Smoking wasn’t a problem for me. Until I couldn’t bear the smell anymore. Until I started watching my sister’s health decline so drastically and now she has COPD among other major issues. Until I quit. Until I was forced to admit that ‘I’ am an addict. Then it was a problem. But it was always a problem. I just refused to see it as such. I honestly would just deal with the withdrawals from smoking first and then when you are comfortable with that you can start the dietary changes. A whole lot of walking, water, and cold cranberry juice worked wonders for me during my initial quit and from all that I have read on here they did the same for a whole lot of other people too. You are doing great on keeping your quit!1 point
@Opah Sorry but in Texas, that would be grounds for a lawsuit. The only way you would not be paid for a holiday is if you called in sick the day before or after the said holiday. If you were sick, you could provide a Doctors verification you were ill. They can not give everyone else a day off with pay for Thanksgiving. Here if you had to work the holiday you either get double pay or a day off at your discretion. Sounds like a bunch of crap. Did you sign anything that you accept this or have a union that did. If not I would be contacting the labor board in your state. K1 point
Hey darlin', Congratulations and thank you for blazing a trail for me to follow. Hope you are well and fine. S1 point
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Congratulations on your awesome quit!!! You show us it can be done!!!1 point
Congrats, Babs! You are an inspiration to those of us who are still celebrating by the month….1 point
9 years! I remember when you started babs. Like Sarge, Johnny 5. I knew you and others would kTQ. 10 years for Sarge and johnny 5 soon and christobal. Top stuff.1 point
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