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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/01/21 in all areas
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I usually check in yearly to see the amount of LIFE and money I have saved. Went to Quitnet and it was gone. I was sad. I did some surfing about, and I found you all. Today is 19 years!! WOW5 points
Trying to be positive and boy with all the craziness going on in the world today this month has been difficult!!. The best part is I'm not smoking!!5 points
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Not to take away from everyones commitment and enthusiasm, including my own, but so that no one gets confused-Today is Wednesday. At least on my calendar! Wishing everyone a Happy and smoke-free December!5 points
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@KEL i love those times when my mind is free. the only problem is that I never realize it until it's over. i still have to think about not thinking about the thing i don't want to think about which is really just me thinking about it. but i'm learning to love the process.4 points
In the last few days, I have gone hours at a time not thinking about smoking or about not smoking. I can't wait until it is days at a time!4 points
I’m busy sewing Christmas cards , and getting decorations out ready for the weekend, going to put my tree up then. I love all the lights at Christmas, heck I love fairy lights all year round3 points
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I've posted this song every December since joining the forum. The streak continues...3 points
That has got to feel really good. Congratulations and thank you for the inspiration!3 points
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@intoxicated yodaand therein lies the rub! The big brain that goes round and round which is what got us into trouble in the first place.3 points
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Thank for you imbuing this site with such great quit energy and showing us how its done.2 points
So true and it will happen without you even noticing at first. You’ll be like, “Whoa!!! I just went all day without thinking about smoking or even quitting smoking.” FREEDOM!!!!2 points
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Well said Chris, couldn't agree with you more! @KEL, we're stoked to have you here and being so active. That's how successful quits are made and I have no doubt you will succeed2 points
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Enjoying the start of the Christmas season. The house is lit up. The tree is up and decorated. Wreaths, stockings, and various other Christmastime themed items have been strategically placed throughout the house. Santa Claus has been renamed "ho-ho" by my daughter. Watched Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer earlier; Maddie makes roaring noises when King Moonracer comes on. Christmastime is on here at Boo Acres.2 points
OPAH over a year now and you still letting Nic challenge you. Remember Physical addiction is gone all the Nic receptors are gone! So it is all in your Mind now, Be the mental magnificent you are and tell Nic to hit the road, beat feet, Don't let the door hit him on the ass on his way out. You have the control, you are in charge. Get up and get busy, If you do not have your hard candies, go get a ding dong and a pop. By the way we really need to avoid the real sugars Bud, but for the now it is OK. Lets do what you need to do, I am here for you, we shatter the silence with our words and our thoughts, Nic has nothing on us, we are in command, send Nic walking off of the POOP deck and give him a big long flush. We are free of Nic now act like it.1 point
That crutch as you call it, is what is holding you down and holding you back. It isnt a crutch instead it is a ball and chain in the deep end of the swimming pool.1 point
Great post @Doreensfree, I stumbled upon my first forum from googling the quit symptoms I was having and each one led me to my first forum QSMB where I lurked for about three weeks before that one post stood out so much that I registered to thank that individual. And I'm so glad I did because I truly believe that it was through the support and understanding of others who had or were walking the same path to freedom that I'm over five years free now1 point
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