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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/10/21 in all areas
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Congratulations @Katgirl on a half year smoke free! That's GREAT!5 points
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First non-parent gig... Guns N Roses.. supported by Skid Row and Rose Tattoo 1993 at Calder Park...omg security frickin confiscated our block out, I still have faint scaring on my nose from the sunburn...Skid Row stole the fricken show. Followed up a month later with Jimmy Barnes at the Torquay Footy Ground...supported by Kings of the Sun and The Screaming Jets.3 points
Yesterdee was 2 up Tuesdee and I missed me double post... in my opinion this is the greatest band Australia produced and chances are you've never heard if them....3 points
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Sorry you are feeling bad and are stuck (no pun intended) at the hospital. I will say you don't need to worry about smoking right now. One, you feel bad, the heart does not need any outside influence. Two, last time I was there, you can't get a smoke not even outside or they will set the dogs on you LOL K2 points
@Linda, hopefully the uncontrolled AFIB caused your chest pain and you'll be able to go home with it now controlled2 points
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Saw where the cancel clan is trying to memory hole this old classic. Meaning the appropriate response is to turn it up as loud as it will go.2 points
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@jillar @Katgirland @Kris Thanks for the concern and kind words!! Finally they let me go and I am doing fine now1 point
Dang, still there @Linda? Was the ER that busy or are they still waiting on test results? Either way, it sucks. But I am glad you're far enough into your quit to slap that crave to the curb!1 point
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Day 7 of not smoking. Busy weekend volunteering at the local disc golf course. I don't even play disc golf.1 point
Here are some of my favorite Australian rock bands of the 60s and 70s. Starting with the Strangers.1 point
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The Mersey Sound ... Gerry and the Pacemakers..... Mersey beats.... I Remember seeing The Walker Brothers....I Had the Hots for that Scott...1 point
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