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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/25/21 in all areas
5 points
Thanks everyone!!! Very happy to be at 1 month. This seemed like a mountain to climb in the beginning. You all have helped a lot. Thanks again.5 points
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We now return to your scheduled program. We apologize for the disruption. It was only a crazy woman screaming for a cigarette. Please proceed with your day! K3 points
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It gets easier, every day, just doesn't seem it at the time. The thing is we aren't bullshitting about it, cos if we were it's not like you wouldn't work it out eventually...it's all true, it gets easier, it becomes not even a passing thought....how do I know, because I'm living the dream. So here's my take, nicotine reprograms your brain, for fricking years, your conscience knows you have quit, you intelligence is screaming we made the decision why are we still craving this crap....but those nicotine receptors in your brain took a long time to get wired....you have to give them a bit of time to get rewired...until then they will from time to time rear their ugly head and manipulate your thinking and emotions to get the hit they need. But it gets easier.... those shit times get further and further apart until voila....no more smoking thoughts... And thing is you will stop one day and think, I can't remember the last time I thought hmm I'd really like a gasper. Did you smoke, NOPE, so don't be so hard on yourself, you're not wading through a river of shit, you're holding your head high in victory while you sit on the beach at Zihuatanejo.2 points
Sorry you had a sucky day of cravings @intoxicated yoda, my first months were just as hard but I held on to the words of all those who went before me and told me it wouldn't be like that forever and they were right That nicodemon is trying everything it can to win you back because it knows you're not backing down to it! You got this and tomorrow you're two months free so you really need to treat yourself to something just for you because you deserve it2 points
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Congratulations @JustSomeGuy! One month is a big reason to celebrate!! KTQ growing!!2 points
Congrats, @JustSomeGuy! 1st month done and dusted! Feels good doesn't it? Celebrate and KTQ!2 points
Congratulations on this great accomplishment. You have just moved a step closer to a happier and healthier life. Don't forget to reward yourself.2 points
Congratulations @JustSomeGuy one month down onward and upward!!!!2 points
Congratulations on your one month quit, @JustSomeGuy! You are doing great!2 points
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Congratulations on 1 month @JustSomeGuy. Great accomplishment.2 points
cpk Quit Date: 02/04/2015 Posted May 17, 2015 · IP It has taken me awhile to figure out that the anxiety I have been experiencing since week 6 of my quit (now in week 15) is not directly related to quitting. Not smoking is the peaceful part of my life. The anxiety was there before I quit. I probably used smoking to try to keep the anxiety in check. I don't recall having "anxiety attacks" when I smoked. I have opted to use natural supplements, which are helping. This weekend I picked up a workbook on using DBT (Dialectical Behavior Therapy) to quell anxiety through cognitive and emotional restructuring --- that is, simply put, training my mind to not be anxious. I need to reprogram the software in my brain. I had gotten in the habit of being anxious. I now need to learn how to do life in a new way. I know that people sometimes relapse because they find they are more anxious not smoking and feel they can't cope. They think it is because they miss smoking. This was me in the past, before I joined QT and got educated. I never even considered that my anxiety had nothing to do with quitting smoking. I used smoking to try to calm myself, but that probably made everything worse! I certainly felt like a physical wreck, and it's pretty hard to cope when you have smoking related headaches, respiratory distress, fatigue and a host of other physical problems. Now I have none of these physical problems. The good people on this site prodded me a bit to look closer, and to observe what was going on with my life. That is the beauty of QT...that quitters know the journey of self-discovery takes time and patience. (I especially remember Tracey suggesting this in a very gentle way.) I was a little bummed out to realize this state of being anxious was something lurking beneath my smoking addiction. However, accepting that this is something I have to work on is far better than endlessly relapsing, which is very bad for self confidence. Strength to strength. I think I read that somewhere on this site. That's how I see the non smoking journey. Moving forward, growing, and evolving. Saying n.o.p.e. is the first step. Lurkers who may be reading this...there is great HOPE --- and the promise that you will never again have to experience a disappointing relapse. I know I was like many...feeling scared to try to quit again, just thinking it would end in relapse. There is a way...to never, never, never relapse again, and to forever embrace the freedom of not smoking. The way can be found right here, right now, on QT. QT helped me to see I never again have to think about relapse because I have the skills now to be a nonsmoker for life. I have freedom from smoking forever Link to original post: https://www.quittrain.com/topic/5348-anxiety-antidote/1 point
1 point
That's about it... although I'm driving the keyboard to schedule the repos. Naughty people wanna hire the dunnies but don't wanna pay the bills....they a get a warning or 2...then we come take the dunny back, and hope there's noone still in it.1 point
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@Opah that is so true, it is sometimes hard to let those negative thoughts out weigh the blessings!!1 point
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Congratulations on your last first month of not smoking, Guy!1 point
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Guess you had better MOOOOOOOve it over and avoid the flying objects that have hurled in your direction. Applogize and tell her you have been BAAAAAAAAD.1 point
There is no need to ever include talk of animal husbandry in a conversation with a pregnant woman...ever! The better half is pregnant with our second child. Childbirth is not surprisingly a topic of conversation that comes up from time-to-time. We were discussing specifically the birth of our second child, then, as I've been known to do, I let my thoughts turn to various associations which change the nature of the conversation. Long story short...I dropped a bit of farm knowledge and said: "unless the calf breeched, the heifer would just plop it right out and start licking the amniotic fluid off of it." For the record: I understand that human birthing is more complicated and I sure as hell was not comparing the lovely and talented Sugar Britches to a cow. Also in my defense: I have more experience with calving than I do with human birthing. I really should have learned my lesson. When we found out we were pregnant the first time, I told Sugar Britches: "from the moment I laid eyes on you, I knew you were good breeding stock." I was joking. She wasn't laughing.1 point
Whoever told you that probably never got addicted to nicotine. My whole first year sucked too intoxicated Yoda so I know how you're feeling so I hope you believe me when I tell you to hang in there because it WILL and it DOES get so much better. I also am a big fan of writing all you're feeling down. Every month I would read my old posts just so I could see how far I'd come and I wouldn't forget where I came from.1 point
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There was something in the air that night, the stars were bright... Guilty pleasure or not, when that chorus kicks in I'm belting it out...much to the chagrin of everyone within earshot.1 point
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