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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/21/21 in all areas
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Ace, thanks that means a lot from you. I was a swimmer all my life. Have a letter jacket to prove it. Was a lifeguard at one time. Loved swimming but it slowly left my life as an adult. I am looking to bring it back because I know the joy of it. I have located a pool nearby but I am still unsure of the safety of being around others with the new delta variant. I would need to start with slow freestyle workouts and kick board strength training. I do not know if flip turns would ever be in the future at this age but you never know until you try. I would not even attempt the butterfly. K3 points
For all you addicts out there that racked up another day of going smokeless, congratulations. You have my love, respect and support. If you stumbled today you have my love, respect and support. And if you get back on the train tomorrow I bow to the strength of your resolve. Where ever you are be of good cheer, for it may be true that misery loves company, it's also true that the company can't get away from the miserable fast enough. Have a great night all. Stay strong and stay free.3 points
Thanks to all of you for the kind words and encouragement. I know it should be a special day. I have just been struggling a little so I have been busy keeping my self occupied. All the mindless things, cleaning the toilets, putting up new shower liners in the bath. I need to get new bath rugs and the all exciting new toilet bowl seats. I just hate it when I can't do all the things I used to. With the hip replacement it is fine to get down to the floor, I have problems getting back up. Tried to get on the step ladder to dust ceiling fans and change some light bulbs. Well that was a no go. I am pissed I can not do the things I have always done. I have cleaned the kitchen, organized the pantry. Went to a couple of stores to stock up on dog food, diet coke and wine. Second store was food stock up, good ground beef for the freezer, sausage I use in recipes for the freezer. When was the last time you could get Campbells tomato soup 3 cans for a buck. Took up a rug in the den due to my little girl (dog) having accidents the last few days. She is feeling better but I will wait a few days before I put down the new rug. So now you can see, I have been having a hard time here of late. At least I am getting things done. Love and great thanks for all you do for everyone here! K3 points
I love the rain, I just want it get cold here. I love the winter now that I am older. You get to snuggle in, eat soup. read a lot of books and put all the warm and soft things on the bed. K2 points
No Ace, I am not a twin but wish I had one. I loved to swim so much that I had the green chlorine look to my hair as a child, as I became a teenager I wore a swim cap in the pool for workouts and nothing in the lake. I tended to go blond of some sort in the summers at the lake. That was my biggest swim across a lake. I think it was about 3 miles, that was a long time ago. We swam miles in the pool at high school. I had to be at school at 6AM for workouts that lasted for 2 hours. Then we had the normal 1 hour class workout the last hour of school. I never though of it as hard, I just wanted to be in the water. I look back now and wonder how I did that. K2 points
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We were all swimmers once. Actually we represent the strongest swimmer in the group, unless you're a twin2 points
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Congratulations on four months down! You're doing it, Kris, and not letting anything life throws at you get in the way. Keep moving forward and things will continue to improve, day by day.2 points
Congratulations Kris, this is a great start to your forever quit. You got this.2 points
Congrats Kris I know this has not been easy but you have endured and it shows your strength. The hardest part is over, but this is a long haul dont get too comfortable. We are all addicts we just don't use anymore. Ace is proud of you!!2 points
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Hey Tara! I’m 7 months into my one and only quit. I absolutely know without a doubt that I would not survive another quit. It’s the reason I will never smoke again. I just can’t. Keep your quit. At all costs. It truly will be worth it if you do. It gets so much easier, in time. I promise you that it does!2 points
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I just spent 15 min typing about the cravings I've been having today because it is such a nice cool, breezy day which is the type of day I would really enjoy hiking and a smoke. Deleted it all because it was rambling and I got through the craving anyway. Point is, if you are having a difficult time, get on here and type. Whether you keep what you type or delete it, just the act of typing can be enough to get you through a craving.1 point
Thanks for the info. and the conversation. this always seems to be a tough part of the day. maybe that will help me sleep1 point
Whoever told you that probably never got addicted to nicotine. My whole first year sucked too intoxicated Yoda so I know how you're feeling so I hope you believe me when I tell you to hang in there because it WILL and it DOES get so much better. I also am a big fan of writing all you're feeling down. Every month I would read my old posts just so I could see how far I'd come and I wouldn't forget where I came from.1 point
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@Gus, I don't like winter either or being cold period BUT I do love a rainy day or three. We just NEVER get rain here. In fact, I have all these rainy day projects but am too busy looking out the window at it when it does come to get them done lol1 point
I can’t stand wintertime and cloudy/rainy days depress me. Sunshine and warmth are my cure alls.1 point
I hope I'm not jinxing it but they're calling for possibly 3/4" of rain here Sunday night into Monday. FINALLY!!!!1 point
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Sorry to hear that. With the back, it may be better to take some time and let it heal properly. How did you hurt it? Just bent down ...the wrong way ....It's alot better now ...done my fast paced mile today Thank you for asking1 point
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the breathing exercise I do 2 parts: 1st part...take 3 long slow deep breaths and on the 3rd breath hold it for as long as you can. Ideally you want try to hold it long enough that it takes 15 or seconds to fully recover. once you recovered fully do 2nd part...place the palms of you hands together chest high so you can isometrically press them together. Again, take 3 long slow deep breaths and on the 3rd exhale, completely empty your lungs and press your palms together as hard as you can and hold your breath with the lungs empty for as long as possible. Ideally when you inhale you want to have held it long enough it makes you gasp for air. I just kind of dove into this but it might make sense to ease yourself into these and see how you react. 40% of the time it works everytime for killing cravings1 point
Here you go tara: https://www.quittrain.com/topic/15042-creating-a-ticker/ That's what helped me not relapse, the simple fact of not going through the misery again! You're doing great Tara1 point
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It takes time @intoxicated yoda, but you'll get there. You're doing great!1 point
@RozukiSo glad to hear you have recovered from those things. It's good to have people like you around to look to for the required endurance on the trip. I really dig that smokebusters graphic in your signature. Can't wait until i ain't afraid of no smokes myself. hahaha @jillari thought i had but i guess i didn't click one of the required buttons or something since it hasn't shown up. That is a good idea for the motivation.1 point
@Rozuki 40 years is about how long i smoked. had about a 4 year break in my late 20's and a few failed quit attempts in my 30's and 40's. Now i'm in my late 50's and i feel like i've dodged all the bullets and land mines humanly possible. How is that health issue now? Are you recovered or on the mend?1 point
Good for you for fighting through the craving. Cravings do go away. As you know, there is no such thing as a perfect day/time etc. for a smoke. I attempted to quit smoking the first time about 15 years ago and used the excuse of a nice spring day as a reason to smoke one or two. No big deal, I thought. Well, my quit was ruined and I didn't attempt another quit for several years. Nothing good comes from smoking. I'm glad you kept the quit. Keep up the great work.1 point
Congrats, @SecondChanceSailor! Celebrate your achievement and KTQ! PS I found my way to quitting via the online support at QSMB and right after my 1 year anniversary it was shut down...glad I found my way here...1 point
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