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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/12/21 in all areas
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Ok, just because I am thinking about smoking doesn’t mean I want to act on it. Well, I kind of do. It would so darn easy to find an excuse to slip off and buy some. No matter how many times I have been in this very same scenario it’s still equally as difficult. So I am past the first 24 hours….again. I am not trying to squash my cigarette thoughts because that would make it worse. I am merely trying to ride it out. Maybe time to go to the NOPE page. That’s all for now.4 points
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Absolutely brutal Xterra triathlon this morning- good news is I didn't die. Pretty decent swell currently so the swim was interesting. Usually my best discipline but I struggled this morning. After the swim it's about a 1/4 mile run to transition to grab the bike. I had ridden the bike course a few weeks ago so I knew what to expect. Overall the bike went well. Run course was 4 miles, that included a mile long climb up a steep fire road, and an equally steep descend for about 1/2 mile. The last mile was nice slight downhill through a small canyon,. I had a great run despite all my worries I wasn't ready. Overall I finished 5th in my age group which surprised me that I did so well, or the others in my age group did crappy Finish time was 3:13 Time for a beer and a nap4 points
For the most part I’ m ok right now. I’m ok because for the rest of the evening I will be with family and it would be close to impossible to smoke. So I am grateful for family time on Sunday afternoon to keep from smoking. Thank you.4 points
Hi Tara, in the beginning I made endless lists. I listed what I didn’t like about smoking, what I liked about being free from nicotine, I even wrote down my most embarrassing smoking moments. I thought, if it has to be this bad, why not work my way through with everything that I’ve got? It really helped me. Have you found Joel’s Library yet? Many powerful video’s about quitting.4 points
Keep hanging in there Tara! It is hard. It is so very hard, but I promise you that it is so worth it if you do! Every time you ride out a crave you get stronger! In time you will look back and say, “That’s me! I kicked butt!” I wish you all the success in the world at quitting. Stay close and continue to reach out if needed!4 points
Hang in there @Tara smith, you can do it. We're all proof of that. The NOPE thread is a daily thread so you can take it one day at A time. Just for today you promise yourself you won't smoke. I hope you're feeling a little better by now? If not try doing something you normally never smoked while doing. That worked really good for me4 points
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Hang in there Tara, it is hard in the beginning. The good thing is it does get easier!!! Read other people post, stay active and reach out when need to. We have all been where you are. Good luck and fight for your freedom3 points
Tara.... Have you watched the 3 Documentaries .... This will pass some time ....they are very interesting....and was a turning point for me .... Allen Carr the easy way to stop is a great read too....alot of us here have read it .. Try and keep busy ..the only way forward is to fight the Demon ...!!!3 points
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Going to Mars.... Life without cigs was such a new and different experience that I imagined I was on a Mars mission experiencing a whole new different world - one way to live unfulfilled dreams2 points
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When diagnosed as having a stroke (while at work!!)...that did it for me! Lucky I quit when I did because one year later I was having open-heart surgery for a CABGx3 (triple bypass)!2 points
That is such an incredible motivator, Steven! I'm a teacher, too, and when I smoked I felt terrible about its implications for my craft (e.g., students were subjected to my inattention and stink) and for the poor example I felt I was tacitly setting for my learners. I really tried to use that additional motivation in the initial months. Keep up the awesome work, and I hope you'll treat yourself today! C992 points
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Wow, that's impressive Acewhite! While I can swim (in general), I'm terribly inefficient and would never be able to do a tri like that. And I bet that uphill mile was a grind! Awesome-- c991 point
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Ridding myself of that black cloud over my head ...the smokers shame What's your Reason ???1 point
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Thank you everyone. I was busy tutoring at the library again. It was nice to focus on teaching and not worrying about when I could go outside for a cigarette. Also, I'm sure my learner and the staff appreciated me not reeking of smoke anymore.1 point
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