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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/09/21 in all areas
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The realization that Chris just described marked the turning point in my quit. I had pledged to dig in my heels and fight like hell. Then I asked myself: what am I fighting? Cigarettes and cravings, an inanimate object and some passing thoughts. The things I was fighting have as much or as little power as I give them. I knew if I smoked again it wouldn't be because the cigarettes launched an offensive and caught me unprepared. If I smoked again it would be because I made the choice to light up another cigarette. The choice was mine and I had all the power. The day I quit fighting was the day I won the war.5 points
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G’day unlike the schoolyard bully’s it’s not a case of fighting them. You just ignore them. 10 mins mostly of being ignored their strength is sapped and those Evil craving arnt so scary as we used to think. Next time we meet them they are pretty pathetic.... no strength. Dont fight. Don’t give them the strength. Ignore them and strength is taken away from them. You don’t have to be strong or fight big battles.... just ignore them, you’ll be amazed how pathetic they are. Go well stay safe Chris5 points
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Thank you everyone. I was busy tutoring at the library again. It was nice to focus on teaching and not worrying about when I could go outside for a cigarette. Also, I'm sure my learner and the staff appreciated me not reeking of smoke anymore.4 points
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Nope nope nope. Still to this day!!!!! Nopester here just to see all you guys again. You’re still here! Jiller. Gosh so many to of you to recognize at one time! You folks saw me through quitting a 38 year 3 pack a day smoke habit. I could not have done it without you. Four years a non smoker now. I play Pickleball. I ride 36 miles on my bike. I cannot tell you all how great it is to STOP smoking. loved all those cigs I smoked hour after hour. When you guys quit, you are truly into a whole different life than you’ve ever had. please follow the long timers here with their advice. It’s precious. And it doesn’t hurt.4 points
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Still on the train, last one I took was way back in 1963 when my Dad died in the Air Force, taking his body home for burial. I was only 3, feel like he is riding with me to keep me strong. K4 points
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Way to go Steven! Congratulations and remember to reward yourself with anything but a cigarette! Hang in there! It gets easier just you wait and see!3 points
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I think everything ends in the same place at the end. Managed to avoid the upset tummy this time during re-feeding by introduce food slowly with breaks and avoiding the salad. I suspect it's the raw onion but just skipped it all. @Katgirl, thanks for the explanation.3 points
Opah Know how you feel, some days are just crap days, bad that we just can't seem to pull out of it sometimes. Tomorrow is another day, for now just take it easy and think may be better when the sun comes up. K3 points
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Congratulations on another month smoke free @Steven Drojensky. you've got this!2 points
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Congratulations on the big 5, Robbie. Half a year is coming up next!2 points
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I've been incorporating more strongman lifts into my strength training, e.g., Farmer's Walks, Sled Pushes, Sled Pulls, Tire Flips, and most recently Sandbags. This morning I was pressed for time but really wanted to get in a workout. I did a short but hard sandbag workout: SB Get-Ups, SB Overhead Press, SB Over-the-Shoulder Throws, and finished with Heavy SB Carries. The workout only lasted twenty-minutes, but thoroughly kicked my ass. If you're a glutton for punishment on a schedule and you're looking to get strong...I suggest trying a sandbag workout.2 points
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What a lovely post @jillar. Hope it helps someone reach out for help and overcome their addiction. We have all benefitted from that help here in some way. I always thought I could quit anytime (for all of the 40 years I smoked) and actually never could until I joined a forum and found people 'like me' who were going through the same withdrawal process and shared their experiences which of course totally resonated. It's totally cool to share your experiences - we've all been there. I do miss a post that listed the first days and weeks of quitting in a really humorous way - yes, it was funny and was absolutely spot on.2 points
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@Steven Drojensky Congratulations, hope to be joining your success soon, right behind you time wise. If I remember right we would go out for deep dish pizza and beer. You are in Chicago right? K2 points
Amen, Sista! I will never forget the moment I faced the ugly truth of my addiction head on and called myself exactly what I am. A nicotine addict. I wept for hours!2 points
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