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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/16/21 in all areas

  1. So…how many of you are now singing the Violent Femmes? I was just deleting and reviewing apps on my handy dandy device. So many that I don’t use anymore… got to let them go! I came across one that I hadn’t seen in quite sometime. It was buried between useless clutter. This app was once my lifeline. It is a ticker for smoking cessation. Once upon a time I opened it compulsively. How many minutes have I been smoke free? How many cigarettes have I avoided? How much of my lung and heart health has improved? FFS is the Nicodemon’s poison out of me yet? Today I deleted a bunch of apps. I opened my ticker/counter app. My last cigarette was 4 years 324 days ago. I haven’t smoked 35,694 cigarettes. Which means $12,493.19 didn’t go up it smoke. I’m keeping the app on my phone. Just like I’m keeping my quit!! Let your numbers grow! When you add it up- you will beam with pride! L4L
    8 points
  2. Just for today, pledge that you will not smoke. Not one puff, ever..........
    7 points
  3. 4 points
  4. 4 points
  5. Not sure what happened there Stand together slowly
    2 points
  6. Chunky lizard is my bestie jumps
    2 points
  7. lets hope the have a grab bar so the old ladies don't fall down
    2 points
  8. Several lizards on girl's stomach Climb
    2 points
  9. @Kris I am 3 weeks quit today and totally relate to what you said. The minute I feel stressed or agitated in the least, I want to reach for a cig. I am looking forward to no longer thinking I want one when things are tough.
    2 points
  10. Not a SOS but just a want for the thing I thought calmed me, I now know that is not true. I have quit and it has been easier than I thought! Yet I still feel that need which is stupid. I do realize when I have those thoughts that it will pass. Been through such hard s... in my life that I think about and know this is nothing compared to other things I have lived through. We all can do this with support, so I give my thanks to all of you! K
    2 points
  11. 2 points
  12. Isn't it crazy how we never thought of these numbers when we were smoking?! It still amazes me when I see my numbers too. I recommend to anyone who hasn't made a ticker to make one. Its so inspirational to see these numbers grow. We have easy to follow directions for anyone wishing to add one to their signature: https://www.quittrain.com/topic/15042-creating-a-ticker/
    2 points
  13. I took the same trip with Joe!
    2 points
  14. JackiMac Posted March 17, 2015 · IP Nicotine is a monster that comes along and takes you captive, it entices you in with promises of a sweeter life, it promises to give you stress free moments, make you a more sociable likeable person, you want to be slim and look cool, nicotine says it can do that for you, you can be an it girl a man of the moment because you smoke. Errrm hang on a moment let reality have a second to speak to you, nicotine is a chain that wraps itself around you, it enslaves you with its addictive drugs, it pulls you in with it's lies, see all the stress that you think nicotine can solve, only you have control to deal with your stress, learn deep breathing (oh I forgot you can't because smoking has damaged your lungs). You think your an it girl, HA, it girls don't smell of smoke or have a face full of wrinkles and smokers lines, Man of the moment yeah whatever the smoking has dulled your senses, you can't run for that ball anymore. Your not a sociable person, are you really, everyone is looking out at you not wanting to join you but feeling sorry for you because you are a slave to the nicotine. If someone said to you see that cliff over there jump off it, would you? No I didn't think so, why would you answer No, because you are not stupid, are you, your in control of what you do, you know that if you jump of that cliff, you will probably die. So if I offer you a cigarette surely your answer should be the same, No thanks, why would you answer No, because your not stupid, you are in control of what you do, if you carry on smoking you will probably die. If you are a slave to the Nicotine, its time you broke free of the chains, take back control of your destiny, take back control of your life. Begin a new journey, one that leads to better times. The journey will test you at times, but isn't that what we call life, and last time I looked life was for living. Link to original post: https://www.quittrain.com/topic/4800-are-you-a-slave-to-the-nicotine/
    2 points
  15. @jillar, @Linda, and @Kris, I do not own my home. I sold my home in NJ, after Sev died, and invested my money in my youngest son’s music ventures. Basically, I helped produced his 2 jazz albums. He is a very gifted jazz saxophonist. I moved from a very expensive luxury 2 bedroom apt in a larger city, here in CA, to a lovely 2 bedroom garden home, in a 55 and over community, that my same son found for me. I saved $800.00 a month, and was closer to him, before he was restationed to Japan , in the USAF. ( His full-time job is playing Sax in the band) After 4 years here, this house is my home. I know I could find another rental, if something goes wrong, but I love my place, the price is very reasonable, and I have already moved,so many times, throughout my adult life. I just like the security of having my own place. Also, my boyfriend spends tons of money on me. If anyone is taking advantage of the other, financially, it’s me. I gladly accept the $100 bills he hands me, “so I have pocket money”. So, no worries, there. Also, the Catholic in me does not want to make a permanent home with a man to whom I am not married, as crazy as that sounds, given the fact we “sleep together” all the time. My only daughter, who takes her Catechism very seriously, lectures me about it….. That’s always an uncomfortable conversation. My sons are fine with my lifestyle.
    2 points
  16. Single males usually refute farting Boots
    2 points
  17. I had a solid swim considering I haven't raced anything in over 7 years! First few hundred yards my heart rate was high but then I focused on relaxing and had an awesome swim rest of the way. Finished about middle of the pack which I was happy with. Thanks for all the luck!!
    2 points
  18. I told my therapist I used to smoke to have an excuse to be alone. I'm very introverted and my "social batteries" are very limited. I quit smoking years ago. I don't usually think about smoking. I forgot about it. It's just a silly thing I used to do and won't do anymore. Then I came back to my hometown for an important family reunion. A lot of distant cousins are coming over, there are a lot of phone calls and everyone is coming over. I have to cook for a lot of people today. ... Oh geez, I can't believe I want a smoke so bad. So weird to feel like this again. I won't smoke, of course. Just... It's frustrating. Remember to respect yourself, your time, your boundaries. Eat when hungry, sleep when tired, take your time. Understand your triggers and get some chocolate. Cravings go away eventually.
    1 point
  19. have not started a ticker yet, do not want to focus on the numbers. I know my bank account is happy and my kid appreciates this, Momma don't need new shoes but she can give the kid things. I can't it with me but I can spoil when I want to! K Plus I can take Jillar and Linda to a grab bar, bar.
    1 point
  20. 1 point
  21. 1 point
  22. Crap. I hate technology. They call them smart phones but I am not smart enough to use one! I just got a cheap little flip phone for emergencies and can't get the darn thing activated, my son could not do it either.... lord just call me on the home phone/land line. If you see an old lady lying on the side of the road please call 911 K
    1 point
  23. You had me at beach and bar
    1 point
  24. Let's meet up next to the beachfront bar
    1 point
  25. And us gals can meet up next too
    1 point
  26. Goats kicking cowpies, wearing pajamas bslic
    1 point
  27. Maybe Bill, Joe, and Mac need to meet up on the next trip
    1 point
  28. Hi justanotherme! I think it's the addiction, we'll always be the addict (in my opinion). That's why we must always be vigilant. I stay prepared for that monster. There is a reason I spent those years reading, watching videos and constantly educating myself. Supporting others and being supported to keep myself accountable. Understanding the lie is what helps me on those moments when I "want" a cigarette. Glad you came to vent about it. That's part of what this fabulous support group is all about. KTQ
    1 point
  29. The same month that @Jordan7 and Bill took their trip?
    1 point
  30. Please don't tell everyone about the trip that Bill and I took.
    1 point
  31. 1 point
  32. It's been 19 months since I quit nicotine. Wow! I feel great! Hardly ever have any craves....I guess they aren't even cravings but rather 2- second blips of nostalgia when I've had a few beers, followed by the thought that I am so happy to have finally quit for good! I absolutely love the freedom of not having to be outside in the elements just to have a smoke. I simple cherish the reality that I DO NOT HAVE TO smoke! Ah what a blessing! Gosh, quitting was hard! Doing it cold turkey was a MF, but it got me off the addiction quickly. The low-level depression that happened from months 4 to 9 was annoying, but I stuck it out. 9 months and then I was truly good, both physically and emotionally. All said, it was a little hell for 14 days, then a process for a few months, then a steady trudge uphill for the last 5 months. In retrospect, I am certain that the nine months of quitting nicotine work I put in are not only sooo worth it, it turns out it is much less work than maintaining my nicotine addiction for another 30 years. Good riddance!
    1 point
  33. Probably never. I'm pretty sure most long-time smokers and ex-smokers will agree that you'll probably never be ready to quit smoking, until something terrible happens to you or someone you love. If you are new to smoking (or vaping, chewing, whatever), or haven't yet smoked for 20 or 30 years, just go ahead and quit now. Don't wait until you are ready, as that may be too late. Be ready to invest in your future health NOW. It's your future health you will save if you stop smoking now. When you are older, and no longer burdened by the emotional heartache of "growing up", you will be more concerned about preserving your health. You will be so blessed, and so grateful to your younger self, for having stopped smoking before you got sick. You will never be ready to quit smoking, but you can always be ready to make an investment in yourself, and your future, and your future health. Your health is your greatest asset. Preserve it and you keep the gold. Invest in yourself by stopping smoking now. Your future self will thank you!
    1 point
  34. hi! unicorns neigh softly
    1 point
  35. Thank you @jillar! The benefits from quitting smoking that you mentioned are great! And that self discipline comes in handy when fighting that mental game! Much needed pep talk! Thanks again!
    1 point
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QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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