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It's a start and I have a long way to go but today is day 11 of my quit!!! As I face a very busy and happy weekend with family flying and driving in for some family celebrations, I feel a HUGE sense of relief that I don't need to plan/manage smoke breaks around my family time!7 points
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G’day NOPE .....Not One Puff Ever.... (replace Ever with Min,Hour, Day as required)6 points
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NOPE!!! it's been a minute since my last pledge. Great job everyone!! Continue to fight the good fight!!!4 points
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Yay! I just finished my first treadmill workout on my new NordicTrack! Since I have a free year of Ifit, I followed virtual trainers on the first of an 18 part series called “Everest: A trek to base camp.” The preprogrammed workouts somehow remotely control the speed and incline of my treadmill. It was a fairly intense 30 minute workout. The incline makes a big difference from my outside walks. I am pleased with the quality of the NordicTrack. My one gripe is the 7 inch screen. I wish it were bigger, but it has crisp graphics, and works well. I bought what I could afford. Next one up was $500.00 more, or a 50% bump. Besides the 10 inch screen, it had an extra .5 hp and had decline, as well as incline. For my purposes, I chose smartly. I can always stream the workouts on my iPad, if I choose, but I’d rather get used to viewing them on the built in tablet.4 points
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Well I just clocked up four months of not smoking! Feeling pleased with myself as a lot of that time has been spent in strict lockdown...which we are in again at present. It's been tough at times but there have been plenty of rewards. I have heard that many people have gone back to smoking because of the hardships of lockdowns, but I'm doing ok!3 points
G’day NOPE .....Not One Puff Ever.... (replace Ever with Min,Hour, Day as required)3 points
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That's nice @Boo, but she's a little girl and us girls need color, window boxes, definitely a mailbox and possibly an emergency slide (in case of evacuation)3 points
Awww......very nice .... Better get whittling then Boo ... You sure know your way around a plank of wood ...3 points
Hot Damn, I not only get the befit of all of you guys, knowledge, Compassion, Hope and Guidance, I get promotions to ! Look at me Burning up the Ladder of successes and Honors, I bet you if I continue up this ladder it will take me straight to the Ledo deck . This forum and you all just get better and better Newbie Earned March 20, 2018 Rookie Earned June 26 Apprentice Earned June 28 Explorer Earned July 3 Contributor Earned July 3 Enthusiast Earned July 2 o Check these kids out3 points
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You are doing great Mommabear, keep up the positive thinking, it will carry you through. Have a great weekend with your family.3 points
Keep up the great work mammabear! I remember thinking no more smoke breaks and all that went with that. It is a nice feeling so good for you! Enjoy this. The best is yet to come.3 points
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We are just hiking to base camp, which is a 17,000 feet total elevation, over 18 workouts. The hikes are rated as beginner/ intermediate. I am in decent cardiovascular shape, after my Power walking, so I was pleasantly surprised that it wasn’t more difficult than it was. Having said that, I did work up a sweat. I was also pleasantly surprised at the near “Professional Gym quality” of the NordicTrack, considering it’s cost, at $1,000.00.3 points
@Gus, I so want to call you Gus-Gus! Thank you for the encouragement. Sounds like you really stood your ground with your quit and have done a phenomenal job! Congratulations!!! ❤❤3 points
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That is AWESOME @Robbie, congratulations! You are kicking butt! I hope you're still doing something special for yourself to celebrate2 points
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No time for whittling. Breaking out the circular saw and power drill. Power tools and sawdust...that's living! I can do window boxes. The other stuff will have to be post-construction additions...tentative.2 points
That is awesome, @IamMommaBear You are making it through the toughest days. Keep up the great work!2 points
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NOPE Wow, I just looked at the number of cigarettes I didn't smoke and the amount of money I saved. Incredible. And that's with less than a year and a half of being quit.1 point
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