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G’day NOPE .....Not One Puff Ever.... (replace Ever with Min,Hour, Day as required)7 points
@jillar @Linda @johnny5 Thanks so much for responding and for your support. It truly means a lot to me. I know that the first year is difficult according to what I've read on this site. I haven't really gone to many live meetings yet as there are still Covid restrictions down here still. I do tell my smoking friends that I have quit because I know from past experience if I keep it to myself that they will offer my one. I treat it just like alcohol. One is too many and a thousand is never enough. I will get through it. I have to kind of eat more, too. I had a bad week of depression and anxiety and I am eating a little more so my mood will improve. I also started walking a little in the morning because it has been around 90° and really humid lately in the afternoon and evening. I am really determined to keep my quit. I lost a few friends and even my girlfriend Kat to cancer these last few years. I don't want to end up like that. I have been hanging out with Kat's son Sam lately and he just graduated high school and is starting Moorpark College next month. He is glad I don't smell like a cigarette anymore. I am glad, too!7 points
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Had the weirdest dream last night. I was coughing up an unusually large amount of blood and then proceeded to start smoking cigarettes. When I woke up, I was having thoughts of going to buy cigarettes. Now THAT'S addict thinking and quite insane. So, I thought I would check in here and not go to the store. I am almost at 2 months now and really want to keep my quit permanent. I also go to AA and have 5 1/2 years sober, but people there still smoke and you folks understand nicotine dependence better. I also have therapy on the phone in a few minutes, so I will definitely bring it up there, too.6 points
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I still had the occasional smoking dream even past the 1 year mark. I don't think I've had any lately (although it is hard to remember your dreams most of the time). I do believe it is common for quitters to have smoking dreams as smoking was such a part of who we were, physically and psychologically for so long. They can be scary but don't let them worry you. As long as you stay smoke free in the awake world, you are good. I also agree with Jillar regarding the smokers in your AA group. Don't envy them. Most of them would love to have a couple of months smoke free behind them. You are doing great. Keep the quit.6 points
Oh Steven so glad you checked in here before going to buy cigarettes!! You are doing great and do not want to throw away your 2 month quit!! Take some deep breaths, drink some water, eat some candy, chew some gum most of all don't smoke. Congratulations on 5 and half years sober that is a great accomplishment!! Say the serenity prayers and use the 12 steps with your non smoking! So proud of you for coming here first6 points
Good on you for posting @Steven Drojensky, that alone shows you can get past this and save that awesome quit of yours! I'm glad you have a phone appt, that too should help get your mind off the crave. I'm sorry you have to deal with so many smokers at your AA meetings. Instead of looking at it like you're missing out remember they're doing it because they have to not because they want to. I'm sure they would love to not stink of stale smoke. Unfortunately they can't smell how bad it is but you can now, no thanks right?!6 points
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@Steven Drojensky, great to see you post here, this is why this forum exists and how quits are kept. Stay strong.4 points
Great job on the SOS Steven. At first the dreams can be disturbing, after awhile it is just another blip on the road. I still have the occasional dream about smoking and it can unsettle me but when I wake up and realize it was just a dream I am ever so grateful for the quit. I freak out more in the dream than in real life but, again as I awaken I celebrate the quit even more -- it helps me keep grounded and focused so that I never deal with nicotine again. Good going on realizing what was going on and using all the tools available to you!!!4 points
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@Steven Drojensky All of us on the train have your back, that what we are here for to help each other out2 points
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The struggle you're in today is developing the strength you need for tomorrow don't give up2 points
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Sometimes things must crumble before you can see the possibility of something new fan the flames of transformation and allow the old to burn a more powerful you will emerge from the ashes2 points
Update imnotw Our numbers are increasing slowly , but increasing . More things are opening in regard to travel . They say they don't think we are in for a fourth wave . I'm hoping not too . We now have nursing shortages and bed closures . It continues to be a mixed bag of some people wearing masks , others not . People do ask if you are vaccinated , some will only associate with those that are . We must remember vaccinated or not , any of us could be carriers , and any one of us could still get it but those vaccinated just may not get as sick . The stats here are looking good for those who are double dose vaccinated . I am thinking of those in other countries who are still having huge struggles . Lockdowns are no fun but if they are necessary to beat this monster then we can do it ! I was not a stranger to wearing masks before covid or staying home before covid when people were sick but eventually it got to me too . A few weeks break has helped and of course the hair cut . Kris my dear grandma used to have quite a grocery store in her basement . Her and grandpa always had enough food stored for an extra months emergency . Stay safe everyone .,1 point
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@BKP thanks for your response . Wonderfully put . I do want to clarify my quit is not at risk , it's solid , ten years solid . I have to be vigelent tho because of a lesson I learned the hard way . Here at the least we have two people who have given away long term quits because addiction found an open door . I know two 14 year quitters who gave away theirs. How often an occurrence this is , I don't know . More research lol but I've always said I will be open about quitting and my experience so there are no surprises . I also know one lady who got addicted to the internet when she quit smoking . This may worry newbies or it may be helpful with all of you members sharing in this discussion . It opens the door I hope for them to research as well reputable addiction sites for more info and is a distraction while they get over a rough spot or crave . I'm hoping . Quitting was scary for most of us at first as well . We all have different thoughts and experiences I've noticed so what won't help one may help another . Do I have to think about smoking every day ? No . Do I have to work at this every day No . Just my writing ability lol . Not even every year do I get a circumstance that I may think of smoking but I gave away an eight year quit when I thought my quit was solid . I learned from that lesson to appreciate the peace I have but you never know addictions cunning ways. I only think of smoking everyday because I've journaled my experience quitting almost every day in that ten years and I also chose to stay on a quit site to help others while maintaining mine . My brother never thought about smoking after he quit , no support groups , nothing , put them down never talked about them again and moved on . To me it's I think it's quite a rarity in thirty years not to think once of smoking but perhaps not . His and my lifestyles are very very different . His stress level is very different from mine . He is male , I am female , are Quits different for makes and females or higher stress levels hmmmm more research , awareness and education . Thanks BKP for your addition to this post. I'm glad you added that , because after I posted I thought down the road in this post I have to be sure folks don't think there is never an end to smoking . Therecis , and it doesn't take long . I wouldn't trade this peace and freedom for the world . I am in however more stress now than I've ever been in my lifetime and you bet addiction took its chance .... for a second ! Lesson learned ... I don't have to listen past that second and it's become as natural as a flick of the bic lighter to turn it off . It's not a command . I can cope , newcomers can cope . We can all cope without them . Smoking may be an option , it may be an addiction but its a choice we can all have to smoke or take it off the table .1 point
G’day NOPE .....Not One Puff Ever.... (replace Ever with Min,Hour, Day as required)1 point
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If your serious about change you have to go through uncomfortable situations stop trying to skip the process its the only way to grow1 point
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Good Morning, I am watching Boys Town with Spencer Tracy, renews your soul K1 point
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