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G’day NOPE .....Not One Puff Ever.... (replace Ever with Min,Hour, Day as required)8 points
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No one is excempt from this kind of dialogue , it's why quits are lost or given away . I tell my quit like it is so their are no surprises for newcomers . My quit is strong . It's not going anywhere unless I give it a way . I want people to know they can pinpoint addict thinking and trouble before it happens . We can choose to smoke or not . Smoking takes a plan and action . Smoking can be a want or a need or be caused by a trigger that messages old tapes . How we think and act is key to failure or success . You don't have to be a positive thinker that is a term I hated in the beginning because im far from positive but you need to be aware that your emotions and attitude can be a huge factor in your success or failure to keep quit Day to day . Addiction knows you best and can cast a hook in vulnerable times if you aren't able or are unwilling to face the truth . Smoking carved deep pathways and craters in our minds that kept us stuck in addiction . Change in that thinking takes time , even years to undo . Recognize it , change it , act upon it accordingly to save yourself from having to repeat Quits over and over . I indeed smelled smoke yesterday . It prompted this post to hopefully help others . I noticed during lunch yesterday my friend had his package of cigs in his shirt pocket . Funny how they make those 20 packs fit perfectly in the pocket. My dad also kept his pk in his pocket , but back then it was 25s and the shirt pockets were bigger . Big T smarts ., I indeed smelled and saw smoke yesterday for real . It prompted this post and a reminder how old tapes can be so easily triggered . My friend has never smoked in front of me and knows I quit years ago . Now that's a kind and respectful friend He is . I could tell though that he is smoking more .. pethe anxiousness not to visit after lunch was a tell all . To get to home fast or somewhere where he could have the after dinner smoke was obvious to me ( being one who used to do the same .) Those were my old tapes . I was dancing with memories and so grateful I don't smoke anymore . Stay quit .. any thought of smoking is addiction wanting you back . Don't bite .8 points
Yesterday I romanced the thought of smoking . I thought of the present day ( a tough one ) friends passing , seeing another great friend ( another musician friend ) for lunch who sat often in my living room playing his guitar and I singing but he can no longer play music due to Parkinsons . I thought of all the current circumstances in my life , no bed of roses and I smelled smoke ! I even saw cigarettes . I started romancing , seeing a plan , thinking just one wouldn't hurt , quitting was easy and I started to flirt . Funny how that is isn't it . In order to end your relationship with smoking you have to recognize that anything that says in your head to smoke when you are quit is romancing . It is playing with fire and it's addictive behaviour . It's old tapes playing the ol song and dance . Dance with me "Come to me, come to me , I will give you rest . I will give you , I will give you , The very best . Take away your hurt , take away your pain For old times sake . Just one puff Dance With your good old flame . " "Come take my hand , come draw me close Just one puff , maybe two at most Our little secret , no need to boast ." Dance With your good old flame " Abby ------------------------------------------------------ Dont accept the invitation , Keep your quit , Be on your toes . It's easy to get caught up thinking a cigarette is the lesser of evil and see smoking as being the hero. Recognize it for what it is when you are romancing , discern it from addict thinking . At first it will be sneaky then as your quit grows it will be quite obvious and you'll easily be able to dismiss it . Addiction hates rejection . Do what you would do with any bad relationship .... Let it go .7 points
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Good for you, @Abby, recognizing your inner dialogue for what it was: your addiction trying to lure you back. As for your current circumstances, whatever they may be, it is so easy to think, “I am all alone, in my struggles. No one else has it as bad as I do, right now. I deserve a break. A cigarette will help.” That is typical addict thinking. The truth is all of us struggle with something. No one is immune from life’s bumps and bruises. Some of us have suffered unimaginable loss. Some have financial difficulties. Some have chronic mental health issues. We all suffer from something. Try to remember that, when your thoughts stray to “a cigarette would be really nice right now. I deserve one, because of what I am going through.” Continue to ignore the “inner addict” voice in your head. Great post, by the way!4 points
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Soft and subtle, sneaky and cool better watch out for that little bit of drool. whispers3 points
Dealing with a slight flare up of achilles tendinitis. Ever since I tore my left achilles tendon about twenty years ago, this happens from time-to-time. Took yesterday off. Did a gym bro workout this morning. No legs. No conditioning. Just upper body work. I did the bench press, seated overhead presses, and bench rows. Finished up with bicep curls to really complete the whole bro life theme of my workout. If I owned one of those "Suns Out, Guns Out" tank-tops, today would have been a perfect day to wear it.3 points
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There is a lot of community pressure to get vaccinated here I find. People ask each other if they have had it all the time and discuss their experiences with side effects etc. I have only come across one 'anti-vaxer' so far and he will probably find it difficult to get employment without it, down the track. There is some concern about blood clots with the Astra Zeneca but the risks are low compared with the health risk of catching Covid. I don't think I would survive Covid if I caught it as my lungs are damaged from years of smoking. Another good reason to be avoiding smoking....must add that to my list!2 points
Great post Abby! Being able to read posts like this during my initial quit days is what kept me going!!! This post will definitely help a lot of people. Thank you for being so open and honest.2 points
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Damn Girl A good cry is a good Thing, believe it or not I almost leaked watching Fast and Furriest F9 yesterday with my mo. Now I know I am pretty built up inside, I think Ill save the big tears for when I see clearly again august 11th or 12th Happy tears2 points
Great reminder @Abby at how sneaky nicotine tries to be at our most vulnerable times. Good on you for recognizing it for what it is! I'm sorry for the loss of your friend2 points
You've got it now Robbie! Your not allowing smoking to control your life anymore. Getting that first shot is so relieving and worth the small discomfort.2 points
@Robbie, I'm REALLY glad that ice cream is working to kill the craves, strawberry cream sounds delicious We're here and if you get bored come play some games2 points
Have just started another 5 days of strict lockdown statewide. I'm not 'SOS' craving but thinking about smoking again on and off...definitely that old comfort thing again. Also felt like smoking after my Covid vaccination last Wednesday. It's probably because I do all this stuff on my own and it's tough. I was quite anxious about the Covid vax as one person I know was sick after it for four days. Anyway, I've been mostly ok with minimal side effects so far. As for smoking, well it's just a thought that comes and goes....so last night I went and bought ice cream again and ate quite a lot! Ha Ha! Strawberries and cream this time...it seemed to help.2 points
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As a bass player, Dancing Queen is a pop masterpiece of a bass line let alone song. I still enjoy listening to it. Not sure why U-Tube is not letting me paste and copy. I`ve gone back over the years and have listened to live performance`s such as Bee Gee`s "Nights On Broadway" on Midnight Special I think and have been amazed.2 points
I heard this song on a commercial last night. I don't remember what they were trying to sell...good song though.2 points
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Congratulations on your 9th anniversary @babs609, i hope you stop in and tell us how you've been because we miss you around here!1 point
I am about at my one month mark, the physical part is going good, just wish I could turn off my brain. it keeps telling me it is time for a smoke and I just breathe deep and say stop, stop, stop. I leave the house one day a week to do all the errands same day. Then I am in the house in my pj's so I will not go out again. Seems to stop me wanting to go buy the smokes. I know I feel better without but would be more relaxed with. You all have taught me this is a brain thing, I am an addict to something that makes no sense. I just have to retrain my brain and it will go away. Thanks for your support!1 point
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Vaccinated but still afraid of new strains. Still wear a mask when I go out. Don't know for sure how bad the lungs are but I am of an age that I know I need to be careful. Just don't know what the future holds.. Never thought we would face this kind of thing worldwide. Hate to say it but I am afraid of everything. How this will keep increasing the cost of living, groceries, housing and healthcare. I would down size but a one bedroom apartment would cost me more than staying in big house that is paid off. Makes no sense to me. I am ashamed to say I have started to say I am building a stockpile of dried and canned food, just in case. I am going to go look at getting a freezer for meat and produce. Am I the only one thinking of these things. On the brighter side I am saving $300 a month with my quit. Have I lost my mind?1 point
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G’day NOPE .....Not One Puff Ever.... (replace Ever with Min,Hour, Day as required)1 point
I remember how upset I was when the laws were enacted that prohibited smoking in public buildings, including bars and restaurants. They were enacted to protect people from second hand smoke, and the dangers to public health.I hated to have to go outside to smoke, especially in winter. I lived on the east coast at the time, so it was really cold. Of course, there were exceptions to the law. Casinos could have designated smoking areas inside. Why? MONEY! The casinos didn’t want gamblers taking smoke breaks, when they could be losing yet more money at the tables. Industries with deep pockets will always find a way to fulfill their agenda. Greed will always win. Sad, but true. We could try to fight, but have little chance of winning any battles against the Tobacco Companies or the Casinos. We simply don’t have the resources to wage such a fight, even though we know that morally, we are in the right.1 point
If I contracted COVID, I am at high risk for serious complications, too. I have heart issues, so got vaccinated as soon as I could. My cardiologist was instrumental in getting me to quit smoking. He was so sincere and passionate, when he urged me to quit, that I actually took his advice. It took me a couple of weeks to convince myself to comply, but I knew he was right. Smoking doesn’t just affect the lungs. It damages the cardiovascular system, too.1 point
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I was apprehensive about getting vaccinated, but knew it was the right decision, if we have any hope of stopping the pandemic. I wish everyone, who is eligible, would get vaccinated. Statistics are showing that recent deaths are almost all unvaccinated folks. Sadly, politics seems to play a role in choosing not to get vaccinated. Why are some people so effing stupid?1 point
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Doing math work with a grin on my face. Got a call this morning from a man who recently bought a warehouse at auction. There were a bunch of cylinders in there (Oxygen, Acetylene, Argon, Nitrogen). He had no use for them and just wanted them out of the way. Told us if we were willing to pick them up, we could have them free of charge. We picked up over $10,000 dollars worth of cylinders. Even with the retests and new valves, we're still coming out over $8,000 dollars to the good. There is pride in working hard and earning your keep...but that easy money is pretty damn sweet.1 point
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